Chapter 118 Make Another One

When the palms were about to touch each other, Shen Wanyi's eyes rolled and she smiled maliciously.

Deliberately put more force, hit Song Shichen's hand with a slap, and looked at him provocatively.

He just pretended to have an innocent expression, and almost had the word "intentional" clearly written on his face.

The red lips, which were as delicate as rose petals, parted slightly, "Sorry Song Lu, I'm a little stronger."

Song Shichen looked at Shen Wanyi's triumphant eyes, the teasing meaning in his eyes was clear at a glance, and he had the temperament of revenge, I'm afraid he knew better than her.

Tch...the strength is really not small, to vent all the anger just now on this slap.

If it wasn't for public places, I'm afraid I wish I could slap him in the face.

His eyes narrowed slightly, the waves moved slightly, and he looked at her with a half-smile.

Subconsciously, they gradually tightened their hands, and they fit together tightly and seamlessly, feeling the temperature between each other's contact.

Shen Wanyi was caught off guard by being pulled, she steadied herself for a few steps, and the next second was grabbed by the man's strong hand, and the scorching heat slowly spread to the palm of her hand.

Under his comparison, her hand looked extraordinarily slender, small, and delicate, as if it would break if she squeezed it lightly.

The pads of the fingers touched Shen Wanyi's hand, and squeezed her soft little finger, as if he was reluctant to let go.

Shen Wanyi felt the scorching temperature in the man's hands, and the surrounding atmosphere was inexplicably ambiguous, and the clear smell that belonged to him penetrated into the tip of her nose, lingering directly into her heart.

The smell is not pungent, it can be said to be very light, but it is a bit refreshing, and for some reason, it is filled with an intoxicating breath.

At this moment, Shen Wanyi's heart was beating like a deer, her breathing stopped for a moment, and her palms were slightly cold.

"Is Dr. Shen nervous? I'm not too scary. I'm not a man-eating tiger. I'm also an old acquaintance, so I don't need to see outsiders."

Feeling the moist touch from the palm of his hand, Song Shichen couldn't help raising his eyebrows, a faint cunning appeared on his usually cold face.

Looking at her face, he leaned down and whispered in her ear.

Shen Wanyi's complexion changed, and she froze, as if she was being talked about, with a subtle expression on her face, not smiling, showing a slight arc.

"Tch... Song Lv was joking, it's not really nervous, he was just curious about how a big man like you would find me, a commoner like me, when he left his girlfriend aside. I was really curious, so I asked."

Consciously or unintentionally, he looked in Meng Qingran's direction, only to see her ferocious face, wishing to replace her. If it wasn't for him, the person on stage might be Meng Qingran.

Indeed, it is very understandable that whoever it happens to will be irritated.

At a large banquet, the boyfriend did not dance with him, but with other women, and he almost fainted from anger.

If this happens, Shen Wanyi will not be dizzy, nor angry, but will change her identity, her boyfriend will become an ex-boyfriend, and she will be rewarded with a slap as a gift.

Song Shichen smiled lowly, and did not explain his relationship with Meng Qingran, the smile deepened in his deep eyes.

But after a while, Shen Wanyi mentioned the matter of Meng Qingran a few times, and every time he called him by his girlfriend's name, he seemed to mind her existence very much.

He cleared his throat, "It can be understood that Dr. Shen is so well dressed tonight that he can't take his eyes off him, including me, too. Are you satisfied with the answer? No, I'll make up another one."

 Another bad review, I'm really speechless, thank you.

  I want to ask for a few days off and have a good rest, my God.

  Good night, the last chapter should be too late.

(End of this chapter)

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