Chapter 174 Bullying the Elderly
The scenery of Yuncheng can be seen at a glance, high-rise buildings, criss-crossing roads, and people coming and going underneath.

Gu Jinglan squinted her eyes casually, but it made people feel awe-inspiring without anger, her heart began to tremble uncontrollably, and her feet became inexplicably weak.

Rolling around in the mall for many years, he has cultivated an aura that cannot be lowered, powerful and oppressive, and calm.

A look is enough to make a person tremble, and it can make the opponent raise the flag to surrender.

"it is good."

Cheng Siyu simply replied, and the atmosphere fell into silence again. Gu Jinglan unexpectedly called herself in a shabby way, and the sun came out from the west.

She has always been a straight-forward person, and she doesn't like to beat around the bush. If you have something to say, can't you just say it, you have to turn a few corners.

In front of Gu Jinglan, I dare not say this, and I can't open my heart to ask, what's the matter, please trouble yourself, a big man, to call yourself.

I am afraid that I would not dare to say it if I borrowed ten courage from her. I really don't know how to die this time.

But now it was even more embarrassing. The person involved, Cheng Siyu, wanted to cry but had no tears. He regretted answering the call very much, wishing to cut off his claws.

I cheered myself up in my heart, never felt that simple words were so difficult to say, "That..."

"Go home the day after tomorrow."

The man's voice is light, but it has an unquestionable tone in it. The volume is not loud, but it is accurately conveyed to Cheng Siyu's ears.

Cheng Siyu blinked in bewilderment, didn't respond for a while, and then realized what Gu Jinglan was talking about, his expression was as uncomfortable as eating an expired banana.

The corners of his lips twitched, his head went blank, obviously he couldn't accept the reality, and this was not a calm discussion, but a direct command notification.

People are stupid, they can't believe their ears heard, they think about what reasons to refuse, and it took a while to find their own voice.

"Uncle, I'm afraid it won't work the day after tomorrow. I have a party, and the matter about the new drama is very important. I can't postpone it, and it won't work in the near future."

There are well-founded reasons, and there is no flaw at all. The implication is that I don't have time and I am very busy. I don't want to choose another time.

She really didn't have time, and she didn't want to go. It was very likely that she would run into Gu Jinglan, and the scene would be even more embarrassing.

The man called lazily, with a bit of strong pressure, not angry but powerful, with a gloomy expression, "Cheng Siyu."

Cheng Siyu almost threw away the phone, and it's too late to hang up now, why does his back feel cold.

A gust of wind passed by, and my hands were about to get goose bumps.

Especially when his name was pronounced from his mouth, the feeling of uneasiness became stronger, and his heart was beating so fast, as if he was about to jump out of his body.

Slowly spit out two words, "Why..."

Gu Jinglan twitched the corners of her lips mockingly, and was very dissatisfied with her reason for refusing, seeing through and saying, "Tsk, you have no plans for the day after tomorrow."

Since Cheng Siyu wants to play, he might as well play.

He is like a cat, narrowing his eyes lazily, looking at the bewildered little mouse in front of him.

I didn't want to catch it right away, so I started playing with fun.

At least, he still finds it interesting.

Cheng Siyu suddenly staggered, frowned and blurted out, "How do you know..."

After saying it, he realized that he had overreacted, which would arouse Gu Jinglan's suspicion. He tried to defend himself, and immediately changed his explanation.

"Ahem, I mean, uncle, how do you know? But I'm really busy."

Gu Jinglan raised his eyelids, reached into the drawer of the cabinet next to the window and took out a pack of cigarettes, and brought an iron lighter with him.

It didn't ignite, but was played with in the knuckles of the hand, and the lighter and the smoke rubbed and rotated regularly.


He tapped the lighter with his thumb, the scarlet flame ignited the end, and the cigarette ignited at his fingertips, and he brought it to his lips and took a deep breath.

The smell of white mist and smoke rose to the sky, slowly evacuating with the flow of air.

His expression was half a smile but not a smile, but there was an elusive meaning hidden in it.

"Don't play tricks in front of me, I don't like it."

Cheng Siyu's heart skipped a beat, and his movements were obviously stunned. Gu Jinglan saw her careful thinking right away, as if there was no secret in front of him.

All these words reminded her that not only could she see through at a glance, but her acting skills were also very poor. If she continued to make trouble, there was no guarantee that she would do something different.

Gu Jinglan has never seen such a big storm before, and his own little kung fu is still played in front of him, he is afraid that he will not know how to live and die, and is daring.

Cheng Siyu remained silent, no yes, no no no, waiting for Gu Jinglan to speak up on his own initiative.

The man slowly exhaled a few smoke rings from his lips, and the smoke rose faintly. He raised his hand and shook the soot, and the smoke blurred his vision.

His face is like a sculpture with distinct features, narrow and long eyes, extremely black pupils, under the sharp eyebrows, the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

The meticulous pure black suit set off his aloof and dare not invade, and his chiseled jawline was slightly raised.

His eyes are slightly cold, his momentum is domineering, and his gestures and gestures all show innate nobility.

Because he had just smoked a cigarette, his voice was very low and hoarse, and his voice was as clear and cold as ice water, "I'll pick you up."

Without giving Cheng Siyu time to think about it, he directly issued an ultimatum, regardless of whether she was willing or not, and was too lazy to continue talking nonsense, so he hung up after the notice.

"Duddu..." The sound of the call being hung up remained in his ears, and Cheng Siyu finally felt the feeling of going from heaven to hell.

The corners of his lips twitched uncontrollably, his heart felt as uncomfortable as a sunburned dog, and he almost blurted out the beautiful Chinese language.

Good guy, without leaving any room for negotiation, just arrange it for her. The way you spoke just now is basically a superior to a subordinate.

She would really thank him, and secretly scolded Gu Jinglan thousands of times in her heart, cursing him to be single all his life, to be an old bachelor, no one wanted him when he was old, and a flat tire in a car.

After venting, he sighed deeply and had to accept the reality and be mentally prepared to face the man he regarded as a demon.


on the pond next to the hospital
The morning sun reflected warmly on the green grass. Many nurses pushed patients out to bask in the sun. Families accompanied them for a walk, and parents accompanied their children to play.

Surrounded by laughter, birds and flowers, the refreshing fragrance of flowers dissolves into the air, forming a peaceful picture.

Suddenly there was a sound of cursing, breaking the silence at the moment.

"Hey, old woman, don't know how to walk and roll away, damn it, it's still blocking my way."

The man's expression was obviously impatient, and he spoke condescendingly to the old man in front of him, with a bad attitude, without any guilt in his heart, on the contrary, he became more and more presumptuous.

If it wasn't for the presence of people nearby, I'm afraid they would all be on their feet this time.

(End of this chapter)

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