Chapter 223


He, who has never paid attention to his own image, dressed up in shabby clothes and took off his dirty black-rimmed glasses. His roommate thought he was having a seizure, but Zhou Xiangyu just smiled and said nothing.

He deliberately went to the mall one week in advance to pick out gifts. He had never given a girl a gift before, and he didn't know what to buy, so he searched blindly like a headless chicken.

I was dazzled by the sight, and felt that all of them were similar, so I had to turn to the shopping guide for help, and chose the one that basically matched. When I wrapped the gift paper, I thought of the scene of her receiving the gift in my mind.

Zhou Xiangyu carefully took out the gift box from behind, his eyes were full of joy, he is a shy person, he doesn't talk about many things unless necessary, but this time he mustered up the courage to take a gamble.

Prepare in your heart, he has a bad habit, he stutters when he speaks nervously, and it has not changed for many years.

So in order to be successful this time, I made a lot of preparations. I memorized the manuscript two weeks ago, so as not to make a fool of myself in front of Shen Wanyi.

Shen Wanyi is the most special girl he has ever met. That kind of difference is a sincere appreciation from the heart.

For so many years, no one has ever disturbed Zhou Xiangyu's heart, just because there is always someone in his heart that he can't forget.

The young man looked at the ground, silently recited the manuscript in his heart, his heartbeat was abnormally fast, he slowly raised his head, and his pupils saw a figure approaching in the distance
He took a deep breath and tried his best not to be nervous. Because of myopia, he had to squint his eyes to see clearly. The figure in the distance gradually approached.

The girl walked slowly with a light blue umbrella, because it was the weekend, so she didn't wear a school uniform, simple and ordinary short-sleeved shorts, her hair was randomly scattered on her shoulders, a gust of wind blew, and a few mischievous strands of hair rose to her cheeks.

I saw her raise her hand and put it behind her ear. Her palm-sized face was tender and smooth like a shelled egg. Both cheeks were white and rosy, her expression was as indifferent as ever. Pink lips pursed slightly.

As the distance got closer, Zhou Xiangyu subconsciously swallowed nervously, his heart couldn't help beating non-stop, as if it was going to jump out of his body at that moment.

After a while, Shen Wanyi walked up to Zhou Xiangyu. A few days ago, he said that he had something very important to tell her and asked her to be there. He didn't know why, so he came anyway.

"Student Zhou, is there something important?"

The girl's gentle voice is like a spring breeze, like a feather gliding over her heart, crisp and itchy, it sounds extremely comfortable, and if you don't pay attention, you will fall into it.

Zhou Xiangyu suppressed the unnaturalness in his heart, met her surprised and puzzled eyes, and finally said the manuscript he had memorized for a long time, and his heart quickly rose to his throat.

Every word came from the heart, with a trembling voice and a sincere expression, "Student Shen Wanyi, I'm here to confess my love to you today."

As soon as the words that were light but heavy like a boulder came out, Shen Wanyi was stunned on the spot, her expression was a bit incredulous, she frowned, and before she had time to react, she was interrupted.

"I know I'm not good enough, and I have many deficiencies in various aspects, but I'm serious about this matter, I like you, I like you sincerely, it's not a joke, it's not nonsense, it's a deliberate decision."

Zhou Xiangyu spoke clearly without any ambiguity. Although he was very nervous and his palms were sweating, his head was unexpectedly blank and he did not stutter.

He had already been prepared in his heart, and had imagined two outcomes, one was rejection, and the other was acceptance, so no matter which outcome, at least he had worked hard to avoid any regrets.

The breeze blows the leaves on the tree and makes a rustling sound, and the surrounding area is quiet, with strands of osmanthus falling to the ground, and the scent of osmanthus fills the nose.

Shen Wanyi quietly listened to the person in front of her, she was shocked at the beginning until her mood gradually calmed down, and she returned to a calm state. She raised her eyelids after a while, wanting to speak.

Zhou Xiangyu scratched his head, stuffed the gift prepared behind him into Shen Wanyi's hands, and added without confidence.

"In fact, it doesn't matter if you don't agree, we can continue to be classmates, study together, and become excellent."

To be honest, he is not sure in his heart right now, so it is unlikely that he will confess directly to him alone, but it is unlikely that he will accept it, but he has no chance if he doesn't try.

Shen Wanyi lowered her gaze slowly, and her gaze fell on the gift box that was stuffed in her hand. The gift box was very beautifully packaged, with layers inside and outside, wrapped in light pink colored paper, and decorated with some stars on it.

It can be seen from the outside that the person who chooses the gift spends a lot of thought on it. It seems that all this has been prepared for a long time.

She raised her head, looked at Zhou Xiangyu's uneasy gaze, her expression was calm, without any emotion, she slowly uttered two words with a firm attitude, "Sorry."

The word "simple" poured Zhou Xiangyu from head to toe like a basin of cold water, and his eyes gradually dimmed, like a bright candle without light, and the best way to describe it is that his heart is ashes.

"Why?" Zhou Xiangyu held back the trembling in his heart, even if he was sentenced to death, he still had to know what crime he had committed.

He is not reconciled to the vague refusal!

After a while, Shen Wanyi gave the answer, "First of all, thank you for your love. I am just an ordinary person, and I may not be as good as you think. Everyone has the right to like it. High school is busy with studies, and you deserve more. it is good."

Reasonable and well-founded, on the one hand, he took care of his feelings and didn't hurt Zhou Xiangyu's self-confidence, on the other hand, he also made it very clear that he probably wouldn't think about falling in love in the near future.

In Zhou Xiangyu's opinion, these words undoubtedly dealt him a heavy blow, and how much effort he had spent in preparing this confession was shattered all of a sudden.

After working so hard and looking forward to preparing a table of dishes, the people who came didn't even look at it, and just gave a reason to say something was wrong.

His heart was hit hard, and his eyes were full of disappointment. At the moment of rejection, his heart was ashamed.

It was the first time I fell in love with a girl, but I didn't expect such a result, and left me with deep regret, so that I never had the courage to face love again.

That courage has long been lost in the rejected autumn, with the gust of wind, the falling osmanthus flowers disappeared in smoke, and the big dream came to nothing.

Since then, I have never treated a woman with all my heart and soul, and treated my feelings lukewarm.

That failed secret love was a long thorn in Zhou Xiangyu's heart, a thorn that couldn't be pulled out.


Pulling out the past, Zhou Xiangyu smiled, with deep meaning in his eyes, "Don't mention the past, who hasn't been young and frivolous, don't ask about youthful things."

"Yo... Boss Zhou, why don't we go and see our old friend? Let's talk about old times."

(End of this chapter)

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