Chapter 121
Trembling through the class without any risk, at the end of the class, I can finally talk about the topic that I have held back for a long time.

If it weren't for Tang Wenqing's deadly gaze and the low-pressure atmosphere, heated discussions would have already begun.

"Could it be possible that I'm going to participate in the Broken Art Gala?! I can't get that thing, I don't have time, I don't have the energy, I choose to lie flat."

A lot of people below agreed, they were already too busy studying in high school, and they had to devote half of their energy to holding cultural evenings, so let's just kill them.

Li Yang smiled and began to enlighten his mind.

"The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge, so don't think too pessimistically. Maybe things will turn around suddenly, but it's not a bad thing. Just treat it as entertainment."

He is worthy of being a three-good student in the eyes of the teacher, and he is also convincing in the class, and everyone immediately agrees.

Not long after the discussion was over, the head teacher used the break time after class to say a few words, which was no different from what Tang Wenqing said. He raised a few words and made some important points.

"The Waltz of Love" is a program that needs to be performed at the cultural evening. Any student in the class is indispensable, and men and women are matched. In free time, go to the dance studio to practice, and you must do your best.

Immediately there was really nothing to say, sadness came like a tornado, and the good mood disappeared with a snap after hearing the news.

Amidst a lot of complaints, Zhao Qiuyi on the seat grabbed Shen Wanyi's clothes, making her turn around in surprise, "Wanwan, what do you think?"

Zhao Qiuyi has always been an optimist, heartless, carefree, not worth mentioning about a cultural evening, as for the fuss, she doesn't understand.

Just suddenly curious, what Shen Wanyi, who is usually quiet and talkative, thinks and reacts.

The girl raised her eyelids slightly, and Shui Ling's eyes were full of puzzlement.

It took a long time to react to the question, and slowly spit out a few words, "I have no idea."

"Oh my treasure, you came from outer space, why didn't you react at all, at least show some expressions, shocked or happy, it's scary to be too calm."

The neither cold nor indifferent attitude really made Zhao Qiuyi anxious, as if he had seen something amazing in his eyes.

Thinking about it carefully, it was normal for Shen Wanyi, so I had to sigh.

Zhao Qiuyi raised her head, puffed her cheeks, grabbed a pen and scribbled on the notebook in every possible way, and couldn't help thinking of other things in her mind, so she raised her mouth by the way.

"I heard that dancing is not that easy. Although the waltz of love is simple, the dance teacher is very strict and does not allow slight mistakes. Naturally, the details of behavior are stricter. I have already prepared to be beaten. Later, you learn Have you ever danced?"

I have already imagined the scene of being beaten with a stick by the dance teacher, and the cells all over my body are crying out for pain.

Shen Wanyi shook her head, expressing that she had never been in contact with dance, and she didn't understand it, but it was a done deal, and there was no room for shrinking, so she had to accept it.

Zhao Qiuyi looked at Shen Wanyi sympathetically, feeling like she hated seeing each other late, and then patted her on the shoulder meaningfully.

"It seems that we both have to bite the bullet and stand up together, and be good sisters who share difficulties together. Let's accept our fate, get ready, and accept the reality."

When it was almost time to start class, the life committee brought back news from the office. After school, everyone gathered in the dance studio. The teacher announced something, and we must not be late.

 It's so hard to hold back, I really don't know what dancing is.

  Thank you treasures, what, slip away.

(End of this chapter)

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