As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 635 The opponent ran away

Chapter 635 The opponent ran away

"The risk of betting against you is too great. I won't compete with you."

In the eight-to-four fame competition, Jiang Ran faced off against Quan Qi from Mindao College. She thought this person was weaker than Feng Chi.

And when she moved out of Shenmu, the young talent smiled gently and helplessly, and directly rejected the bet with her.

This was the first time she was rejected, but Jiang Ran didn't care too much.

In about two-quarters of an hour, Jiang Ran won the game without much difficulty.

Right now, the power competition has advanced to the top four and is coming to an end.

Jiang Ran glanced at Qi Yu, who was standing not far away.

He was surrounded by people from Mingxiao Academy. He was eight feet tall and looked like a dragon or a phoenix. He was right in the middle of the group. If a lone pine stood alone on a rock, he would know that he was an extraordinary weapon.

The leader of the previous year deservedly advanced to the semi-finals.

Fortunately, she didn't face him in the first game of the semi-finals. Unfortunately, if Jiang Ran advanced all the way, she would have to fight him sooner or later.

Jiang Ran withdrew her eyes, unaware that Qi Yu was also quietly sizing her up later. His eyes were very complicated. They didn't seem to be happy, but they didn't seem to be unhappy. They were also worried, embarrassed, guilty, and at a loss...


The top three will be selected in the semi-finals, so there will be a resurrection match. The defeated two teams will play again to determine the third place, and then the top two players of the winning team will finally determine the champion.

There will be no extra points for fourth place after losing two games in a row, 50 points for third place, 60 points for second place, and 75 points for first place.

The first one was the rookie game. Under the blue sky, more and more spectators poured into the stadium to watch the game, and the major restaurants and restaurants were full of business.

Unlike the noisy outside world, Suhong Academy fell into unspeakable silence.

"Have we been sanctioned?" Jian Bai frowned for a long time.

The reason why he expressed such emotion was because Hu Lian was going to face off against the county lord!

It’s scary to think about facing the county lord!

If Hu Lian and Tu Shi were the best arrangement in the last round, then it is the worst arrangement now!

If Hu Lian's opponent was not the County Lord, then Hu Lian's worst ranking would be fourth place, and his best result might be second place.

But now Hu Lian's opponent is Jiang Ran, so he will be ranked third at most in the end!

Hu Lian was very open-minded, "It doesn't matter. In fact, I may not be able to win even if I face others."

Among the last few rookies from the five major colleges, which one has not been practicing longer than me, or even has better talent than me?

He is now fifteen years old. It is already good to advance to the semi-finals for the first time at this age.

Coming to Mingxiao City and fighting against disciples from all major forces, the most important thing is to broaden my horizons. There are really many geniuses outside.

Although he was a little reluctant, Hu Lian had to admit that there was still a big gap between himself and them.


Entering the battlefield, the sun is blazing in the sky and the cicadas are chirping.

Hu Lian looked at Jiang Ran firmly. He did not hold a sword because he had sworn long ago that he would not be able to hold a weapon against the county lord's sister.

But the competitive spirit in his heart made him unwilling to admit defeat like this.

Jiang Ran admired Hu Lian's attitude very much. There was no rush for the famous competition, so she deliberately gave Hu Lian some tips and gave him some tricks.

Of course Hu Lian lost miserably in the end and was simply crushed.

But he was happy.

After he got off the stage, Li Qinqing, Jian Bai and others all came up and gave him a few blows, expressing their deep envy and jealousy, "Damn it, my lord actually gave you some tricks to help you practice mystical arts!"


In the fame competition, Jiang Ran’s opponent is Yu Yunguan from Xuanqi Academy. This is a very young disciple who has entered the semi-finals at the age of twenty. His future is limitless. Jiang Ran is also looking forward to what this player will do. What kind of strength does she have, but she stood in the battle at the Ancient Sword Field for a few minutes, until the drum sound representing the beginning of the battle sounded, and the genius of Xuanqi Academy did not appear on the battlefield.

The audience was wondering, "What's going on? Why didn't Yu Yunguan come? Shouldn't he be afraid?"

The people at Xuanqi Academy were also in a hurry. This person actually ran away at the critical moment. A white-haired old woman clapped her hands and said angrily, "I told you earlier that Yu Yunguan should not be allowed to participate in the power competition. , this bastard always disappears at critical moments!”

"Where did he go?"

"This guy who goes his own way has gone back to Leihuan and his hometown to meet his little lover!"

Everyone in Xuanqi was speechless, and the leader's face turned green with anger, "Shit, is this the time to do such a thing? Huh?! My Xuanqi Academy's face has been completely disgraced by this shit. If it weren't for this shit, Sikong Suwen can’t come back in time for this year’s competition! I’m so angry! Why didn’t you stop him if you knew?

The man handed over a note aggrievedly, "He left secretly last night, and I only saw this note!"

The elder glared at him and snatched the note away. It read: "One day is like three autumns after not seeing each other. I feel like I haven't seen my wife for several years. I miss her so much. I cry!" ! ! 〒▽〒! ! ! , so I decided! ! I went home to find my wife (`)~~, dear Elder Shen, don’t miss me~~

As soon as he held his hand, a gust of air instantly turned the paper into powder. Elder Shen was so angry that he said nonsense three times in a row, "If we don't catch him back, there is still a third place competition and a famous team competition!!!" "


"Great, Lord County Lord, now you are at least the second place in the fame competition!" Female Feather Guard Liu Shan said excitedly, "I didn't expect Yu Yunguan to be absent. This is so lucky, although I think County Lord You can definitely win against him."

"...Sir, will you continue to stay here to watch the match between Mingxiao Qiyu and Mindao Ke Changyuan?"


Although Yu Yunguan's absence was somewhat unexpected, Jiang Ran did not pay too much attention to the reason. He did not leave immediately, but stayed in the pavilion prepared for the participating disciples in Mingxiao City. From here, he could clearly see the battlefield in the sky. Case.

Qi Yu and Ke Changyuan are the most popular players in this competition, and the battle between them is highly anticipated.

What caught Jiang Ran's attention was the weapon in Ke Changyuan's hand - the Skyfall Panlong Cauldron.

The Panlong cauldron is a very powerful weapon. It is a lower-middle-grade Saint-level cauldron. It is said to be made from the fallen spirit meteorites from the sky. The two precise string patterns on the body are painted with the essence and blood of Pan Hui. out. The cauldron weighs ten thousand, it can be big or small, it can suppress dragon species. From this point of view, this Ke Changyuan is the second enemy Jiang Ran and Bai Mei don't want to encounter in this competition.

As for who is the enemy you least want to encounter?

Needless to say, of course it was the one standing opposite Ke Changyuan.

Of course it's not because she has a good relationship with Qi Yu, but because she is deeply afraid of his strength.

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