Chapter 102
Facing the gazes coming from all directions, the man's expression was always indifferent. He bent down and moved closer to the microphone on his chest, and his cold voice sounded slowly.

"Good evening, everyone. I'm Song Shichen. It's a pleasure to meet you. It's an honor to appear on stage as a guest."

The magnetic voice came to the ears, like a spring breeze, like a trickling stream, it stirred up a lot of waves in an instant, making people dazzled for a while.

"Wow! Song Lu's voice is so nice! Love it, love it, it's definitely the best voice I've ever heard, woo woo woo, I'm calling Song Lu!"

"It's so crispy! I really can't stand it, it keeps ringing in my ears, it's amazing!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a lot of noise underneath. In the past or now, Song Shichen did have the ability to attract everyone and become the focus of the audience.

No matter where he is, Song Shichen is always so dazzling that people can't ignore it. Many eyes of surprise, admiration, admiration, and jealousy are cast on him.

It cannot be denied that he is really outstanding, and he transformed himself into a well-known lawyer Song.

At some point, Shen Wanyi couldn't take her eyes off the man, and the words of the heated discussion around reached her ears.

She quietly darkened her gaze, slightly lowered her eyelids, a bit of indescribable subtlety flashed in her heart, her usual indifferent expression finally changed, and a slight strangeness slipped in her heart.

Shen Wanyi lowered her brows and eyes, her eyes fell on the wine glass on the table, her eyes were slightly dazed, she moved to her lips in a strange way, and took a sip.

Although it is fruit wine, it is wine after all. The tip of her tongue has a bit of acrid taste, she can't help frowning, and it is hot in her throat, and the aroma of the wine slowly permeates her mouth.

I know how much I can drink, I don't dare to drink too much, and I just take a simple sip, and my head is not so dizzy.

It's just that the fair face was dyed with a few bright reds, adding a bit of charming drunkenness, and the soft lips opened and closed, seductively.

"Which character is this Song Shichen? Why does it look like a large-scale star chasing scene? He looks better, not as good-looking as me. I can only say that those women are too superficial."

This scene fell into Lu Yanhan's eyes, he pulled his lips sarcastically, and casually squinted his eyes to look at the man on the stage.

Seeing that the atmosphere became lively, the host briefly explained the reason for Song Shichen's appearance.

"Speaking of Song Lu, I believe you are familiar with it. It is not easy to invite you tonight. It is a rare opportunity to get to know each other and learn more. I would also like to invite Song Lu to share some work experience."

"Tonight's highlight, Song Lu can choose a female partner present to dance with. Of course, the choice is in Song Lu's hands, or he can refuse. Let's look forward to it and see who gets it."

Immediately aroused a lot of heated discussions, both sides, not only can get in touch with Song Shichen, but if it is a female partner, there is also a chance to dance together.

Someone saw through it at a glance, and pretended to be sorry, "Song Shichen has never been close to women, and he is famous for being indifferent. The possibility of rejection is even greater. The chance is probably slim. Give it up, sisters."

"Don't be so pessimistic, let's talk about whether it is possible. As long as it hasn't started, everything is possible. The world is still uncertain, and you and I are dark horses."

"There is still a certain gap between a dark horse and a bull. I bet that Song Shichen will definitely refuse. Needless to say, I don't believe in this evil today, so I have to bet on it."

They all looked at Song Shichen who was talking with someone else, and started betting.

 water out.

(End of this chapter)

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