As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 648 The worries of Tianyun Restaurant

Chapter 648 The worries of Tianyun Restaurant

"In addition, you can also enter most places in the inner peak and inner city of the monastery, including the first and second floors of the library." He remembered that Jiang Ran quite liked reading all kinds of books, even in the most influential places. They were all watching the competition.

The innocent Qi Yu had no idea that Jiang Ran's behavior in the ring was all showmanship.

The monastery's collection of books?

Jiang Ran's heart moved slightly.

After putting away the token, Jiang Ran was about to walk into the brightly lit Qushui Tower. Before saying goodbye, Qi Yu suddenly felt a constant reluctance in his heart. Driven by this reluctance, he couldn't help but grab her hand.

But when he reacted, he couldn't believe that Meng Lang's behavior was actually done by himself. He felt as if he had been burned. Although the expression on his face did not change much, the hand he let go quickly and the eyes that made waves All showed his helplessness.

It's really strange. Before I expressed my feelings, I even held hands and hugged each other, but I didn't feel this uneasiness at this time.

Qi Yu's hand was almost scalded. You must know that Jiang Ran was a fire monk with extremely high fire resistance, but this hot burning sensation did not fall on the skin, but imprinted on the heart, making people numb.

This kind of rawness could kill someone. Qi Yu's behavior was so endearing. Jiang Ran's heart moved slightly. She came closer, gently pressed her forehead on his shoulder, and said warmly, "Go back quickly, the pain on your body The injury hasn't fully healed yet, and Aunt Qi will be worried about you."

At the first touch, Jiang Ran waved to him, stepped forward with her long legs, and her figure disappeared under the light step by step.

Looking at her leaving figure, Qi Yu reached out and touched his neck. The temperature there had not dissipated yet. He lowered his head and suddenly covered his face. It was too hot, too hot. He was really afraid that his face would be embarrassing at this moment. Scarlet, "..."


The carved eaves reflect the sun and the painted buildings fly into the clouds. In the Tianyun Restaurant, which is known as the best restaurant in Mingxiao City, many distinguished guests are eating and drinking. The lobby is almost full.

Zhou Xu, the shopkeeper of Tianyun, was sitting at the front desk looking at the books. While looking at the diners coming and going, he felt something was wrong, so he called two waiters and asked, "You are all in a restaurant." I have been an old man for many years. The last power competition was held in Mingxiao City. How was the situation in the store compared to now? "

The two waiters looked at each other. One waiter was a boy and the other was a girl. They both had pretty and regular facial features and were around 30 or 40 years old. Among them, the male waiter replied honestly, "Although our restaurant business has been very good recently, compared with the previous power, During the Dabi period, there were still slightly fewer diners.”

He said it more euphemistically. Back then, Tianyun Restaurant was overcrowded, and the entrance of Tianyun Restaurant was almost trampled by the diners coming and going. But now, looking at the restaurant, although the business is not bad, there are still no seats in the lobby. It's full, let alone the private rooms, there are quite a few empty rooms.

Zhou Xu slapped the account book into the palm of his hand, thinking about the diners in the hall. His voice was low and restrained, but judging from his expression, his confusion and anxiety were very obvious, "I saw it right. In the past, , there are many powerful elders and disciples in this hall who come to my Tianyun Restaurant to enjoy themselves, and the robes they wear are clearly visible. But today I looked around for a long time, but I didn’t see many elders and disciples. Why is this not because of the fine wine and delicacies in my restaurant? Was it delicious before it was restored?”

"Absolutely not." The two waiters shook their heads in denial, and the female waiter with pigtails said, "We know best about the food and wine in the restaurant, and we listen to you, the shopkeeper, and always pay attention to the guests' feedback on our meals. , I only heard that the food and drinks in our restaurant have become delicious, but no one said that we are getting worse.”

"But..." The braided girl hesitated. "It doesn't matter, just say it." Seeing her concerns, Zhou Xu said immediately.

"Maybe it's not that we didn't do it well, but that someone did it too well." Braided Girl said.

Zhou Xu: "You mean..."

"Qushui Tower." The braided girl said, "When the Qushui Tower was still under construction, it attracted a lot of attention in the central city. Many people wanted to develop Hengdi, but in the end nothing was done. And this unknown force suddenly started a war in Hengdi. , naturally very eye-catching.”

Zhou Xu nodded. In fact, he had thought about buying the land before, but unfortunately he lacked the ability. At that time, he had heard about the emergence of Qushui Tower, but when he thought that he failed to win it, it was sold to an unknown person. Being taken away by others, I was very upset, so I simply turned my head out of sight and didn't pay much attention to the Qu Shui Tower.

"But those are just some gimmicks after all. The dishes and wines at Yulongxuan and Nanke Tavern are so delicious, can they compete with my Tianyun Restaurant for business?"

"I have never eaten at Yulongxuan or Nanke Tavern, but I have been to Qushui Tower. The shopkeeper, the Shengyun ladder that allows people to teleport up and downstairs, the gorgeous and scattered flowing cloud lamps in the lobby, the constant temperature and comfortable environment, the crystal clear The glass showcases and appliances...these unique environments are enough to attract people..."

After all, the two of them were just waiters in the shop. Although the monthly salary from working at Tianyun Restaurant was not high, they still couldn't bear to spend thousands of spirit crystals for a meal. But that time they went to Qushui Building to take a look out of curiosity and almost... I couldn't help but go in.

"The most important thing is..." The braided girl suddenly showed a look of admiration, "Shopkeeper, the owner of Qushui Building is the leader of the fame competition and the rookie competition of this power competition, double leaders! Who doesn't want to see it up close? Look at the leader's demeanor? Countless spectators blocked the building where the participating disciples were resting, but no one was able to block them. They were already feeling itchy. After knowing that she was the owner of Qushui Tower, why didn't they all rush to Qushui Tower? "

The strong are respected, and the world respects martial arts and admires strength. If you win the first place in a power competition, it will really attract everyone's attention.

"It turned out to be the two leaders in the power competition. No wonder, no wonder!" Zhou Xu breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that after this news was over, business would return to the usual state. His Tianyun Restaurant was still the best in Mingxiao. Restaurants and the largest restaurant!

However, Zhou Xu thought that he should go to Qushui Building to have a look in person. Thinking of this, he smiled and said kindly to the two waiters, "Xiao Zhang, Xiao Liu, do your best. I will take you to Qushui Building tomorrow night." A meal will be a reward for all your hard work over the years.”

Xiao Zhang and Xiao Liu were delighted, they had wanted to go to Qushui Tower for a long time to see more, "Thank you very much, shopkeeper."

Xiao Zhang, the male waiter, suddenly laughed and said: "Shopkeeper Zhou, should we also get those climbing ladders and ice and fire magic books?"

Zhou Xu thoughtfully said: "Maybe we can do it."

Xiao Zhang knew Zhou Xu's worries and wanted to make a contribution. With a slightly cruel expression on his face, he said, "Shopkeeper, if you are worried about Naqushui Tower, why don't we talk to the ingredients dealer in Mingxiao City and cut off their ingredients?"

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