As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 619 Meeting an acquaintance in the agency city

Chapter 619 Meeting an acquaintance in the agency city

"I think it was luck. Qu Biao was injured at that time, otherwise I wouldn't be sure who would be number one."

"It's a pity that Zhai Biao is already over twenty-five years old, otherwise maybe this time we could have a fight between a male and a female!"

"Looking at it this way, Qi Yu is still more powerful. This time last year, he was only nineteen years old!"

Everyone was silent for a moment...

Nineteen years old, I will be twenty this year, so young.

If this continues, how many years will he rule the power competition?

"Don't mention that the first place in the Fame Competition has been booked. In fact, it's hard to say. The five major colleges will not send out all the talented disciples in the college to participate in the power competition. Moreover, the five major colleges are full of people and sophistication. This year, please sit down and take the first place. One, next year I will take the first place... As long as the top five are taken by them, then anyone can take the first and second positions... I look at Ke Changyuan, Quan Qi and Gu Yanxiang from Mindao College. Zhen Jiarong from Gongqing Academy, Yu Yunguan and Miao Xianglian from Xuanqi Academy, Zhuo Qingjun from Lingxuan Academy, except Qi Yu from Mingxiao Academy, Yin Zuxiang and Feng Chi... can all earn their way to the top!"


There was a buzz of people outside the city, and the city was also extremely lively. The sounds of blades clashing and wild beasts neighing could be seen everywhere.

The second game of the Fame Competition was still held in the Agency City. The 10,000 participating disciples had to face countless agency puppets, but what was different from the rookie competition was that these agency puppets were at least at the first level of spiritual refining. for.

At this time, Jiang Ran was no longer as "arrogant" as he was in the rookie game. Instead, he led Bai Mei and Mo Sheng around and hid.

Coincidentally, Jiang Ran met Zhou Yixiao.

Dressed in light blue clothes, with a face as crystal clear as jade, Zhou Yixiao just stood quietly on the ruins, like flowers and trees reflecting the snow, and the bright moon shining brightly.

Although Jiang Ran was wearing a mask, anyone who was interested could find out her identity. Moreover, Zhou Yixiao was quite familiar with her figure and voice, so she recognized Jiang Ran just by meeting her face to face.

Zhou Yixiao was a little happy to see an acquaintance in this chaotic government city, but she was shy by nature and did not dare to approach him casually and talk to him, so Jiang Ran took the initiative.

"Jiang, Mr. Jiang. I didn't expect to see you here."

Zhou Yixiao was a little stunned, and then a touch of excitement appeared on her face.

Woo hoo hoo, Lord Jiang is so beautiful, generous and kind. He actually took the initiative to say hello to someone like me... What should I do? I'm not very good at talking. What if I make her unhappy... What if Feng Feng doesn't like her at this time? It's better if Chi is here.

While thinking wildly, his eyes passed over Bai Mei, who had blue eyes and blue hair, and Mo Sheng, who had black hair and strange eyes. A trace of obvious surprise flashed in Zhou Yixiao's eyes.

She couldn't tell that Bai Mei was not the prototype, but she came from a family of spirit beast masters and Zhou Yixiao had some discernment. She could tell that Mo Sheng was no ordinary candle hell dog.

Sensing Zhou Yixiao's gaze, Jiang Ran stroked Mo Sheng's back with her fingers and nodded slightly, "I didn't expect you to participate in the power competition, but didn't you represent Mingxiao Academy in this competition? ?”

It turned out that Zhou Yixiao was a disciple of Mingxiao Academy, but Jiang Ran saw that she was not wearing the uniform of the academy, so she asked this question.

Zhou Yixiao was silent for a moment, then felt a little depressed, "Yes... I am participating on behalf of the Purple Spirit Sect."

Jiang Ran didn't know why Zhou Yixiao was born in the Purple Spirit Sect but didn't seem to have a good relationship with this sect.

And if the relationship is not good then why fight over it?

But everyone has their own inability to control themselves, so Jiang Ran didn't ask any more questions.

"Qi Yu and Feng Chi seem to have also participated in this competition. Didn't you see them?"

Zhou Yixiao shook her head, "The city is too big, I didn't meet them."

In the organ city, the sound transmission stone was affected and could not transmit sound. Jiang Ran didn't leave any traces of flowers on the two of them, and of course he couldn't find them.

But Jiang Ran had no intention of looking for them.

No matter how good the relationship between the two is, in this competition of forces, they belong to different forces. In short, they are competitors.

Jiang Ran looked at Zhou Yixiao, "Now that we have met, why don't we take care of each other in this machine city and spend the next few hours?"

This was an unexpected surprise. Zhou Yixiao said with a smile, "Of course it's good."


With Jiang Ran's current strength, it is actually not that difficult for her to become famous in the organization competition, and Zhou Yixiao will join later.

Such a relaxed attitude slapped a wave of people who didn't think highly of her in the face, and also made those who supported her feel proud.

Of course, Jiang Ran didn't know or care about this.

After leaving the city, the schedule for the third round of the Famous Competition was also released. Jiang Ran was the number one player in Group 73, and she was facing the No. 6 player in the same group.

"Group 713... Master, we are being underestimated!" Bai Mei wrinkled her nose severely, her eyes changing color from light to dark, a bit violent and unruly.

Although they are both No. 1, there are still differences between Group 1 and Group 73.

Jiang Ran touched Bai Mei's head, lowered her eyes and said to him, "You little dragon, do you still care about this about humans?"

"Hmph, it's not the fault of being underestimated!" Bai Mei took off Jiang Ran's hand and said angrily, "Hoho, Mo Sheng is also very unhappy."

Jiang Ran tilted her head and saw that although Mo Sheng was resting on the ground half-lying with a nonchalant look, the flames on his tail were burning so high that he was very unhappy as Bai Mei said.


At night, the waning moon is like a bow, sticking proudly to the distant dark blue sky. The cold silver light reflects the slanting shadows of the trees on the bluestone bricks.

During the two days that Jiang Ran was in Guan City, Wang Zhenyun had already left the Qihang Sect.

Now, like Su Hong's students, she is temporarily living and eating in Qushui Building.

In a private room of Yulongxuan, Su Hong's teenagers gathered around a table and devoured their food, while across a curtain, Jiang Ran, Lin Sha, Wang Zhenyun, and Zhou Bao were talking at another table.

"I heard that you passed the preliminary round of the weapon refining competition?"

"Yes..." Upon hearing Jiang Ran's inquiry, a trace of struggle flashed across Wang Zhenyun's face.

Of course, after quitting the Qihang Sect, she no longer had any nostalgia for the sect, but she still wanted to continue participating in the competition.

But now that she is no longer a disciple of the Qihang Sect, it would be a bit shameless to continue participating in the competition pretending that nothing happened.

"Master Wang, it's hard to have it all. Although the weapon refining competition is a pity, all weapon refiners participate in the competition to win glory for their own forces, to show their strength, to attract business or to find a buyer. Now you have a new life, so what regrets do you have?" Lin Sha smiled and raised his glass, "If there are any, then drink it all from this glass."

"Yes." Wang Zhenyun finally raised her eyebrows, raised her head and drank the wine in the glass.

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