Chapter 123 The Spark of Love
Such a well-behaved appearance made people's heart flutter, and couldn't help but feel a desire to protect, Zhou Xiangyu restrained his expression, and walked up to Shen Wanyi.

He lowered his head slightly, and the girl in front of him just reached his shoulder.

Shen Wanyi is considered tall even among girls, but now she looks like a small one, very cute.

Facing Shen Wanyi's scrutinizing gaze calmly, his heart trembled, and he asked tentatively in a soft voice.

"Student, can I be your partner? Now we are left alone, there is no way."

After all, he spread his hands helplessly, implying that there was no other choice but Zhou Xiangyu.

Asked cautiously, then fixed his eyes on Shen Wanyi's expression, for fear of seeing disgust.

"it is good."

Shen Wanyi nodded without thinking, and agreed.

The promise was so forthright, Zhou Xiangyu couldn't believe his ears. At this moment, his heart felt like colorful fireworks exploded, and he held back the ecstasy in his heart.

Seeing that the two formed a team and there were no single students left, the dance teacher adjusted the loudspeaker, sat down on a chair, and tapped on the table.

"I have found my own partner, and you can't change it at will after you confirm it. You can find a partner as you like, in order to practice more naturally. If you really can't do it later, you can change it depending on the situation. Unless you have to, don't change it."

Talking about some important things, time is tight, only, finally reminded to remember to come to the dance studio to practice after school every day, and then disbanded.

Finally, after the meeting, the students who had just been divided into groups packed up their things and left the dance studio, and went home with their friends, discussing this matter from time to time along the way.

In the huge dance room, there were only a few people left. Zhao Qiuyi left with Shen Wanyi just as he finished fighting with his buddies at the door.

Along the way, Zhao Qiuyi was always talkative and chattered non-stop. He took out biscuits from his satchel, tore them open, ate them, and chatted indistinctly.

She clenched her hands into a fist, raised her eyebrows interestingly in front of Shen Wanyi who was walking side by side, and cleared her throat to ask a question in a semi-serious tone.

"Student Shen Wanyi, your partner is Zhou Xiangyu, the study committee member. How do you feel? Please start your speech now."

While waiting for an answer, he took a bite of the biscuit in his hand and made a crisp sound.

Shen Wanyi, who was named, looked up at Zhao Qiuyi, then shifted her gaze to the crowd sweating and exercising on the playground in the distance.

It took a long time to respond, "I don't have any thoughts, just an ordinary partner." The two of them really didn't have anything to communicate.

Hearing this, Zhao Qiuyi immediately put on an expression of hating iron and steel, frowned, and even stopped eating biscuits.

If I continue to eat, I am afraid that I will be choked to death at the moment when the words are amazing.

"Well, I don't have any thoughts, student Shen Wanyi, you really refresh my understanding of you time and time again, Zhou Xiangyu can be regarded as good-looking in our class, but he is a bit shy, after all, he is still a top student, and he has good luck .”

"If it's me, it's morning. If you have a long-term relationship or something, maybe the spark of love will be sparked. I regret it very much now. I shouldn't have chosen that guy at the beginning. I regret it."

He made a tsk-tsk tone, obviously disgusted, that guy was naturally referring to his partner's good brother.

The person involved, Zhao Qiuyi, said that she was very regretful, but if she was a little late, such a good thing would have happened to her, and now she has to accept the reality.

 One watch, sleepy to death.

  I have to practice the piano tonight, so I updated it in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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