As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 633 Love my master

Chapter 633 Love my master

Feng Chi came from a famous family, practiced the best techniques, and his fighting skills were surprisingly good.

Having suffered a loss from the Cup Bow Snake Shadow Swordsmanship once, Feng Chi would not suffer a second time.

Facing Feng Chi's counterattack, Jiang Ran saw his moves while holding the sword in his right hand. Suddenly, the turbulent water was like a dragon swimming in the river. The sound of freezing on the water surface came, and the water dragon instantly turned into an ice dragon. , a ball of ink-colored flames in his left hand turned into a wandering black dragon. The visual effect of the two heavens of ice and fire was particularly gorgeous, and the huge energy fluctuations made the air tremble slightly.

Chi Yuan sword swung down, the ice dragon went first, and the forest rocks collapsed instantly. Wherever it passed, terrifying ravines appeared on the ground. Feng Chi's powerful fire shield was bombed away. The black fire dragon followed closely behind, facing the ice. The path opened up by Long is tightly locked on Feng Chi! !


The fire tornado swept over very fast. Even though Feng Chi jumped up, he was still affected. His clothes were blown to pieces, and pieces of flesh and blood were blown out of his waist and abdomen.

Feng Chi endured the pain and floated in the low air as light as a feather. At this time, he was a hundred meters away from Jiang Ran.

Jiang Ran withdrew the Chi Yuan Sword, and an ice blue ring on the index finger of her left hand flashed. Miao Yueshuang Bow appeared in her hand, and at the same time ten ice arrows appeared in her right hand!


Instantly shot out, the ten swords turned into white cranes, flickered in the air, and suddenly lost their traces. When Feng Chi subconsciously used his spiritual power to form a defensive barrier, a bow and arrow actually drew a sword-like slashing light, just in time to strike. In the barrier!

The second, third... were all concentrated in one position. The fourth defensive barrier was overwhelmed and cut into two halves. Feng Chi's pupils shrank and he turned his head. The white crane with sweeping wings was like a light cut in the On the rock behind, the hard and huge rock was cut open instantly!

"You really want me to die!" Feng Chi's heart was about to break up just now. He didn't expect Jiang Ran to be so cruel and ignore their revolutionary friendship?

Unexpectedly, in just half a quarter of an hour, he was slightly at a disadvantage.

Feng Chi felt that he couldn't do this anymore and turned to look at Chi Ling, but Jiang Ran seemed to know what he was going to do and said to Bai Mei and Mo Sheng, "Keep an eye on Chi Ling and don't let him join Feng Chi." !”

She knew that Feng Chi had a powerful secret weapon that could briefly combine with Chi Ling to exert abilities far beyond the realm of consciousness.

But since Feng Chi didn't use it at the beginning, Jiang Ran would not let him have any chance to show his full strength in this game!

Jiang Ran held a bow and arrow, and locked the sharp arrow on Feng Chi. She said expressionlessly, "Ten minutes." Finish him.


In the battle with Feng Chi, Mo Sheng benefited the most.

Being in the spirit refining realm, during the battle between Bai Mei and Chi Lingzhong, it could not intervene at all except standing by and snatching Gusen's flame power from the latter.

The unwillingness is like a steady drizzle of raindrops in its heart.

The owner named it Mo Sheng, Sheng, prosperous, prosperous, which contains the wish to make it strong.

But in terms of the power ratio, it actually didn't help at all.

Why is it so weak?

Mo Sheng asked such a question in his heart?

What can I bring to the master who loves me and whom I love so much?

There are flame flowers blooming on the branches, which are hot, decisive and poignant. Just like Mo Sheng's heart.

Mo Sheng's dim gray eyes suddenly burned, and the white fire kept beating like a candle blown by the wind. The aura of destruction came. If there were still green plants alive around him, it might be possible when this aura escaped. It withers and burns instantly.

The red feather was hovering in the air, and Bai Mei flew into the sky to confront it. Mo Sheng raised his head, looked up at the realm that he could not reach, and suddenly flew up!

No - it wasn't flying, it was just that it jumped too high, like a white meteorite that flew upside down and crashed into the earth star! It raised its head and bit the long feathers behind the red feather's tail. The proud phoenix seemed to be gradually fading. No - it was not fading, but its own red flame was suddenly covered by thick white flames. The red feather just looks like it has faded!

"唳——" Chi Ling let out a cry of pain. It didn't need to turn its head to know that the black fire wolf had bitten it.

It has never underestimated this candle prison wolf, even if it is only in the spirit refining realm.

So it flew into the air to fight Bai Mei, but unexpectedly, Mo Sheng bit its tail!

With a sudden flick of his tail, Chi Ling threw Mo Sheng out.

The black wolf was immediately thrown out and fell out of the sky a hundred meters high!

It fell to the ground and spit out a mouthful of blood. It seemed as if all the bones in its body were broken, but it did not faint. A ball of green fire surrounded it...

Mo Sheng fell out, but the white flames still stayed on Chi Ling's body. The aura of decay spread with the spread of the white flames, and Chi Ling felt that the power in his body was gradually draining away.

Even though the speed of this loss is not too fast for it, there is no room for error in a battle between evenly matched opponents.

Chi Ling remembered that Bai Mei entered the Sea of ​​​​Consciousness Realm at almost the same time as it. This guy who was still in the growth stage and was said by his owner to be a dragon was extremely talented.

As expected, Bai Mei did not waste the opportunity that Mo Sheng had painstakingly created.

"The Realm of Evil"

The dark blue pupils became more cruel and bottomless, covered by a circular transparent space with a radius of a hundred meters, and an unspeakable pressure and gravity came from it, making Chi Ling's body feel like it had been hit by a heavy hammer. Suddenly, he was almost unable to fly and suddenly fell half a meter!

Bai Meiruying clung to him, and a thunderball filled with violent aura emerged from his hand, and it struck hard at Chi Ling's back!

The red phoenix completely fell from the sky.

At the same time, the red sword spike was swaying gently, and Jiang Ran placed the sword blade across Feng Chi's neck, "You lose."

Feng Chi raised his hands in surrender and smiled bitterly, "That's it, you ruthless woman ruined my dream of becoming the leader!"

He never gave up playing tricks all the time. Jiang Ran put away her sword and smiled slightly, "Don't you have another famous weapon refining competition? Wouldn't it be nice to get first place?"

"That's! How can it be so easy to get first place in the weapon refining competition?" Feng Chi rolled his eyes speechlessly.

"But you are the most talented weapon refiner I have ever seen. I can't imagine you not winning first place." Jiang Ran said and walked towards Mo Sheng, who was seriously injured. He hugged this great hero who worked very hard and said gently, "Thank you, Mo Sheng, you did a good job. Take a rest and the wound will stop hurting later."

Mo Sheng nodded and fell into a deep sleep, but the green fire on his body was still shining like flint, slowly healing the injuries on his body.

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