Sweet crazy!The cold lawyer Song married at an early age

Chapter 116 I'm Not Afraid Of My Boyfriend's Jealousy

Chapter 116 I'm Not Afraid Of My Boyfriend's Jealousy

In the center of the huge stage, along the way, Shen Wanyi walked on Song Shichen's right. She was in a state of bewilderment, and at that moment she unconsciously agreed and followed in a daze.

Why do you feel like a sheep is in the mouth of a tiger?And she was that silly little sheep who was being slaughtered, and she gave herself to the scheming tiger step by step.

When Song Shichen said those words, he didn't leave any room for rejection.

Shen Wanyi had a bad premonition, and sure enough, a woman's sixth sense is very accurate.

The implication is that he is threatening himself, if he does not agree, he does not guarantee that he will do something else.

Now if you don't agree, you have to agree, Shen Wanyi wants to see, what exactly Song Shichen wants to do?
Or to avenge his girlfriend and humiliate her severely in public.

As the saying goes, a woman's heart is a needle in the bottom of the sea, but in fact, a man's heart is just as difficult to understand.

Especially for someone like Song Shichen who didn't change his face, it was even more unpredictable.

Whether it was the past or the present, she seems to have never known Song Shichen, familiar yet unfamiliar.

"Doctor Shen."

The man's clear noise was tinged with indifference, and he turned his head to call Shen Wanyi, who was distracted beside him.

Shen Wanyi, who was wandering outside, was immediately brought back to reality, her exquisite browbones were furrowed, her eyes were full of puzzlement, and she responded in a daze.


He looked dazed after recovering, blinked in a daze, and was cute for a moment, which made people want to tease and rub his cheeks.

Tsk tsk, nothing has changed.

Song Shichen's dark eyebrows were full of smiles, his long eyelashes drooped, and a shadow passed by, and he mentioned Lu Yanhan intentionally or unintentionally.

"Accepting other people's invitations easily, Dr. Shen is not afraid that his boyfriend will be jealous, or is Mr. Lu more at ease?"

His sharp eyes were firmly locked on Shen Wanyi's astonished expression, without letting go of a slight change, waiting for her answer with interest.

The image of Lu Yanhan protecting Shen Wanyi behind his back lingered in his mind, and he wondered how Shen Wanyi knew Lu Yanhan, the relationship between the two was not simple.

Shen Wanyi heard this, obviously Song Shichen mistook Lu Yanhan for her boyfriend? !What kind of tiger and wolf is this.

Looking horizontally or vertically, it doesn't look good. The relationship is clearer than plain water. I've seen a couple who quarrel non-stop when they meet. That's right, she and Lu Yanhan get along like this.

According to the stone-to-stone, head-to-head way of getting along every time they meet, couples are unlikely. Shen Wanyi has long regarded Lu Yanhan as a brother who fought side by side.

He never expected that he would be misunderstood by Song Shichen, and he seriously suspected that his IQ was plummeting, and he had no eyesight at all.

Just as he was about to explain his relationship with Lu Yanhan, his head stopped suddenly, and a question popped up, why did he explain to Song Shichen that he had a half-money relationship with him?
How could this reaction look like jealousy, especially like a husband asking a cheating wife, even Shen Wanyi was shocked when the thought came out.

Only a sick mind can think of this level. Even if the sky falls and the earth is destroyed, Song Shichen will not be jealous, let alone his own jealousy.

Shen Wanyi discarded those messy thoughts and gradually figured it out.

Meeting the man's probing gaze, he immediately smiled calmly, and instead of answering directly, asked him instead.

"It's not the same for Song Lu. I'm not afraid of her jealousy when I leave my girlfriend behind. It's not easy to coax her into trouble."

 Huh, chapter one, I'm so sleepy, I really want to sleep, when I think of today's 4, my heart feels ashamed and half cold.

  Today is very quiet, there are no tickets, and the collection has increased a lot. It is almost 1800, and we are moving towards 2000.

  Good afternoon, good afternoon, it's been so hard.

(End of this chapter)

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