Chapter 185 You Better Be Good

Cheng Siyu muttered a few words in dissatisfaction, so he could only obediently lie on it, and the back seat was rarely quiet.

After a while, the driver's voice came to the back through the partition, apologetically explaining the accident just now.

"Sorry sir, there is a child who doesn't look at the road, I will pay attention."

Gu Jinglan replied lightly, lowered her eyes, suppressed the dim light in her eyes, and signaled the driver to continue driving, and the car started again.

Falling into silence again, Cheng Siyu felt very uncomfortable, and was embarrassed to say anything, but the scene was boring and embarrassing.

Silently cast his eyes on the dropped cell phone, he had indeed picked it up just now, but Gu Jinglan kept his hands still, unluckily, he dropped it again.

The weak heart shattered into two petals when the phone fell to the ground, and suddenly wanted to cry but had no tears.

Fortunately, there is a carpet under it, otherwise this time it would really be dead without a whole body.

Gu Jinglan just told herself not to move, she didn't say that she couldn't reach out to pick up the phone, she is really a clever little ghost.

He did what he said, and quickly raised his head to glance at Gu Jinglan, who had his eyes closed and meditating. Seeing that he was not disturbed, he gradually became presumptuous, and stretched out his claws to touch the mobile phone not far away.

There is still a little distance, hurry up, get closer.

Cheng Siyu clenched her lips, planning to rush forward in one go, but when she was getting closer, she was caught off guard by an attack on her buttocks.

The strength was not small, and Cheng Siyu couldn't help crying out twice, almost jumping up and yelling, it's definitely public revenge!

Turning around suddenly, he bumped into Gu Jinglan's sharp phoenix eyes, full of oppression, as if a storm was brewing in his eyes, with a slightly angry expression on his sharp-edged face, and his delicate browbones slightly raised.

Just when Cheng Siyu was puzzled, the man's voice was as cold as frost, and he spoke slowly, vaguely hearing the anger inside.

"Take my words as a deaf ear! Don't fucking move, there is no guarantee that you will do anything, you better behave yourself."

Cheng Siyu nodded in a daze, the whole person was in a state of confusion, Gu Jinglan's words echoed in his mind, don't move.

And the most important one, the man who has always been regarded as a devil just spanked himself! ?
There is a sentence that I don't know whether to say or not, my heart is as uncomfortable as a dog, it is not a taste, and inexplicable emotions spread in my heart.

At this moment, I can't wait to dig a hole and bury myself, it's too fucking shameful, to be spanked at such a big age, and it's not an ordinary person.

That's Gu Jinglan, a business tycoon!The myth in the business circle, as long as he makes a move, he will never get something, cold and powerful, unscrupulous, outsiders' evaluation of him.

It happened that this famous boss turned out to be her brother-in-law. She never expected it, not to mention, even she herself was quite surprised.

I don't know whether to cry or laugh, but the incomparably noble hand that has signed millions of documents, one day, actually landed on my buttocks.

The mute eats Coptis chinensis, so he can't tell the pain, so he can only complain silently. She knew that every time she was alone with Gu Jinglan, some embarrassing things would definitely happen.

Look, this is how a large social death scene is born.

In an instant, two red clouds appeared on Cheng Siyu's palm-sized face, which was particularly obvious, and it was definitely flushed with shame!

The mobile phone was not available, and she was slapped in vain. Dou E didn't blame her. She puffed up her cheeks in dissatisfaction, feeling unwilling, but she didn't dare to say anything.

The man stretched out his hand to grab it, and without saying a word, he stuffed the phone that had fallen on the carpet into Cheng Siyu's hand. The girl blinked for no reason, and lowered her eyes to look at the phone.

Although he had doubts in his heart, facing Gu Jinglan's big ice cube, his chatter turned introverted, and he was immediately speechless.

Silently unlocking the phone screen and continuing to follow the drama, Cheng Siyu's attention was quickly attracted, and he forgot that he was still lying on Gu Jinglan's lap.

It just so happened that the scene of the male and female protagonists holding hands sweetly was broadcast, and she could feel the pink bubbles popping up through the screen, and she couldn't help being excited.

Clenching his hands into fists, he excitedly tapped on Gu Jinglan's thigh again and again, as if he really forgot his current posture, and he clicked his tongue from time to time.

Hammering non-stop, cheering one after another, "The progress is too slow! Just kiss her! Kiss her, kiss her, it's so sweet, I love it!"

Suddenly, I felt that the surroundings were cool, and there was an inexplicable chill approaching me, I couldn't help shivering, and got goose bumps a lot.

Finally escaped from the play and returned to reality, his head was in a daze for a while before he realized the current environment, and instantly he had a look of hell.

Not caring about anything else, he immediately jumped off Gu Jinglan's lap and bounced to the seat beside him, clearly remembering what he had just done.

He secretly turned his face aside, pretended to look at the scenery outside the window, pretended to be nonchalant, his small face was wrinkled into a bitter gourd shape, and this time he really wanted to cry without tears.

He wished he could chop off his sinful hands, he couldn't believe what he did just now, the thing lying on Gu Jinglan's lap was definitely an accident.

The excitement of chasing the drama was too much, and he couldn't help it for a while. Gu Jinglan thought that he was avenging his personal revenge, and did it deliberately, and returned the slap he just slapped himself.

This is really Barbie Q, explaining rashly, not to mention that Gu Jinglan doesn't believe it, even she herself doesn't believe this flawed reason.

I have to explain a few sentences to prove my innocence, "That... uncle, I didn't mean it, I'm sorry."

The back seat was so quiet that even a needle could be heard clearly. With such a sincere attitude, Gu Jinglan didn't respond, or just ignored it.

Cheng Siyu couldn't help twitching the corners of her lips. Sure enough, she shouldn't have spoken on her own initiative, and she would have died!Quickly dig out three bedrooms and one living room from the bottom.

I'm not in the mood to chase dramas, and I have mixed feelings in my heart, so I can only cast my eyes on the scenery outside the window, and the two of them are silent all the way.

Gu Jinglan turned her head, her eyes fell on the back of Cheng Siyu's head, her dark eyes gradually darkened, with a trace of inexplicable emotion, and then she closed her eyes.

The clip just now was played in a loop in his mind, the softness that rushed towards his face pressed against his legs, his throat clenched tightly, and his body surged with unprecedented heat, as if it was going to burn his whole body.

He couldn't help being taken aback, the hotness on his body couldn't be controlled with the girl's movements, and the self-control that he had always been proud of collapsed at this moment, and he was afraid that he couldn't suppress it.

The fragrance that belonged to her slowly penetrated into her nostrils, and her heart, which was as hard as stone, softened into a puddle of water.

His eyes were burning, crazy and obsessed, and he did not hide the passion in his eyes.

The woman in front of her is extremely attractive, and she can't wait to take a bite and taste the taste inside.

Cheng Siyu said lightly, "Uncle." He brought his wandering mind back to reality, like a basin of cold water sprinkled on his unstoppable hot heart.

Instantly extinguished the heat on his body, and even disappeared completely.

This simple address reminds them of the insurmountable relationship between them word by word.

 Last night, a chapter was blocked due to pornography. It was written about Cheng Siyu and Gu Jinglan. I had expected such a day, but I didn't expect it to be so fast. The ban was lifted after 4 o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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