As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 626 Jiang Bole was scolded

There was an uproar in the spectator stand, "The strength of the number one in the group is indeed beyond doubt, and Jiang Bole really won!"

"I didn't expect that she defeated the disciples of Gongqing Academy. Who is the great sage of Suhong Academy?"

"Su Hong Academy?" someone said sarcastically, "Is that the academy that takes in foreigners? I really don't understand what this academy thinks!"

"Looking at her calm look, it was obvious that she had left some room just now."

"I just wonder if this guy will still make a bet with Ke Changyuan from Mindao College and Zhen Jiarong from Gongqing College."

"Probably not, those people are so strong..."

"I hope this Jiang Bole has some talent!"


Jiang Ran, who stepped down from the stage, was not as calm as outsiders said. It was not that she had a hard time facing Shangfang Qiaosheng, it was just that winning a general made her feel better.

These days, a total of three rounds of group matches were held. I made a bet with three people and won three generals.

The opponent in the first round, Jiang Fen, a former disciple of the Beiqiong Sect, had already settled in Qushui Tower yesterday with his parcel on his back.

Swearing on his soul, Jiang Ran believed that Fang Qiaosheng would not break this oath, but chose to report to Qushui Tower obediently.

Afterwards, Jiang Ran went to watch Qi Yu's game for a while.

When the two people's eyes met, Jiang Ran found that Qi Yu's eyes were still evasive.

Jiang Ran was thoughtful and didn't come up to talk to him after watching his game, and left quickly.


Jiang Ran didn't make a bet on the rookie stage.

Rookie's disciples are not that stupid. No matter how delicious the bait is, they will not bite the hook when faced with a losing battle. Some of the disciples even surrendered directly as soon as they saw that their opponent was her.

In mid-June, the three rounds of the group competition came to an end. Meng Xiaozhao was defeated in the rookie competition. There were only six people left in Suhong County. They could get twenty points for promotion. Six people would be one hundred and twenty points. Suhong Academy Five hundred and twenty-two points have been accumulated so far.

No one expected that even though there was no one from other divisions, Suhong Academy's ranking would rise instead of falling.

After advancing to the top 124, the intra-group competition has come to an end and needs to be regrouped, because the participating disciples will be randomly matched to various venues such as the "Ice Arena" and "Fire Arena", so the competition after the regrouping will also be It is called the Vientiane Race.

But unlike the last intra-group competition, this Vientiane competition is only divided into sixteen groups. Except for the fourth group, which has four people, the other groups are all eight.

In addition, except for one lucky person from the Shilu group who will get a bye, the rest need to go through at least three battles to determine the first place in each group and enter the top 16 respectively.

For winning three games, the winning players will receive 25, 30, and 35 points respectively.

Jiang Ran and Hu Lian are still the No. 1 players in the group, No. 1 in Group 1 and No. 1 in Group 8 respectively, while Jiang Ran is No. 4 in Group 2 in the Famous Division.

Jiang Ran looked at the opponents in Group 2 and found a very familiar name - Zhou Yixiao.

"I hope they won't face each other too soon." Jiang Ran and Zhou Yixiao looked at each other from a distance, and this thought appeared in their minds at the same time.

Because Su Hong's boys had already fought many times against attribute environments in the Southern Crown Secret Realm, they were well adapted to the competition in the Vientiane Tournament.

Moreover, except for Li Qinqing, who was in the Beacon War with reverse attributes in the first game, the arenas that everyone else was matched with were pretty good.

In the first game of the Vientiane Competition, Luo Ying was defeated and five of the six from Suhong Academy entered. In the second game, no one from Suhong Academy was eliminated, but Jian Bai was seriously injured in the battle and his hands and feet were broken. Although a doctor immediately repositioned the bones, and Su Hong Academy bought precious healing elixirs for him to take, Jian Bai's recovery speed was definitely not that fast.

Jian Bai can compete with outstanding disciples from other powerful forces in the rookie competition. His greatest weapon is that although he is a spirit beast master, his own training and fighting talents are also good, and when combined with his spirit beasts, he has a plus-one effect. An effect greater than two.

So he was seriously injured and the rest of the battle was very unfavorable to him.

Sure enough, in the third game of the Vientiane Competition, Jian Bai was defeated by a rookie from Mingxiao Academy.

Immediately afterwards, Li Qinqing was defeated by his opponent because he and his spirit beast were not obedient enough and did not cooperate well.

After three games of the rookie competition, only Jiang Ran, Hu Lian and Tu Shi were left at Suhong Academy.

What surprised the Suhong boys was Tu Shi. Originally, they thought that if three people could enter the top sixteen, that person would definitely be Li Qinqing, but the result was so unexpected.

Of course, everyone felt that Li Qinqing had worked hard enough, but his opponent was a top-three favorite. He was so strong that there was nothing to say about losing.

Li Qinqing and Tu Shi fist bumped, with a bit of unwillingness to lose the game in their eyes, but more calm, "Tu Shi, you are really getting better and better, come on, it's a pity that I If you and Jian Bai didn't make it to the top sixteen, you and Hu Lian will take revenge for us!"

Tu Shi nodded solemnly.

Tu Shi took the Ziyun Demon Blood Pill. In addition to stimulating some abilities hidden deep in his bloodline, his talents seemed to be further developed. Hu Chi saw his changes and took the qualification crystal from Suhong Academy. He tested Black and found that his overall quality has reached Qing level!

Moreover, he also received teachings and help from Hu Congzhi and Que Pu, and his combat quality has also been greatly improved.

In the battle for the top sixteen, Tu Shi broke through to the spirit refining realm amidst the scolding of the audience on the ring!

So what if the world hates them as strangers?

They still bloom.

"I don't know about other aliens, but this boy seems different from the aliens I've heard of."

"At fourteen years old, it can be said that he is still a child, but faced with so many people's rebuke, he did not brutally hurt his opponent in the battle, he only hit the point. If he puts himself in his shoes, if it were me, I would If I can't do this, I will go crazy and want to tear up and insult the people who discriminate against me..."

Not everyone is ignorant, it’s just that most of them have too little contact with other people.

This world respects the strong, especially when the strong person has his own bottom line and is gentle and restrained.

When Tu Shi abandoned all impurities and stood on the field, he ushered in a transformation.

And when he won again and again, although the number was not large, it could even be said to be very few, some people did have a subtle change in their view of Rabbit Stone...


In the famous competition, Jiang Ran met Zhou Yixiao in the second round.

She acknowledged Zhou Yixiao's talent as a spirit beast master. At a young age, she had three contracted spirit beasts with good cultivation around her. The spirit fox that often stayed by her side was already at the half-step sea level. The others The strength of the two contracted spirit beasts is also very average, both are above the third level of Xuan Gu. If they had not met Jiang Ran too early, it would have been possible to enter the top sixteen.

But unfortunately not if.

"Lost, lost." Zhou Yixiao was a little disappointed, with a slight regret in her eyes like a pool of clear water, which made the audience feel affectionate.

Zhou Yixiao is indeed a famous beauty in Mingxiao Academy, with many fans behind her. For the first time, Jiang Ran made many Yangou viewers angry, "No, how could this Jiang Bole have the heart to deal with such a beauty!" "

"Damn it, I can't bear to see my beloved wife sad. Although I have supported Jiang Bole before, I want to condemn her this time!"

Feng Chi, who had been watching the game, hardened his fists: "Who is your wife you love, you'd better tell me clearly."

(End of this chapter)

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