Chapter 113 I Taught It Personally
Shen Wanyi was taken aback, heard right, Song Shichen actually invited her to be a dance partner, he was so surprised that he couldn't speak, his heart was shocked like a dog.

Maybe he wanted to take the opportunity to humiliate her and avenge his so-called girlfriend, but he and Lu Yanhan thought of this at the same time.

There was a bit of hostility in Lu Yanhan's eyes, he glanced at Shen Wanyi, and explained simply and clearly, implying that he declined Song Shichen's invitation for her.

"Let Song Lu down, she is very stupid, she can't dance, and she is slow to react, your female partner is still waiting there."

For some reason, when he first saw Song Shichen, he felt very upset, and his heart came out for no reason, and even he himself couldn't explain why.

Listening to his conversation, the two of them seem to know each other, and they are very familiar with each other. Good guy, Shen Wanyi, this dead woman, didn't tell him anything?

He really is a veritable grievance, a big fool who is kept in the dark about everything.

Good job, I have to take care of this dead woman later, Lu Yanhan glared at Shen Wanyi who was still in a state of astonishment, and secretly made up his mind.

Shen Wanyi "?!"

What the hell is this talking about?Are you sure it's not public revenge, and took the opportunity to scold her face to face, calling her stupid?
It's so obvious that the idiot didn't realize it, good guy, it's fine to decline, and even took the opportunity to step on her, Lu Yanhan must not deal with this person.

Secretly pinched Lu Yanhan's arm quietly, gave him a look to understand, and glared at him by the way, sure enough, he couldn't find a good word from his mouth.

Lu Yanhan had an innocent look on his face, as if saying, this is helping you out, you have to thank the Lord, it's too immoral to repay your kindness with revenge.

Shen Wanyi smiled generously, but before she had time to decline politely, she was confused by the next set of actions.

I saw Song Shichen bent down, his extremely beautiful lips parted slightly, his voice was neither loud nor soft, but she could hear it clearly.

In the direction of her ear, the hot breath of the exclusive man sprayed on Bai Nen's ear, and she was at a loss for a while, and was stunned in place.

Shen Wanyi couldn't help but her mind fluttered, her eyes moved slightly, her long and curly eyelashes trembled, she subconsciously stepped back, and leaned against the sofa with her back tensed.

The man's magnetic and low voice slowly rang in his ears, and he read every word very clearly, blocking the words that Shen Wanyi was about to reject in his throat.

"Doctor Shen, after all, I taught it by myself, maybe you know better than me, I don't mind going over it again."

A light and fluffy word slowly burst into a smile from Song Shichen's throat. He bent his clear and moving eyebrows, said it calmly and calmly, and looked forward to Shen Wanyi's reaction with great interest.

As soon as the words were finished, the woman had the expected reaction of Song Shichen, and he squinted his eyes comfortably, like an old fox who had succeeded.

Shen Wanyi's expression flashed a little subtle, and suddenly his face changed drastically, gradually becoming difficult to look at.

Song Shichen's words were like a huge stone, thrown into her soft heart again and again, beating hard on the copper and iron walls that had been built so high with great difficulty, and a sudden coldness emanated from her whole body.

Her breathing stopped for a moment, and she stared blankly at the scheming dog man. Her cherry-like red lips opened and closed, and then she bit her lips tightly.

The hands gradually clenched into fists, and several green roots and blood vessels were clearly visible on the fair skin.

The man's words are reminding Shen Wanyi that her little thoughts can be seen through at a glance.

 I'm getting lazy, I don't want to move, I'm completely numb, and I've been a writer's assistant for a day.

  There are actually 4 monthly tickets today. I received them for the first time. I love them. I am a local dog and I have never seen them.

  I should be able to do two more chapters, if I can’t do it, I didn’t say it, and slipped away.

(End of this chapter)

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