Chapter 146 My Choice

Shen Wanyi frowned, there was a lingering sadness in her delicate eyebrows, and even the bitterness in the wine she drank.

There was a vague loneliness all over his body, creating a strong sense of distance, making it impossible for people to get close.


Facing the gazes of the people present, Song Shichen returned to his original position, as if nothing had happened, simply went through the process, and gave him some face.

Meng Qingran immediately moved to her side, pursed her lips in dissatisfaction, and looked towards Shen Wanyi, couldn't help complaining, couldn't help complaining a few times.

"Senior brother, why did you find this woman? She has a face and tricks to seduce men. No matter who you are looking for, she is the only one I have a problem with."

It was rare for Song Shichen to give her a look, which made people feel chills for no reason, his eyes were cold and indifferent, his dark eyes stared at her deeply, his thin lips parted slightly, raising a hint of warning.

"Meng Qingran, keep your mouth clean, don't let me hear this again, what I chose has nothing to do with her."

Looking at it faintly, it is obviously thoughtful, revealing an unpredictable and profound color, which is unpredictable.

The sharp gaze was like a sharp knife, staring at Meng Qingran with a guilty conscience, as if frightened, she subconsciously took a few steps back, couldn't help but refute, and snorted a few times.

"Senior brother, I can't be angry. For your sake, why should I be angry with this person..."

Seemingly unaware of the slight change in Song Shichen's face, Xie Chengyuan grabbed Meng Qingran with quick eyes and hands.

Now even he, an outsider, could clearly see the signs of anger.

She doesn't have any eyesight at all, so her IQ has to be worrying. How can she have such a little junior sister? I really have to be convinced.

Meng Qingran didn't realize that something was wrong, so she kept talking non-stop, and complained with Xie Chengyuan by the way.

"Xie Gouzi, why are you holding me back? What you're telling is the truth. Don't let people tell you the truth. Women are definitely not simple..."

Good guy, the anger is burning to the body, the catastrophe is imminent, the knife is on the neck, I don't know the height of the sky and the depth of the earth.

If he didn't want to live, he just said that he didn't want to die with this little witch without a place to die. The world is so big, and he still wants to see it.

Xie Chengyuan helped Meng Qingran helplessly, on the surface it was to help Meng Qingran, but actually it was for his own sake, so as not to hurt the innocent.

After scanning for a week, he picked out an apple from the fruit plate on the table and weighed it in his hand. When Meng Qingran opened his mouth to speak, he quickly stuffed it into her mouth.

With an innocent smile on her face, ghosts and animals are harmless, she pulled Meng Qingran aside and raised her eyebrows to explain.

"Little junior sister, please be quiet. Didn't you see that your senior brother is about to get angry? It's for your own good. Try the apple and calm down."

Before the two could react, Song Shichen slowly got up from the sofa, straightened the wrinkles on his suit, and walked to the balcony outside.

Ganqing didn't pay attention to this farce at all, and didn't listen to a single word. He regarded them as transparent people, automatically ignored them, and then walked away on his own.

Good guy, he really deserves to be Song Shichen, he doesn't play cards according to the routine at all!

outside corridor
Or because she felt that the inside was too dull and didn't like the excitement, Shen Wanyi came out alone to get some air, and she didn't forget to warn Lu Yanhan not to follow.

This place and the hall are really two worlds, inside is full of people and bustling, but outside is very quiet, looking from the balcony, you can see the lights of thousands of families in the distance.

The grass at night is very lively. Many small animals started their concerts, playing a perfect symphony with different voices, adding a bit of fun to the night.

The evening breeze gently brushed her cheeks, which was extraordinarily comfortable. Immediately, people forgot their troubles and just wanted to enjoy the scenery quietly.

Shen Wanyi put her hands on the railing, closed her eyes slightly, her brows and eyes stretched a lot, and her depressed mood improved a lot.

After living alone for a long time, I realize that being quiet is a happy thing, staying away from the hustle and bustle of the world, forgetting my troubles, and living in my own world.

Beside the ear is the symphony played by animals, the gentle evening wind, the fireflies flying in the sky, and the little stars, which are especially beautiful at night.

Shen Wanyi squinted her eyes comfortably, the wind blowing away a lot of the alcohol on her body, the two blushes on her cheeks also faded a lot, her body was indeed not as uncomfortable as before.

Suddenly, she was slapped on the back unexpectedly, and Shen Wanyi froze for a moment, opened her eyes slightly, and looked puzzled.

Turning around slowly, the figure of a strange man was reflected in the light brown pupils, and he couldn't help being surprised.

The man is not tall, with a visual sense of about 1.7 meters, and his age is estimated to be about forty, and the pink shirt buttons of the flamboyant bag can no longer be buttoned.

The strip tie was crooked, his face was full of flesh, his cloudy eyes stared at her, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

A strong smell of alcohol emanated from his body, he opened his mouth and saw the man's yellowed teeth, and the pungent smell of cigarettes emanated from it,
The smell of alcohol and cigarettes is so good that it doesn't make people feel pungent.

Shen Wanyi frowned, looked carefully with indifferent eyes, and searched in her mind, but there was no trace or impression in her memory.

Moreover, he didn't know the person in front of him, so he might have recognized the wrong person. He just wanted to leave, but was stopped by a man.

I saw him raising his eyes with a smile, obviously he was laughing at me, but it was inexplicably uncomfortable, if I use a word to describe it, it would be wicked eyebrows and mouse eyes.

"Is there something wrong?" Shen Wanyi couldn't help asking.

"Miss, the way you danced just now was so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes off it. If you are lucky enough to invite you for a drink, consider it as a friend."

The man took out an elevated wine glass from behind, which was not half full.

Dark red, dark and deep, the liquid stirred up waves in the cup through a series of movements.

Fearing that Shen Wanyi would refuse, he quickly put the wine glass in her hand without giving him any chance to repent.

Shen Wan didn't even think about it, she refused straight away, her tone was polite and courteous, without any flaws, she said unquestionably.

"Thank you, but I'm not very good at drinking, I'm afraid it will spoil your fun, sorry."

So he handed the wine glass back to the man. Although he didn't know his intentions, he couldn't relax his guard, let alone a request from a strange man.

If you think about it a little bit, you can come up with one or two. It is definitely not as simple as making friends, or having other intentions.

The man seemed to have seen through her intentions at a glance, and half pushed and half handed it back to Shen Wanyi's hand. His attitude was very sincere, but it didn't seem like he was telling a lie.

"Miss, I'm really not a bad person. Simply make friends, and if you have more friends, your future journey will be easier."

As soon as the voice fell, it was really hard to refuse.

Shen Wanyi frowned, with a thoughtful expression on her face, her eyes swept over the subtle expressions on the man's face, as if she was trying to find out if it was true or not.

"Doctor Shen."

(End of this chapter)

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