Chapter 143 A Couple Made in Heaven


The absent-minded Shen Wanyi stared blankly at Song Shichen, causing Song Shichen to inadvertently raise his eyebrows in surprise.

The scorching breath sprayed on the woman's fair neck, and he leaned over her ear and said lightly, "Dr. Shen is distracted."

Shen Wanyi's blank eyes fell on the person in front of her, and she finally recovered.

My head was dizzy, and in a trance, it overlapped with the figure of the boy in my memory, and I couldn't tell whether it was the past or the present.

Recalling the past involuntarily, her throat clenched, and she didn't know when to start talking.

The memory locked in the box was suddenly knocked open a small hole, and a bright light was seen, allowing Shen Wanyi's mind to be seen clearly.

Song Shichen's words pulled her out of the memories of the past.

By the way, remind yourself that the past has become the past, it is impossible for her and Song Shichen to entangle, it would be a mistake to entangle, it would be better to make a clean break and have a good time.

Shen Wanyi took a deep breath, trying to calm her chaotic heart.

Containing the complicated meaning in his eyes, he said two words lightly, "Sorry."

The melodious music sounded slowly, and the lights on the stage fell on the two of them, casting a layer of light on them. They were both talented and beautiful, as if they were a match made in heaven.

With graceful movements, graceful posture, and brisk steps, the spinning "Heart of the Deep Sea" is like a piece of splashed ink, rendering the thick ink color drawn by literati.

Sometimes I raise my hands and stand on tiptoes, like a proud swan.Lower your noble head, and show your best posture in front of everyone.

In the huge space, it seems that there are only two people, and the one with small pupils is the only one who exists, mixing with the music.

There was no rehearsal, and they went directly to the stage, but it gave people an illusion. It felt like the two had partnered many times.

People can't move their eyes, for fear that they will miss any details in the blink of an eye, leaving regrets in their hearts.

"That trip was not in vain. I saw another side of Song Lv. I really didn't see that he was good at dancing. He usually hides it too deeply."

"That young lady is not bad either. She invited her on a whim without any stage fright. She was an unexpected match."

"It would be great if the person on the stage called me. It's such a good opportunity to get in touch with Song Lu. I have to admit the blessings I have cultivated in my previous life. I'm envious."

There were a lot of sour tones from below, and they clicked tut in dissatisfaction. Although they said it was a good match, they still disagreed. Naturally, they couldn't get used to it.

"I really don't understand that woman has the ability to make Lu Yanhan and Song Lu look at each other with admiration. A good skin can really work, and she can seduce men."

The gossip and gossip below, the two people on the stage are addicted to the dance, blending into one, and can't hear the sound of the outside world.

On the contrary, Lu Yanhan who was on the sofa listened to them one by one, his face suddenly turned ugly, his thin lips were tightly pressed into a straight line, as if he was suppressing the anger in his heart.

I just promised Shen Wan that I don't want to cause trouble here, and I will keep myself safe, and restrain him from giving him a hard blow to relieve my anger.

It's just nonsense, with feces in your mouth, and you haven't brushed your teeth for decades, otherwise how would you open your mouth and spray out the stench.

His violent temper really can't stand others saying bad things about Shen Wanyi, not even a single word, only he can say it, no one else can.

What kind of person Shen Wanyi is, he knows it very well, and asserts that it is definitely not as bad as they said!

(End of this chapter)

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