Chapter 213

The two people who are least likely to be together can also get together, and they are doing well. It is really enviable and jealous. The most promising couple back then has now come to the point of breaking up.

No one would be able to accept this news, it was like a bolt from the blue, one after another, hitting the heart accurately.

I absolutely can't believe the facts, Zhao Qiuyi is in this state, and his heart is like a sun-dried dog.

The woman's shocked expression fell into Shen Wanyi's eyes. She looked away lightly, but admitted directly that her deep gaze melted into the dim environment, and her expression gradually became unclear.

Seemingly anticipating Zhao Qiuyi's next question, she confessed everything, "There is no reason, it is inappropriate if it is not suitable, and a twisted melon is not sweet."

The voice was neither loud nor small, lightly blending into the noisy singing, and some complicated emotions disappeared with the lyrics on the screen.

To be honest, there is nothing to regret, let the past go, let it go again, now there is no disturbance in my heart, but when facing Song Shichen, I am afraid that I can't be as calm as I am now.

Speaking of this, Zhao Qiuyi didn't want to bother with other people's private affairs, and sighed silently, "Life is impermanent, and the big intestine wraps the small intestine."

So I didn't expect that Song Shichen and Shen Wanyi would break up. I have to sigh, what a pity.

Now this scene really fits the song, the sad tone expresses the helplessness in the song, the missed heavy rain and the missed people.


In the private room, a few big men were singing, and the outside was divided into two factions to chat. One side was talking about business, of course it was men, there was no doubt about it, and the other side was definitely a gathering place for women to gossip.

A few women who had a good time while studying gathered together, chatting intentionally or unconsciously, raising their glasses to chat from time to time, and there was a sound of clinking glasses.

A woman raised her wine glass and shook it, the liquid was rippling in the glass wall, "Long time no see, where have you developed recently?"

The woman on the sofa answered casually, and sighed silently, "I haven't gone anywhere. I work in a small and humble company in Yuncheng, working from nine to five, working hard for thousands of dollars."

The woman said again, "Who isn't, for the sake of life, by the way, Shen Wanyi has also come, did you see it just now, to be honest, the change is quite big, I can hardly recognize it."

As soon as the voice fell, there happened to be a few people who agreed, and there was a lot of discussion immediately, and the chatterbox opened up.

"I didn't recognize her just now, but I didn't expect her to be a doctor in Yuncheng. It's really unexpected."

"Isn't that right? I remember that when I applied for the college entrance examination, I went to a very far place. Why did I return to Yuncheng to take root?"

The woman on the sofa narrowed her eyes lazily, raised her wine glass and shook it lightly, as if she wasn't very interested in all of this, and she felt sleepy.

She used to not drink at all, but now she has to rely on alcohol to numb her spirit because of the pressure of work.

I wasn't interested in listening to it at first, but when I heard the word Shen Wanyi, the strings in my head subconsciously tensed, and the old things from the past came to my mind, which instantly made Xu Yanran sober.

Like a basin of cold water, it caught her off guard and poured her from head to toe. The humiliation of that year was vividly remembered, but now she is doing well, and dared to come to the class reunion.

Xu Yanran used all her strength to squeeze the wine glass in her hand tightly, a dark light flashed in her eyes, and it quickly disappeared. She turned her head and cast her gaze in Shen Wanyi's direction, finding her position accurately.

On a row of brown soft sofas, Shen Wanyi was obviously dressed inconspicuously and did not move too much, but she could always be spotted in the crowd at a glance, as if she was the focus of the audience, quietly and successfully attracting people.

When she looked over, she was chatting with Zhao Qiuyi who was next to her. She frowned from time to time, and after a while, she quickly relaxed. The dim light in the private room blurred her indifferent eyebrows and eyes, but it was hard to see through.

Xu Yanran slowly withdrew her eyes, restrained her inner emotions, and the corners of her lips curled up into a mocking smile intentionally or unintentionally, she lowered her head and took a sip of wine, the past flooded her mind.

Heh, long time no see old friend.

But someone next to him thought about the disagreement between Xu Yanran and Shen Wan, "Hey, why did I remember that Yanran had conflicts with that woman, and it was not small..."

It seemed that the matter was not big enough, so he continued to talk, "Isn't it, the two of them were almost shameless at the time, and she still has the face to appear here, I'm afraid it's ignorant."

The ability to fan the flames has always been ubiquitous, you have to come up with some exciting things to be willing to let it go, just move your lips lightly, watch a lively scene for free, why not do it.

Originally, she had no feelings for Shen Wanyi in high school, but ever since she found out that Song Shichen's mysterious girlfriend was her, she was always picky, seeing her as a dislike, and never had a good face.

When they met again, they didn't expect Shen Wanyi to become so outstanding, it really surprised them, they couldn't believe it, they were envious and jealous.

Xu Yanran sneered twice, everyone didn't understand why, she had been working in the workplace for many years, and she couldn't see that it was an aggressive method.

Lightly parting her red lips, she said slowly: "The past is completely forgotten. We are all adults. We must let go of what should be let go. We can't remember it forever. Let's engrave it on the tombstone after death."

The pattern suddenly opened, and it was unexpected that Xu Yanran would say these words. The faces of several people were slightly stiff, and they gave each other a wink to ease the atmosphere just now.

"What Yanran said is that the past has to be let go, people always have to look forward, don't talk about the past, let's continue chatting..."

The topic came in a hurry, ended in a hurry, came and went quickly, and turned to other topics in an instant, and soon forgot the unpleasantness just now.

Xu Yanran closed her eyes slightly, not because she didn't care about what happened back then, but because she was thinking too much, brooding on her heart, making herself even more unhappy.

It's a lie to say let go, if you say it, I'm afraid even you won't believe it, you can forget it, but I guess you won't let go in this life.


After a few songs with a sense of age, a new group of people came on stage to sing, and a new round of songs began. The noisy singing filled every corner of the private room, full of appeal, and made people feel emotional, and they sang together.

On the big screen was a song video that looked very trendy back then, but now it is very earthy, and Laolang's "You at the Same Table" is being played.

"Will you remember tomorrow, the diary you wrote yesterday, will you still remember tomorrow, you who used to cry the most..."

What I sang is not only songs, but also the feelings of the past. I miss the youthful years that I can’t go back, the same table at that time, and the days when we went to the canteen together after class.

Zhao Qiuyi couldn't bear it anymore, and even though her five notes were incomplete, she sang along.

(End of this chapter)

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