Chapter 194 Chapter 190 Four
As soon as the words fell, Song Shichen couldn't help but look at the person in front of him, as if he was shocked by Shen Wanyi's sudden words.

The dark eyes see her expression clearly through the lens.

Shen Wanyi's clear eyes contained unwavering determination, like a rock, unmovable, and her expression was extremely firm at that moment.

Nothing came out of thin air, nor was it blurted out. Every word was carefully considered and confirmed to be correct before it was spoken.

Being a doctor has been her dream since she was a child. Since she chose the path of medicine, an invisible iron chain has been hung on her body, and she has been carrying it all her life.

The object of service of a doctor is people, and serving patients wholeheartedly is an action that is kept in mind all the time, throughout the entire process of medical treatment and throughout the entire medical career of a doctor.

Practicing medicine is like walking in an abyss, like walking on thin ice. Once a small mistake occurs due to carelessness in the process of treatment, it may cause injury, disability, or even life-threatening, so there should be no sloppy and rashness.

One becomes a doctor after being erudite, one becomes a doctor after being virtuous, and one becomes a doctor after being cautious.

Shen Wanyi has always kept it in her heart, not daring to relax in the slightest, every time she performs an operation, she is very energetic and tense, for fear that something irreversible will happen.

Not to mention that he has experienced hundreds of battles, at least dozens of operations, and which one was not a robbery from Lord Yan.

Every time after the operation is successful, the moment when the family members feel relieved, the moment they feel that the career they love is very meaningful.

After returning to Yuncheng, he has undergone several surgeries, big and small, but this one is the only one that will be sued by his family members out of nowhere.

Since I was studying medicine, I had expected this day, and I was mentally prepared, but I didn't expect it to come so soon, and I was caught off guard.

But Shen Wanyi didn't think it was a bad thing, on the contrary, she felt that it was an opportunity to practice, and it was a difficulty that must be overcome and could not be escaped.

All I can do now is face up to the difficulties and find evidence that can prove myself.

When she plucked up the courage to say this to Song Shichen, he might find it ridiculous, even unbelievable.

All kinds of situations were quickly skipped in my mind. At this moment, I just want to tell him what I think in my heart.

For nothing else, I can only trust Song Shichen now.

A simple sentence took the strength out of Shen Wanyi's body, her heart was uneasy, her heart was beating fast and non-stop, she probably hadn't been this excited for a long time, and her palms were sweating.

Looking at Song Shichen's expression intently, the strings in his mind tensed instantly, afraid to see not the expected result, but his mocking expression.

At that moment, Shen Wanyi had the thought of backing down, regretting what she just said in front of Song Shichen.

It's not that she doesn't believe in Song Shichen, but she doesn't believe in herself.

Hesitating for a while, meeting his probing eyes, holding back the trembling of his fingertips, "Song Lu, I..."

"I believe you."

The man didn't think about it, and spoke in a Qingyue voice, the simple words were like a huge boulder weighing a thousand catties on Shen Wanyi's heart, he couldn't help trembling, and then broke.

Ru Mu Chunfeng's voice seemed to come from afar, hit her ear canal again and again, and even played it repeatedly in her mind.

The tense strings in my mind finally loosened, time seemed to press the pause button, and I heard my heartbeat in the huge space.

Shen Wanyi was stunned, originally thought that Song Shichen was ridiculed and overwhelmed himself, and had already prepared for the worst in his heart, but he didn't expect him to say, believe in himself.

To be honest, Song Shichen's disbelief was expected by her, indeed, from his point of view, there was no reason to believe it.

He is a lawyer, and words are very important. He naturally understands that evidence is more important than one-sided words, and he will not believe just because of a casual word.

But now Song Shichen said that he believed it without hesitation, it was indeed beyond what Shen Wanyi thought, but he just couldn't figure out what he meant.

Shen Wanyi lowered her worry-filled eyes, her eyelashes fluttered underneath, all expressing her uneasiness at the moment, "Why do you believe me?"

Hearing this, the man on the sofa squinted his eyes lazily, crossed his long legs, raised his hand to sip the water in the glass, and said unhurriedly, "Just because that person is you, Shen Wanyi."

—Because it is you, so I believe unconditionally.

It was as if he was talking about a very common thing, but it was not normal at all to Shen Wanyi, his eyebrows twitched a few times, and he didn't know how to respond.

The scene fell into silence again, the two of them had their own thoughts, they were not as calm as when they first arrived, they kept cutting, and the reasoning was still chaotic.

"Kukou..." There was a knock on the door outside, breaking the long silence in the room, Song Shichen glanced at the door, "Come in."

The door was slowly opened, and a man's figure came into view, holding a few documents in his hands, with unfinished pure milk in his mouth, and quickly swept across the two people in the room.

When he saw Shen Wanyi, he was slightly taken aback. He looked away, and he spoke slowly. Seeing Song Shichen looking at him, he looked a bit serious, and cleared his throat.

"Song Lv, there are a few documents that need to be signed, please raise your hand and sign it quickly, so that I can get off work earlier to accompany my girlfriend."

He has worked in a law firm for several years, how can he not understand Song Shichen.

On the surface, it looks like a big ice cube, but in private, as long as it is not too presumptuous, I basically let them go, so I dare to speak like this.

Song Shichen took it, glanced at it a few times, and confirmed it was all right at a glance. He frantically wrote down his name, and handed it back to the man.

"Song Lu is refreshing, I like it!" The man took the document and floated out quickly, not forgetting to close the door when he left.

While Song Shichen didn't pay attention to his signature just now, he took out his mobile phone to play, but he was actually taking pictures, so he just stood at the door all the time, so that he could secretly take pictures.

In fact, it's none of his business, the gossiping ladies in the group forced him to do it this time, damn, I just hope Song Shichen won't find out, otherwise he will be cut in half sooner or later.

After secretly observing that there was no one around, he sent the photo to the group. As soon as the photo was posted, all the divers in the group were blown up.

Because it was a candid shot, the photo was not clear, and the two of them were barely captured, and nothing else was left.

[Wang Gang, your skills are too good, and the photos are not clear, you must be severely criticized, which will affect everyone's judgment]

[It is estimated that taking pictures with a landline is clearer than this, and the photos did not capture the key points. They are plain and nothing new. What is the use of this?]

There was a lively discussion in the group, Wang Gang couldn't help defending himself, and typed out a text and sent it to the group.

[If you have the ability, come and take pictures, it's not bad if you can take pictures]

[Song Lv knew that he was discussing behind his back, and secretly filmed him. This time, there is no place for him to die. He should never have promised you to be paparazzi. Who said he didn't find out? It's an earth-shattering discovery! 】

(End of this chapter)

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