As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 622 Compensation

Jiang Ran already knew what happened, looked at the closed door, and sighed slightly.

He pushed open the door forcefully, and there was darkness inside.

Jiang Ran found the location of Tu Shi accurately, and could clearly see his motionless figure huddled on the bed and his swollen eyes.

Jiang Ran just walked over without lighting a lamp.

Sitting at the table, he poured himself a glass of water and took two sips before raising his eyes and asking him, "Do you want to go back?"

"I, I don't know." It was a choked voice.

"I think I'm too naive. Sister Sheyao, Brother A, and my previous aunts, uncles, grandpas and grandmas have all accomplished things. Why do I think I have the ability to change the world's view of us?"

"Because of me, Brother Hu Lian, Sister Qingqing... Suhong Academy was scolded together..." Tu Shi buried his head under his knees, his voice a little hoarse, "I really miss Suling County now, our home, where There is my family, as well as neighbors and friends who greet us enthusiastically..."

Tu Shi talked a lot. He talked about his anxiety when he came to Suling.

Jiahan Jiabing, who lives with them, is like their father, and Sheyao, who is like their mother, is always nagging. Sheyao's baby is very cute, and his brothers and sisters all like to tease him.

One of the characters he learned when he entered the public school was the character "su". He was very smart and would teach his fellow strangers if he learned one.

At first he was bullied by the people in the county, but fortunately Hu Lian and the others drove away the bad guys, and then gradually everyone in the college accepted him. They also said that his ears were furry and cute, and his eyes were as beautiful as red gems, which made him envious. His sharp claws can hunt monsters very well...

I'm really happy...

Jiang Ran mostly just listened quietly.

It was the first time for a fourteen-year-old boy to face a situation where he seemed to be reviled by the whole world. He was considered very strong if he didn't collapse.

He wanted to remember the beauty and kindness that existed in his life more than the evil in the world.

And since he said he didn't know whether to go back or not, he still wanted to stay here and compete.

Jiang Ran poured another glass of water. A wisp of breeze wrapped around the cup and brought it to Tu Shi. "Drink some water. Your throat is dry."

Tu Shi slowly raised his head and stared blankly at the floating glass of water.

He reached out to hold the water glass and drank the water. The clear water moistened his dry and sore throat, and the comfortable feeling made Tu Shi feel better.

His red and swollen eyes hurt a little. He squinted and looked at the person sitting at the table. His figure disappeared into the darkness. The cold and hazy moonlight hit the person's hair, and his graceful face was silhouetted and beautiful. And mysterious.

Tu Shi's hands shook slightly, his palms were sweating, and he could hardly hold the cup.

He belatedly realized that the person sitting in his room was the Lord of the County. Tu Shi thought of his nonsense just now and his eyes as red as a rabbit - no, he seemed to be a rabbit!

In short, not only the eyes, but also the long rabbit ears are so embarrassing that they are all red!

He didn't know how he should react now. Should he act as if nothing had happened, or should he just kneel down and thank him? ! !

Jiang Ran put down the water glass and threw him a box. "After the game, Leader Zhou went to Mingxiao organizer and found the referee."

"Huh?" Tu Shi blinked and looked at the box on the bed, "What is this?" "That referee did it blatantly. Of course Mingxiao Fang must pay compensation." Jiang Ran said, "There are two prefecture-level top-grade... Three earth-level low-grade Ziyun Demonic Blood Pills can be taken by humans to burn the blood in the body in a short period of time, stimulating the strength to be one to three times stronger than usual. Taken by monsters, they can temper the power of blood. You are a stranger, these days. This elixir should be able to help activate the bloodline power of the Shadow Charming Moon Rabbit in your body."

Rabbit Stone is already in a semi-awakened state. Proper use of these pills can double his strength.

"G-give it to me? It's so precious..." The value of the elixir increases exponentially with each liter. Although Tu Shi doesn't know how rare the Ziyun Demonic Blood Pill is, a prefecture-level high-grade elixir costs 20,000 to 30,000 yuan. Spirit crystal should be needed.

"This is nothing. Compared with the injustice you suffered, these pills are nothing." Jiang Ran said nonchalantly, "In addition, the referee has been dismissed."

Tu Shi's eyes widened, he didn't expect this.

"There will be your game tomorrow, go and participate. There shouldn't be that kind of referee anymore. Also, let's get some more compensation." Jiang Ran said with a chuckle, "As for those who talk wildly, You don’t need to care about the audience who litter the stage. Those who should look at you will one day look at you, and you don’t need to care about those who don’t want to look at you. "

"Your competition is not meaningless. Hu Lian and the others have fought for you and have a better understanding of your current situation. The friendship between you will be more indestructible. In addition, you have also attracted several unexpected guests. They are now We’re in Qushui Tower, don’t you want to take a look?”

Tu Shi nodded subconsciously.

Seeing that Tu Shi had regained some vitality, Jiang Ran curled up into a faint smile and said, "Follow me."

Tu Shi watched Jiang Ran's slender figure change from darkness to light, and a surge of heat surged in his heart.

The county head and Commander Zhou found justice for him. This feeling of having someone standing behind him and being supported forward was so reassuring.

He couldn't forget the humiliation he suffered on the competition stage, but the feeling at this moment couldn't be ignored. Sure enough, he still wanted to continue fighting and win glory for Suhong College and Suling County with his friends!

Tu Shi took a deep breath, held a Ziyun Demon Blood Pill tightly in his right hand, patted his cheek with his left hand, and walked out.

"Tu Shi, you finally came out!!"

As soon as he went out, Tu Shi was instantly surrounded.

Hu Yi looked at his red and swollen eyes and snorted, "You are still a crybaby. There is nothing to cry about. They are just a group of narrow-minded people, and you still cry for them."

Hu Lian smiled softly, made a fist with ten fingers, and hit Hu Yi on the head with a hammer, then said to Tu Shi, "It's good that you're okay. We are very worried about you. Hu Yi was so worried that he almost cried just now."

"No, who is crying?!" Hu Yi's face turned red.



There are indeed a few special guests in Qushui Building, but unlike what Jiang Ran said, they are not visiting, but sneaking over.

"You, are you also aliens? But your appearance..." Tu Shi looked at the two people in front of him in shock.

Right now, they were in a private room, with a man and a woman devouring food. (End of chapter)

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