As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 643 Battle of the Leaders

Chapter 643 Battle of the Leaders (7)

"Crack, click, click!" A crack suddenly appeared on the surface of the huge ice ball, and then a bang was heard. Countless ice fragments were washed away by the lake water, and Qi Yu's figure reappeared.

Jiang Ran's body was wrapped in thunder locks, and she couldn't move for a while. She looked at Qi Yu not far away, took a deep breath, and then said to him with a smile, "I still underestimate you."

In some ways, Qi Yu and Jiang Ran are similar. Once they are regarded as opponents, they will spare no effort, show no mercy, and will not give their opponents any chance to make a comeback.

Qi Yu knew that the hastily deployed formation would not be able to trap Jiang Ran for long.

Now, he has two choices. One, quickly escape from the bottom of the lake, but now there is no land for him to stand on the battlefield of Yunhu Lake. He can only fly in the air and continue to fight her, but his overall condition is not as good as Jiang Ran, and there will be another attack at any time. Risk of being pulled into the water by her.

So now the only choice is the second one.

Qi Yu's aura climbed up, his long hair flew, and he came in an instant holding a black magic spear. His speed was too fast, and he turned into a bolt of lightning and swept across.

The huge vibration caused hair and clothes to fly, and the black Meng Miao mask fell down. Jiang Ran caught it with her left hand in time, but the mask only had time to hang on her nose, and her eyebrows were still exposed.

The blue in Jiang Ran's eyes faded, a touch of purple suppressed it, but the white scales on the edges of her eyelids remained.

"Qi Yu." A lingering voice came, which was extremely pleasant to hear. The ripples emitted in the water seemed to have magical power that made people lose their fighting spirit.

Qi Yu's speed was still very fast, but those with good eyesight could tell that it seemed to be a little slower.

Some people use the sound of the piano as a medium to mobilize the emotions and spirits of others.

Spiritual mystical arts are ever-changing. For example, if the rain is gentle and silent, it can affect people without anyone noticing.

Jiang Ran had the piano girl Chen Jingyun by his side for a while, and learned a sound technique from her.


Although his body was restrained, his hands were still free. Jiang Ran used his sword to block and blocked hundreds of Qi Yu's spears and thunder stabs. However, new wounds continued to appear on his body. It would be very bad if it continued.

"Qi Yu." Jiang Ran's eyes flashed slightly, and she suddenly mentioned something unrelated to the battle, with traces of fantasy in her voice, "You have something to hide from me."

Qi Yu's body suddenly froze, followed by faster and more severe moves.

Don't listen.

Qi Yu thought.

He knew it from the beginning.

Observing Jiang Ran's past battles, we know that she is best at using words to confuse other people's minds.

Including using the sacred tree to make bets with others at the beginning, the disciples who were confused by the sacred tree were like gamblers greedy for money and lost their basic judgment.

When fighting against others, the most fearful thing is not to control your emotions, which means that every move you make next is likely to be under the control of your opponent.

Now she suddenly brought up things that had nothing to do with fighting, just to disrupt his rhythm.

Qi Yu is so smart, how could he not know.

"You've been avoiding me. When did you start?"

Qi Yu's heart beat suddenly, and the flashing light on the tip of the gun was just like his anxiety.

"You haven't dared to look at me since Nanke Tavern." Jiang Ran turned his eyes and flicked his wrist slightly. The sword spike tied to the hilt of Chi Yuan's sword suddenly became long and slender, and the long red thread seemed to have He lost his life and gradually wrapped around Qi Yu's body and Mo Yuan's gun.

"I'm quite sad. Could it be that I did something to make you unhappy?" Jiang Ran held the black half-face mask with her left hand and gently covered the lower half of her face. She frowned slightly and her eyes were dark and troubling. Distinguish between sorrow and joy. Qi Yu wanted to turn a deaf ear, but the lingering sound always reached his ears. Hearing Jiang Ran ask worriedly if she had done something to make him unhappy, he subconsciously wanted to refute, but his mouth opened slightly and he was about to speak. Countless lakes of water poured into his mouth.


Qi Yu was a little confused.

Jiang Ran also knew that he was a little confused.

But what happened to make Qi Yu like this...

Jiang Ran's eyes flickered and she vowed to figure out what happened. The cholera-like voice of a siren continued to be heard. She said, "Qi Yu, you must be blaming me for something. Don't shake your head. I don't believe it. Otherwise, why would you always You don’t want to meet my eyes…”

Hearing this, Qi Yu paused with the spear in his hand and subconsciously raised his eyes, meeting a pair of extremely beautiful eyebrows.

The enchanting sword spikes surrounded Qi Yu and Jiang Ran, floating like red clothes on their bodies, making their skin as white as jade.

The lake was dark, like a bridal chamber with candles blown out, and the sound of subtle breathing in the quiet environment was too clear.

With deep purple eyes, Jiang Ran gradually fell into Qi Yu's memory.

From the first perspective of the soul-catching technique, that is, in Qi Yu's eyes, what she saw was a woman's face.

This is the perspective from the bottom up. You can see the exquisite carved beams on the head, but the center of the vision is always the woman. Her face is as crystal clear as jade, her lips are red and her teeth are white, and her facial features are perfect. From Jiang Ran's aesthetic point of view, she can't be singled out. A hint of mistake.

The red wedding dress fell beside the bed, revealing one round and white shoulder. The woman supported his head with one hand, with a different tenderness on her face than before...

The moon was hidden in the clouds and mist, and the night seemed very deep. Agarwood burned slowly in the furnace indoors, the lights were dim, and occasionally a few moans could be heard.


The water waves flow quietly.

The purple color in his eyes faded away. Jiang Ran did not start to use the nine-turn mind control technique as he had imagined. Instead, he restrained his magical power and looked at Qi Yu's face, his eyes were a bit complicated.

Soon, Qi Yu also woke up and instantly understood what Jiang Ran had done to him.

Time seemed to have been suspended. Qi Yu seemed to be nailed to the spot. His face under the mask instantly turned pale. Endless shame, fear, and guilt came over him, making him almost unable to stand.

"You..." After a long time, Jiang Ran made a sound with a dry throat. Qi Yu suddenly came back to his senses. Jiang Ran only saw his lips trembling a few times, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he still smashed it into his stomach. Liyan said nothing.

Purple-blue lightning exploded on the body, making a clanging sound, making the sound of thunder and lightning striking metal, shaking people's eardrums.

"Boom!!" Huge white waves erupted from the lake with great momentum. Qi Yu rushed out of the water with a gun, looking like he was invincible with the sky above his head. Amidst the excitement of the audience, Qi Yu turned his head and looked at the chaos of the battlefield in Yunhu Lake. The door flew out like lightning.

Yellow-robed referee:?

Feng Chi:?

Qizhuang Mei:?

Elder disciple of Mingxiao Academy:?


Everyone at Suhong Academy:! ! ! !

A deathly silence hung in the air.

"Crack." In the meteorite lake, Jiang Ran broke free from the thunder lock and put back the Chi Yuan Sword.

He raised his head and glanced at Qi Yu's leaving figure, then quickly looked back.

The face of the woman in the memory...maybe because she was wearing a wedding dress, her face looked a little mature, but there was no doubt that that face belonged to her.

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