Chapter 159

That's right, Shen Wanyi can't afford to pay 5000 million yuan, but it's okay to pay in installments.
No matter how good the relationship is, she never wants to owe others, fearing that one day she will not be clear and owe favors.

She pulled her lips far-fetchedly, and gave a merciless reprimand, "Tch... the prodigal son really lives up to the name, and the phone will be transferred first."

The part of WeChat sent to Lu Yanhan was refunded in the blink of an eye. Lu Yanhan squinted his eyes and his face gradually became displeased.

This behavior obviously didn't treat him as a friend, and he was clearly an outsider, saying that there is no need to turn around, wishing to break up with him.

What is this woman thinking in her mind? I really want to open her head to see.

"Fuck it, Shen Wanyi, sometimes I don't know what you think, and seriously doubt whether I am your friend or not. If you turn it back again, we will break up."

Shen Wanyi rubbed her swollen and sore temples, Lu Yanhan's stubborn temper didn't last for a day or two, ten cows couldn't move her, she said one thing, it was quite difficult to deal with.


I don't know when a figure stood by the wall. It seemed to stand for a long time. After watching a good show, he couldn't help laughing.

Time seemed to stop at this moment, and the two people in the living room walked towards the direction of the sound.

Cheng Siyu, who was leaning against the wall, did not restrain his eyes from eating melons at all, with an obvious expression on his face that you continue and leave me alone.

Shen Wanyi was also stunned for half a second, Ganqing, the girl who had been watching the show in silence, just now thought she was absconding in fear of crime, so it was just right to show up not too early or too late.

Seeing Cheng Siyu's appearance, Lu Yanhan seemed to have expected it, and couldn't help teasing.

"Yo... Cheng Siyu, big star, long time no see, little brat, don't eavesdrop on the wall."

Cheng Siyu, who became the focus of the two, moved to the sofa, kicked Lu Yanhan, snatched the potato chips from his hand, and couldn't help explaining.

"What do you mean by eavesdropping on the corner? I listened openly. Besides, the two of you were too loud and woke me up. Go ahead and leave me alone."

In the next second, Cheng Siyu hurriedly moved to Shen Wanyi's side, without hiding his amazed gaze, and carefully touched the "Heart of the Deep Sea" on her body.

Tsk tsk... Quality and fabric, I have never eaten pork, but I have seen pigs running, and I know it is top-quality when I look at it from a distance.

Touching up and down, not letting go of every place, I can't put it down. Speaking of which, I have seen a lot of things in the world, but I have never seen such an amazing dress.

"It's too bad, Wanwan, tell me the truth, which rich man will take care of you? Introduce me, hug your thigh, and ask for help."

Shen Wanyi "..."

Ask silently, is this person serious about watching the show?Not on the same channel at all, listening to half and not listening to half, I don't know who to learn from my nervous temper.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Yanhan smiled heartily. It seems that his eyesight is still good, and everyone he met had amazing eyes.

He raised his jaw proudly, and his voice couldn't help being proud, "Idiot, it's far away in the sky, but close in front of you, if you really want to hug, it's not impossible."

Cheng Siyu immediately put on a disgusted expression. It doesn't matter if you don't hug this thigh, a woman should be self-reliant, self-reliance is the right way, and she couldn't help sighing.

"Fu Bo can't afford it. Lu Gouzi is really loyal, and he is willing to spend 5000 million. I really didn't expect this wave. Throwing a lot of money into a beauty, Lu Shao is generous, I like it!"

If someone paid a lot of money for her, it would be worth breaking her leg.

(End of this chapter)

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