Chapter 196 Why is she here
Disturbed and numb is the best way to describe it. The originally calm heart set off ripples after ripples, which could not stop for a long time.

"Dr. Shen, don't think too much. I just did my duty as a lawyer. I'm happy to cooperate with you."

Song Shichen saw through Shen Wanyi's inner thoughts at a glance, carelessly hooked his lips, intentionally or unintentionally found a way for what he just said, and also for the sake of not being awkward between the two of them.

"Pleasant to work with."

Shen Wanyi raised her lips, and replied lightly, for some reason, her heart felt empty, as if something was silently flowing away, and she couldn't hold on to it anymore.

Song Shichen sorted out the messy documents on the desktop, folded them one by one, and looked up at her.

"About a time to go there and have a look, maybe there are new discoveries."

It naturally refers to the surroundings of the patient's living environment, Shen Wanyi immediately understood, checked the schedule on the mobile phone, and made an appointment with Song Shichen.

"Add a contact information, or Dr. Shen will become a missing person again. Then where should I find someone?"

After tidying up, Song Shichen put the documents aside, and his eyes fell on her mobile phone.

Shen Wanyi "..."

A good word, how to say it from his mouth, completely changed, as if he would suddenly run away and leave him alone.

He tightened his brows, added the other party's WeChat in a few seconds, saved the contact number, and at the end of the day, Shen Wanyi was in a daze, everything was not real.

That familiar number was saved into the phone again, and every number on it was deeply etched in her mind back then, and she didn't even remember her own number so seriously.

But in the end, she pressed the delete button without hesitation, cut off all contact information, and cut off thoughts. In the end, the two had nothing to do with each other, and they were like strangers.

For so many years, she didn't dare to think or read. She was a coward who liked to escape, and she never dared to face what happened before.

The secret buried in the depths came to light once again because of Song Shichen's appearance, so she had to stand up the thorns in her body to face it.

To this day, the unshakable emotion has finally changed a bit, and after being shocked, he couldn't recover for a long time.

It turned out that he hadn't changed his number for so many years, but why, he didn't dare to think about it.

Shen Wanyi couldn't suppress the huge fluctuation in her heart, she heard the sound of her heart beating rapidly, she stared blankly at the man next to her, and stopped her trembling voice.

"Why haven't you changed your number?"

The woman's fluttering words were heard in her ears, her pupils were full of Song Shichen's figure, and her slender eyelashes were touched lightly, all of which expressed her uneasy mood now.

Under the warm light, Song Shichen raised his eyebrows in surprise, his amorous peach blossom eyes suppressed the complicated emotions in his eyes, and the light blurred his outline, making it gradually unpredictable.

The light in the eyes is flickering, dim and unclear, and the whole body reveals a vague alienation, making it impossible for people to get close.

Then he smiled calmly, his dark eyes were like thick ink that could not be melted, and he stared deeply at her, "Tsk, why is Dr. Shen taking care of me."

"Sorry..." Shen Wanyi restrained her emotions, and quickly looked away, regretting why she asked just now, and whether she changed or not had nothing to do with her.

"Maybe it's nostalgia and I don't want to change it."

The man clicked his tongue twice, and naturally ignored her apology, and gave a simple and clear answer without further comment.

May be nostalgic...

Literally speaking, the number still has other meanings, whether it is nostalgia or nostalgia, Shen Wanyi can no longer tell the difference, unable to distinguish the true from the false, silently lowered her eyes.

Song Shichen took his coat from the shelf and put it on, "It's getting late, I'll take you back."

Shen Wanyi was about to refuse, but the next second there was the sound of footsteps outside, and the door was slowly opened, accompanied by a crisp voice, "Brother, I'm coming in."

Meng Qingran came in while talking, and then pushed open the door, "It's so late, you still have to work overtime, and your body is broken at a young age, you don't feel bad, but no one does..."

She usually gets off work early at this time, and it has been a long time since the off-duty time, and she can't see anyone when she looks left and right. She is really worried, so she finds the law firm, and the lights are still on, and it is here.

As soon as he stepped in, the whole picture of the office came into view, Meng Qingran stopped in his tracks, opened his eyes in disbelief, and looked at the woman on the sofa, "Why are you here?!"

Completely looking like he was catching a rape in bed, his eyes were full of disbelief, he couldn't believe what he saw with his own eyes, and he almost questioned Song Shichen.

It was very surprising that Shen Wanyi would appear in Song Shichen's office. She was usually spoiled and spoiled, and she spoke casually, so naturally she didn't care about anything.

"Brother, why did this woman appear in your office?"

"It's something." Song Shichen glanced at Meng Qingran lightly, puzzled by her sudden and violent reaction, as if she had swallowed gunpowder, and couldn't help frowning.

Shen Wanyi's eyes fell on Meng Qingran's eyes stained with thin anger, she nodded slightly, her alluring red lips curled up, and the smile didn't reach her eyes.

In Meng Qingran's eyes, this expression was a naked provocation!She has not forgotten that the slap at the banquet last time is still vivid in her memory, and half of her face has been swollen for several days!
"Bitch, you still dare to be provocative. Could it be that you have used some tricks to seduce my senior brother? I would like to advise you, a pheasant can never become a phoenix, don't try to reach the sky in one step, it's just a dream!"

Biting his lower lip hard, thick blood spread in his mouth, his sharp and defensive eyes pierced Shen Wanyi unabashedly, and his hostility became more and more intense.

Song Shichen narrowed his eyes dangerously, his gaze was as cold as a thin blade, his expression became more and more gloomy, the cold eyes stared at Meng Qingran's scalp numb, making her tremble uncontrollably.

"Meng Qingran, shut up if you don't know how to speak, you bastard, don't appear in front of me during this time, go back and reflect on yourself."

Meng Qingran couldn't hold back her face, her eyes were red, her body couldn't help shaking, her heart suddenly panicked, and she hurried towards Song Shichen, "Senior Brother..."

Who would have thought that Song Shichen would mercilessly throw him away, and watched him pull Shen Wanyi away, so resolute, without looking back.

Song Shichen had never spoken so loudly to himself. Before that, his tone was flat, but since that woman appeared, everything has changed.

Things were developing in an irreversible direction, she must have been instigating Song Shichen, that's why Song Shichen's attitude took a 180-degree turn.

New and old accounts are settled together, sooner or later, she will let Song Shichen see the true face of that woman!


Before Shen Wanyi could respond, she was dragged into the office by Song Shichen. The man held her hand tightly, not giving him any chance to let go, and she couldn't break free either.

A few overtime workers outside who were about to get off work heard the movement and looked at the two of them one after another. They were almost stunned, and their jaws dropped.

What did you just see? !

Song Shichen actually pulled a woman out of the office? ! !
(End of this chapter)

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