Chapter 148

"A month ago."

Shen Wanyi's expression gradually became strange, she took his question and answered it, but she really didn't expect this to be the first question she asked.

Hearing this, Song Shichen raised the corners of his lips mockingly, "Tch... I thought I'd never come back, and I've been away for several years, Shen Wanyi, you're really good."

As soon as the barbed words came out, it was like a sharp knife stabbing into Shen Wanyi's soft heart, her face froze, and the naturally hanging hand underneath gradually clenched into a fist.

Try to keep your voice as steady as possible, suppress the uneasiness in your heart, and raise a smile, "Yuncheng is half my hometown, Song Lv is joking."

She had to leave Yuncheng and go to a strange city to study in university alone. She still clearly remembers the feeling of having no relatives.

Unfamiliar cities and streets, unintelligible dialects, dragging a suitcase around to find a house alone, with little money left, and sometimes having to go out to work at night.

At two o'clock in the morning, I dragged my tired body to the bed, my head was blank, and my heart was empty. At that time, I couldn't find the goal of struggle.

She couldn't even find the hope of surviving, she felt so tired, she really wanted to fall asleep and never wake up, that would be great.

The scar hidden in the depths of his heart was suddenly raised, and blood gushed out continuously. The pain was so painful that Shen Wanyi couldn't breathe, and it was Song Shichen who exposed the scar with his own hands.

Why is it him, why is it just him, ask yourself the answer in your heart, heart disease needs heart medicine doctor, and the person who tied the bell needs to be untied.

It's just that the medicine that saved her turned into poison, and the rope that tied the bell became tighter and tighter. Things are always reversed. This is the same truth, and she finally realized it.

Very dissatisfied with Shen Wanyi's attitude, Song Shichen turned his head, and said in a calm voice, "I want to ask Dr. Shen what he thinks?"

Shen Wanyi stayed silent, but also wanted to know how she felt, to revisit the old place, to see the old man again.

There is nothing but complexity, if there is, it is to touch the scene and recall the past.

Taking a deep breath, he restrained his emotions, "The times have progressed, and Yuncheng has changed quite a lot, and it has become strange..."

"how about you?"

Song Shichen didn't seem to want to let her go, he pressed her step by step until he had nowhere to go, and met a man who was both familiar and unfamiliar.

Responding with her head first, Shen Wanyi forced her heart to tremble, and forced a smile, "People will change, things are people and things are not things."

Although there is no direct answer, it is obvious from the side, that it is impossible for a person to live in the past unchanged all his life, and what to do is to look forward and look to the future.

Song Shichen was not displeased, and immediately sneered, "Doctor Shen is such a little liar, if he put it down early, why are you chatting with me here now?"

Shen Wanyi "..." twitched the corners of her lips.

She didn't think she was here, the problem was that Song Shichen didn't let him go, but now he was slapping him again, saying that she didn't let go.

Song Shichen, an old and cunning fox, cursed silently in his heart!
The man who had been stabbed innocently smiled innocently, and spread his hands helplessly, as if admiring her expression at the moment, he raised his jaw contentedly.

"Doctor Shen, it's been a while since you came out, and your little boyfriend hasn't been found yet. Forgot or didn't take it to heart? You're not competent enough."

The topic changed too quickly, Shen Wanyi really hadn't realized it yet, looked at him in a daze, only to realize that Song Shichen was talking about Lu Yanhan.

Sure enough, they misunderstood their relationship.

(End of this chapter)

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