Chapter 72 Jiang Peijun

It's a muggy day outside, and it looks like it's going to rain.The mourning hall was still gloomy and cold, and the lamp made a "sizzling" electric sound.

Liao Xujun didn't want to be in a stalemate with Feng Nian anymore, she waved her hand towards Feng Nian, and countless centipedes came out of her skin.It looked like it should be in pain, but the expression on her face was still as pale as water, as if she didn't care.

Feng Nian's eyes were full of vigor, she knew that Liao Xujun was getting impatient, and she was deliberately waiting for Liao Xujun to make a move.Of course she wouldn't just catch her without a fight. When Liao Xujun released the centipede, she gently turned sideways to avoid the flying centipedes, went around behind Liao Xujun's back, and pinched her arm.

Feng Hengchu already wanted to clap his hands and applaud, Feng Nian's skill is really good, he was able to dodge the centipede and wrap around his back.But he can't show it, he is Feng Nian's second uncle, even if he pretends to be, he has to pretend that he is better than Feng Nian, otherwise no one will ask him for Feng Shui divination in the future.

However, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of Liao Xujun's mouth, and with a "click", her body scattered into countless centipedes, moving in all directions, and they all swam quickly towards the door of the mourning hall.Some centipedes also passed under Feng Hengchu's feet, making him jump in fright.

"Uncle Ma," Feng Nian called out to the old horse, naturally she would not appear in the mourning hall without any preparations.

I saw the old horse took out two lifelike big white geese from the paper offerings he brought, and stuck a spell on the big white geese. The two big white geese immediately came to life, and pecked at the scattered centipedes on the ground, pecking them. The centipedes were swallowed one by one by them.

The big white geese pecked at the centipedes very quickly, and within a few minutes, dozens of centipedes had already entered their stomachs.

The remaining centipedes had to regroup and take human form again.Only this time, it didn't turn into the image of Liao Xujun, but showed its original face.

"So this is your original face, much better looking than Liao Xujun." Feng Nian praised.

The evil spirit in front of him was wearing a long light yellow dress, with lightly applied eyebrows, gentle eyebrows, and a pearl bun in his hair.

It was the first time that a mystic master praised Xie Chong for his good looks. It had to be said that Feng Nian was really smart, knowing that the centipede was most afraid of the big white goose.It turned into a centipede and wanted to leave, but it had already been eaten by the big white geese. Now that it has been transformed into a human, it has lost five toes. If it does not get together, it will definitely be eaten by the two big white geese made of paper. in stomach.

"Jiang Peijun, the previous things are over, it's time to let go." Feng Nian walked in front of it, and called out the name of the evil spirit in front of him accurately before death.

Jiang Peijun showed a horrified expression, "How do you know?"


My name is Jiang Peijun. 1000 years ago, when the Zun Dynasty was still alive, I lived in a village near the imperial city.My father is a teacher, and he is very affectionate with my mother. They only have me as an only daughter. I have learned a lot of books since I was a child, and I can write beautiful small characters.After the mother passed away, the father did not remarry, and on weekdays he earned some daily expenses by teaching and writing to the children in the village.

One day, when I was washing clothes by the river, I found a man fainted by the river.His body was covered with bruises, his hands and feet were grayed out by the river water, and he had less breath in and more breath out.With all my strength, I helped him back home.

The doctor said that his body was full of wounds, including scrapes and knife wounds, the most serious one was the knife wound on his back, and he had been soaked in the river for a long time, so it depended on whether he could wake up.

That night, as the doctor said, he developed a high fever and kept talking.My father and I took turns watching him until the sun came up the next day, when he finally opened his tired eyes, and he had survived a long night.

After waking up, he told my father and me that his name was Liao Wenyi, and he was a candidate who was going to rush for the exam. Unexpectedly, he encountered bandits on the way. Fortunately, Jiang Zhong met us and saved his life.

His father was a scholar and had always respected scholars, so he asked Liao Wenyi to recuperate at home first.

Half a month later, most of Liao Wenyi's injuries were healed. He suggested that he should continue to rush for the exam, because if he missed this time, he would have to wait another four years.

Liao Wenyi's words made my eyes lose their light. During this period of getting along, I have secretly developed feelings for him. I even hope that he can stay in the village and stay with me for the rest of his life, but I know that this is impossible. of.

Father nodded. He admired Liao Wenyi and naturally supported Liao Wenyi to continue rushing for the exam, and he also guessed my thoughts on Liao Wenyi.In private, he advised me to forget about it, just pretend that I have never met Liao Wenyi, and continue to live my normal life.

On the day Liao Wenyi left, his father gave him all the money in the family and encouraged him to rush for the exam.He knelt down towards his father and kowtowed three times.When he left, he didn't say a word to me, but only gave me a letter.

In the days after Liao Wenyi left, I read the letter he sent me several times every night. He told me in the letter that I should wait for him to come back and propose marriage to me when he came back.

But I just waited and waited until he returned.

Because of a typhoid fever, my father couldn't find half a copper to buy medicine, so he just left.In front of my father's grave, I was the only one standing alone, the autumn wind was bleak, and the ghost paper was fluttering.Liao Wenyi finally broke his promise.

After my father passed away, the family lost his teaching salary, so I could only wash clothes for the villagers and earn a little money to make ends meet.The writing hands were already swollen and red, and they couldn't see their original appearance.

That day, I gritted my teeth and patted my clothes on the cold riverside, when a pair of soapy black boots stopped in front of me.I looked up, and the tears couldn't stop falling from my eyes.He, Liao Wenyi finally came, and I finally waited for him.

Liao Wenyi took me and kowtowed heavily in front of my father's grave. He made a promise in front of his father's grave that he would take care of me for the rest of my life.I smiled and let my father rest in peace. I firmly believe that Liao Wenyi will treat me well.

It turned out that Liao Wenyi finally passed the exam after rushing for it.He was very appreciated by the Holy Majesty, and he proposed to the Holy Majesty to return to Liaojia Village to take up a post. The Holy Majesty agreed, but he was required to serve in Beijing for two years.

Two years later, he was going back to Liaojia Village, so he came here first to fulfill his original promise and marry me as his wife.

In this way, I followed Liao Wenyi back to Liaojia Village.

When Liao Wenyi returned to the village, everyone in the village came out to welcome him, because he was the only one in the Liao family village who went to high school so far, which made the people of the Liao family village feel embarrassed.

He took me back to his home and met his parents.But when his parents learned of my identity, they showed unknown expressions on their faces.At first, I thought they were still unfamiliar with me, but they didn't know that when they learned of my identity, they had already planned.

(End of this chapter)

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