Chapter 82 Entering an Official
It was at a palace banquet, and I saw my father with gray hair and my mother with a sad face.

In order to impress the other concubines present, I specially changed into clothes and accessories that only queens can wear, and applied a thick layer of makeup on my face.

When I heard that Nanheng had bestowed an imperial order on my mother, the thick layer of makeup on my face could not hide the paleness on my face. After all, my father broke the promise and was involved in the disputes in the court .My younger brother also entered the court and became a general.

I know that Ji's family knew that I couldn't move an inch in the harem, so that I could have a strong backing, and they didn't hesitate to become a member of the court.

How much gossip they should face, because the Ji family had vowed not to enter the court again; how much guilt should they face, because the Ji family could no longer be alone.It's all for me.

After the palace banquet, Nan Heng went to my palace, and I questioned him, why must members of my Ji family enter the court? From the very beginning, was it just for the members of the Ji family that I was appointed as the queen.Nanheng didn't answer any of my questions and walked away.

Ten days later, I heard from other palace people that Nan Heng had a new favorite named Hua Yun, and it was said that Nan Heng brought it back from outside the palace when he left the palace in a micro-clothes.I smiled slightly, but didn't take it to heart. Anyway, I just thought that there was an extra insignificant person in the palace.

But later, I found out that I was wrong.

After Huayun entered the palace, unlike other concubines, she came to my palace to greet me every day, but I always stopped her because of physical discomfort.But she is rain or shine, every day.I even suspected that she was different from other concubines. Gradually, I asked people to invite her in, just to see what kind of appearance the woman Nan Heng brought back from the palace had.

Huayun's person, like her name, grows up like a delicate flower.She has a soft and weak look on her face, I really feel sorry for her, no wonder Nan Heng brought her back from outside the palace.

And she did not hide at all that she is not a native of Nanzhu country. She said that she is from a remote town in Waiqi country. Because of the drought in her hometown, she had to leave her hometown. She heard that Nanzhu country is rich in pearls and is a rich place. I want to come.Unexpectedly, on the way, all the relatives in the family died, and she was the only one left.

Perhaps it was her helpless background, which reminded me of a time when I entered the palace, and made me feel the same way. She was the only concubine who could come and go freely in my palace.And maybe because I got closer to her, Nan Heng would come to sit in my palace from time to time, and the relationship between the two of us eased a bit.

One day, my mother came to see me in the palace, and she told me that both my father and my younger brother hoped that I could gain a foothold in the palace in an upright manner, so that I would not have any quarrel with Nan Heng because of this matter.Let me give birth to the eldest son before everyone else, otherwise the sacrifice of the Ji family will be in vain.

I nodded and agreed with tears in my eyes, and I began to try to repair the relationship with Nanheng.He also began to stay overnight in my palace.

Until Huayun was diagnosed as pregnant with dragon descendants by the imperial doctor in the palace, Nan Heng showed a joyful expression on his face, and I stood by, as if swallowing a bitter apricot, my heart was full of bitterness.If I hadn't intentionally left the jade pendant back then, my betrothed person and I might not have been harmonious, but I know that Ji's family would definitely not fall into the muddy waters of the court, and now, there is no way to regret it.

Against all odds, Nan Heng made Hua Yun the noble concubine Hua.That night, the sound of broken porcelain was heard everywhere in the palace.What's ridiculous is that in the early morning of the next day, those concubines who dropped their porcelain had to pay their respects to the newly promoted Concubine Hua. This is the life in the inner courtyard of the deep palace.

After Huayun was promoted to become a noble concubine, my palace also received a lot of rewards from Nanheng, because my father and younger brother joined hands to stop the attack of Sima Sheng, the ever-victorious general of the Outer Qi State, and even captured Sima Sheng of a city.All of a sudden, Hua Yun and I became the people Nan Heng put in his hands to protect.

On that day, Huayun came to my palace to say hello as usual, and she drank a cup of tea prepared by my palace.Not long after drinking the tea, she bled profusely and passed out in my palace.

After Nan Heng learned about it, he rushed to my palace in front of all the courtiers, and left with Hua Yun in his arms.I saw doubts in his eyes, and success in Hua Yun's eyes.

Huayun's child was not kept. This was Nanheng's first child, and it was lost in my palace.What is even more unexpected is that a maid in my palace actually came out to identify her, saying that I ordered her to put the medicine for abortion in Huayun's tea cup, and then committed suicide by touching the pillar.I couldn't argue, I told Nan Heng that the real culprit was Hua Yun, who killed the fetus in her womb, but Nan Heng didn't believe it.

I didn't have any evidence, so I was relegated to the cold palace by Nan Heng.

After I entered the cold palace, the phoenix seal in the palace was controlled by Hua Yun.I only heard that there are more and more banquets in the palace, the sound of silk and bamboo keeps going night and night, and the beauties in the palace have different faces.

The vocal music in the palace was finally replaced by the sound of breaking the city.

When I received the secret letter from my younger brother, I realized that what Hua Yun wanted all along was not Nan Heng's exclusive favor, but Nan Zhu Country, and her brother-in-law was Sima Sheng, the ever-victorious general of Outer Qi Country.

But it was too late. My younger brother was beheaded by Sima Sheng outside the city gate, and my father also died in the war.

What's even more absurd is that Hua Yun urged Nan Heng to lead the battle in person, and Nan Heng died under Sima Sheng's random arrows.

The palace was in chaos, I stepped out of the cold palace and desperately asked someone to bring Nan Heng's body back.

I negotiated with Sima Sheng and told him that as long as he agreed to allow Nanheng to be buried safely, then I would be willing to hand over Nanzhu Kingdom, otherwise, the remaining soldiers of Nanzhu Kingdom would fight to the death. Hua Yun goes.

Of course I would not disagree, so I agreed immediately.

Sima Sheng ordered people to retreat one mile, and the soldiers of the Outer Qi State stood guard outside the city of Nanzhu State.

I let craftsmen from all over the country rush to work day and night, and built a tomb for Nanheng in the cave of Chujian Peak. That is the place where I stayed with him. memory.

Soon, I chose the day for Nanheng's burial.In order not to let people know the exact location of Nanheng's tomb, I opened the city gate of Nanzhu Kingdom, and ten teams of horses and horses left together, which made it impossible for Sima Sheng and others to tell which team was carrying the real coffin of Nanheng .

As for me, I was waiting at Nanheng's tomb. Beside me, there was a fainted woman in Qi costume. She was Huayun.Looking at Hua Yun's exquisite makeup, I showed a hint of sneer.

It turned out that as early as this morning, I told Huayun's maidservant that as long as she cooperates with me, this maidservant can replace Huayun and return to Outer Qi Kingdom.

(End of this chapter)

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