Chapter 136 You Can Trust Me

The two stopped and gradually let go of her hand. Song Shichen raised the corners of his lips coldly, narrowed his eyes, and spoke half-sarcastically.

"Tch... I really want to be a coward for the rest of my life, not daring to look directly at my own problems. I look down on you, Shen Wanyi."

The sharp gaze was on Shen Wanyi's subtle expression, and there was a mocking smile in his eyes.

The brows and eyes are cold, but the pupils are so calm that they can't figure it out for a while.

The surrounding environment became more subtle, and I pressed the still button again, and I could clearly hear the sound of leaves falling on the ground, and there were a few crisp birdsong in the distance.

Indeed, what Song Shichen said was correct, she was constantly avoiding her own problems, never daring to look directly at and face them.

Shen Wanyi darkened her eyes, suppressed the discomfort in her heart, and was full of thoughts.

It was as if a boulder was pressing on my heart, and I couldn't breathe for a while, and gradually felt a sense of suffocation.


Just now he uttered three words, but was interrupted mercilessly by Song Shichen, "The person I'm sorry for is not me, but you."

"The right to decide is in your hands. How to control it depends on yourself. Others can't help you, but you don't believe that you will do well."

The cold and heartless words were like sharp knives, piercing into Shen Wanyi's soft heart.

The whole person couldn't help being stunned, as if his throat was tightly strangled by a rope, the more he couldn't speak.

Shen Wanyi lowered her eyes slowly, but her simple words woke her up. Song Shichen found out the problem in her body right away, forcing her to have no way to escape, and it was hard to fly.

The scars in his heart were revealed in front of the public, and he thought he had covered them up very well.

But now, like a clown jumping on a bridge, it is displayed in front of Song Shichen at a glance, and it is easy for him to see through it at a glance.

Because of her, Zhou Xiangyu sacrificed his free time to train, and even Song Shichen, who was always venomous, offered to practice with her, so there was no reason not to work hard.

There was a silence for a while, the two of them didn't speak, Song Shichen's hand hanging on the edge of his trousers was naturally hooked, the movement was not out of bounds, nor was it intimate or ambiguous, he simply raised it with his index finger.

He raised his eyelids slightly, and unexpectedly bumped into the girl's starry eyes. Compared with just now, he had more unwavering determination.

Even though she guessed what she would say in the next second, she was still looking forward to it. Not only did she need to act, but she had to say it herself, otherwise how could she learn a lesson.

The cold peach blossom eyes were lifted up, and the eyes waved, pretending not to understand the meaning of Shen Wanyi's movements.

I was about to ask, but I didn't expect to be answered first.

The girl's eyebrows and eyes were bent, and a faint smile overflowed from her light-colored lips. The noise was gentle, and there was firm and unquestionable determination in her voice.

Every word and every word rang clearly in my ears, but at this moment it was so dazzling that people couldn't take their eyes off her, staying on her body for a long time.

"I understand, I can't be a turtle, even if I fail, at least I have tried my best, I should believe in myself..."

After finishing speaking, he raised his eyes to look at Song Shichen, as if asking if he was right.

At this moment, it seems that the child who has done something wrong finally finds out his mistake and is eager for praise and approval.

The wooden head, which was dull for more than half a beat, finally opened up. It was not easy for Shen Wanyi to open up. Suddenly, my daughter suddenly woke up.

Song Shichen raised his eyebrows happily, and still pretended to be very serious, "You can trust me if you miss a little bit."

 Growth Script VS Romance Script

  Tired, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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