Chapter 192 Alone in a Room

Fearing that Shen Wanyi could not find his way, Song Shichen came out from the inside and saw Shen Wanyi walking towards him at a glance.

He raised his lips lightly, fortunately, he is not stupid, and he knows how to come up and look for it.

Song Shichen's appearance naturally attracted the attention of many people, and they cast their gazes one after another, only to see that he didn't even look at him, and walked straight in the direction of Shen Wanyi without any hesitation.

Song Shichen walked up to Shen Wanyi, met her astonished gaze, raised his eyebrows, "Doctor Shen, this way."

Immediately, Shen Wanyi followed him into the office, with a "pop...", a door cut off the outside world.

After closing the door for a moment, the people who had scattered outside gathered together again, looking in the direction of the closed office with inquiring eyes, as if a dozen pairs of eyes were about to stare at the door.

People who eat melons can't help the psychology of gossip. Sure enough, gossip exists wherever there are people, and gossip is everywhere.

"Did you hear it just now? I seriously doubted my ears. Did I hear it wrong? Song Lu's tone of voice was obviously different from usual. My God, what is the origin of this woman?"

"I didn't seriously review the question again. Didn't I say that she is a doctor. I have to say that this woman is quite good-looking. At a glance, the two are quite a match."

"What kind of eyes do you have? Our Song Lu is a high-altitude flower, and not just anyone can match it. To put it bluntly, he is not interested in women, which means he is sexually frigid."

Hearing this, one of the women gave a deep smile, "You two are too bold to say behind your back that Song Lu is cold. If he hears it, you two will be doomed."

"Ah... I suddenly remembered that we have something to do, let's go first, don't complain, I didn't say that, I'm off work."

The clock on the wall happened to point to seven o'clock. Those who were gossiping one second ago packed up their things in an instant, clocked in and ran away, and there was no one in sight. They got off work on time more than anything else.

The bright office instantly became empty, and there were not many people.

A few people were slowly packing up their things, and their actions were not in a hurry. On the other side, there were overtime workers who had not finished their work.


As soon as I stepped in, the whole picture of the office came into view. There was a main table, two slightly smaller tables, and a coffee table and sofa beside it, which were used to welcome guests and have emergency meetings with several people.

At the entrance, there are two pots of long and tall lucky bamboos. The dry branches are long and thin, dark green in color, and each leaf is fresh and emerald green, evergreen in all seasons.

The main table is placed in the center, and you can see it as soon as you enter. There are documents and computers neatly placed on the table, and there are several red-covered "Civil Code of the People's Republic of China" next to it.

The small nameplate is placed in a dazzling place, with a shining gold background, and on it is a black lowercase engraved with a flying and phoenix-like name—Lawyer Song Shichen.

In the eyes of the simple environment, Shen Wanyi's calm eyes glanced at the name engraved on the name tag, she was obviously stunned, and soon left her eyes.

Song Shichen turned his head and saw Shen Wanyi standing there motionless, he greeted him to come and sit on the sofa, but he did not forget to tease him.

"Doctor Shen, you're welcome, just be casual. I'm not a man-eating monster, so you don't have to stay three feet away."

Shen Wanyi, who just sat down, had a weird expression, and couldn't help but look at Song Shichen, wondering why he didn't realize how thick-skinned this person was before, but now he sees it through.

The man who received the scrutiny was processing unfinished work in front of the computer, typing on the black keyboard with his slender fingertips, "Wait, print a file, it will be soon."

Shen Wanyi complied, and slowly moved her gaze upwards, the man's side face was reflected in the black pupils.

His jaw line was perfectly outlined, his profile was clear and sharp, and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses hung on his tall nose.

He looked like a gentle scum, with his slender and clean hands resting on the black keyboard, which was very beautiful and formed a sharp contrast.

The dark eyes were serious and focused, and there was a cold and unapproachable aura in his bones. Shen Wanyi stared blankly at Song Shichen who was not far away, and forgot to look away for a moment.

Unexpectedly, they happened to collide with Song Shichen's eyes, and when their eyes met, waves of menacing waves arose in their calm eyes.

The surrounding environment suddenly became silent, and in the huge space, only the sound of his heartbeat beating extremely fast was heard.

Shen Wanyi quickly looked away, secretly spurning herself, why she was caught looking at Song Shichen just now, her fingertips trembling uncomfortably.

Song Shichen narrowed his eyes lazily, the corners of his lips curled up, and his voice clearly contained a slight smile, "I don't mind if Dr. Shen looks upright."

Shen Wanyi "..."

It was just a simple glance, and it happened to be caught by the person involved, and he was perfectly defeated!
After finishing a few words, she fell into silence again. Shen Wanyi felt bored on the sofa, took out her mobile phone and replied some WeChat messages, while Song Shichen was handling work on the sidelines.

The two did not disturb each other, and the scene was warm for a time. It was a rare picture of the peaceful years. Nothing could be inserted in the middle. There were only the two of them in the huge space.

Song Shichen finished his work early, but when he raised his eyes, he saw this scene. The woman's hair was brushed behind her ear and her hair fell slightly.

She didn't know what she was looking at on the phone, but her delicate and charming red lips were turned up, forming a small arc, the corners of her eyes were crescent-shaped, and her eyes were full of starlight, but they were extremely attractive.

As if infected by Shen Wanyi, Song Shichen was in a good mood, he didn't make any sound, for fear of ruining the time the two of them were alone, he took this picture deeply into his eyes.

Suddenly, he called out, "Doctor Shen."

"Hmm..." Shen Wanyi subconsciously blurted out a response, her blunted head finally reacted, and she looked at him blankly, "Song Lu, what's the matter?"

Song Shichen took out the document from the printer, walked towards the sofa, sat next to Shen Wanyi, and handed the document to her, "It's done, let's talk about the case."

He took out the pen, and twirled the black signature pen with his nimble fingertips. He narrowed his lazy eyes, but he was not in a hurry, waiting for her to finish reading.

After a while, Shen Wanyi basically browsed through the documents in hand, her expression became a little more dignified, her brows were tightly knit together, she straightened her face,
Combine the two pages of the document together, and place your fingertips on the black text on the white page to point out the incomprehensible places.

"There is a problem. The patient had cerebral hemorrhage two days after the operation, but this operation was successful. It stands to reason that this situation would not occur, and the patient was in a stable state before the operation, without any signs of onset.

Song Shichen paused, raised his jaw slightly, and signaled Shen Wanyi to continue, but wanted to hear some opinions.

(End of this chapter)

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