Chapter 225

Facing the wrong and clear eyes of the woman in front of him, Zhou Xiangyu raised a slightly meaningful smile, and reported himself, "I don't remember it so soon, I am Zhou Xiangyu."

Zhou Xiangyu...

Shen Wanyi and Zhao Qiuyi blinked at the same time, looked at each other, and winked at each other. They seemed to have no impression, but their names were familiar.

Suddenly Zhao Qiuyi exclaimed, she seemed to have a little impression, a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, it really reminded her.

"Isn't it the study committee member of our class! That and that! Wanwan, do you still remember that there was a cultural evening? I remember that your dancing partner was Zhou Xiangyu, and somehow became Song Shichen in the end."

After being reminded by Zhao Qiuyi, Shen Wanyi finally found a little memory of this person from her memory, but the memory was not deep, so she nodded to him blankly as a greeting.

I don't have a deep impression, but there is this person. In my memory, Zhou Xiangyu is a very shy boy who speaks softer than girls. It's normal that he can't recognize him now.

It's completely different, I can't see the slightest shadow from before, it's hard to believe that he is Zhou Xiangyu, it's unbelievable, but that's the truth.

Zhao Qiuyi has always been used to being careless, and doesn't pay attention to any reserve, her temperament is familiar, "Oh, I'm going, the change is too big, I can't recognize it as a school committee, and it has become too handsome. The boy has changed eighteenth."

There was a smile on her lips, and she stared at Zhou Xiangyu with admiring and sizing eyes, she looked so handsome, if she was not married, she would definitely jump on him.

He sighed silently, unfortunately, he made a mistake.

Zhou Xiangyu smiled modestly, but he smiled with a sense of intimacy, making people unable to help but get close, "I just joked, but nothing has changed."

The two of them chatted and couldn't stop at all. Shen Wanyi sat quietly by the side with her head down and played with her phone.

"By the way, how did you recognize me as Zhao Qiuyi? Could it be that I haven't changed much?" Zhao Qiuyi pouted, she couldn't understand this question.

Why can others recognize her at a glance and be seen at a glance? This is too mysterious and not enjoyable at all.

"The key is that you recognize it. Your carefree temperament hasn't changed at all since high school."

Although Zhou Xiangyu was talking to Zhao Qiuyi, his eyes were obviously looking at Shen Wanyi next to him, if he couldn't see it, he must be a fool.

To put it simply, on the one hand, it is easy to recognize Zhao Qiuyi's temperament because it has not changed until now; on the other hand, it means that no matter how much Shen Wanyi has changed, he can still recognize it at a glance.

A woman's mind is delicate, and Zhao Qiuyi saw at a glance that Zhou Yuxiang's intention was not to drink, but to have other intentions, and looked at the two of them with profound eyes, and started to investigate.

"It's been a few years in a blink of an eye. Where did the school committee get rich? It seems that they are doing well. They can't quietly become the big boss behind our backs."

Zhou Xiangyu couldn't help laughing at such a joke, "Where is it, I'm not just a wage earner, and my usual job is engaged in real estate or something."

When Zhao Qiuyi heard this, his eyes lit up, ouch!It's very good that he is actually a hidden rich man, his heart began to be agitated, and his eyes fell on Shen Wanyi.

Through the chat just now, I know that unmarried men and women are unmarried, a match made in heaven, why not make a good marriage.

Sacrifice yourself for Wanwan's happiness!And Zhou Xiangyu is not bad, after all, he is an old classmate who knows everything.

She made an excuse casually, "I'll go outside to get some fresh air, you guys chat slowly and have a good time."

Turning around to go out, he did not forget to wink at Shen Wanyi before leaving, hoping to understand what she meant.

Only Shen Wanyi and Zhou Xiangyu were left on the sofa in the corner. The dim environment just concealed his inner emotions. Zhou Xiangyu took out two empty wine glasses from the table and poured some red wine into them.

The dark red liquid stirred up waves in the cup. He picked up the cup and took a sip to build up his courage. With a smile in his eyes, he opened his mouth slowly.

"Student Shen Wanyi, do you have an impression of me? How have you been in the past few years and where do you work?"

Shen Wanyi didn't understand Zhao Qiuyi's eyes before he left, and his wandering thoughts were called back, and he frankly answered Zhou Xiangyu's question, and then didn't continue.

In the past or now, she has never been the type of familiarity, and sometimes she doesn't know what to say, and Zhou Xiangyu is not very familiar with herself, so she basically has nothing to talk about.

The light from the big screen cast a halo on the woman's eyebrows and eyes, and her expression was calm. For some reason, she felt farther and farther away from her at that moment, as if no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't reach her.

Zhou Xiangyu didn't expect that Shen Wanyi would come back to work in Yuncheng. After coming back for a long time, he also realized the silence, so he continued to find topics to learn more about her.

"Being a doctor is not bad, it's stable and you don't have to travel around all day. By the way, you don't seem to be studying in Yuncheng. I heard from them that you went to a place far away. Why don't you develop there?"

That side naturally refers to Beicheng, where Shen Wanyi studied at university. Beicheng's economy is more developed than Yuncheng, and many people want to go there to make a living.

The environment is excellent, it's a fast-paced city, a place where young people yearn to work hard, but why Shen Wanyi didn't choose to develop in Beicheng, but came back to Yuncheng, Zhou Xiangyu couldn't figure it out.

Shen Wanyi frowned slightly, her eyes gradually became a little complicated, and then she said, "I don't like Beicheng, so I'm back."

This is the truth, except for Yuncheng, she really doesn't know where to go, the sky is vast, but there is no place for her to settle down.

Having no choice, I still feel that Yuncheng is the best after going around. It's better to go back to a familiar place when I'm wandering outside.

Zhou Xiangyu suddenly realized, "Actually, the most important thing is to find a place that you like and live comfortably, so that you will feel comfortable at work, and it's good to come back to Yuncheng, it's close to home."

Shen Wanyi responded lightly, but what Zhou Xiangyu wanted to ask just now was not this, but whether she and Song Shichen were still together, out of politeness, she stopped.

The surrounding voices are getting quieter. It is too boring to discuss singing and drinking together, and there is nothing new. Just thinking about some interesting activities, someone proposes to play truth or dare.

As soon as the suggestion came out, many people agreed, and there was no way to disagree. After all, they didn’t know what to play, so they stopped their entertainment activities and gathered on the sofa to start playing truth or dare.

The sofa was full of people, everyone was invited to participate, a pen was placed on the table, the rules were briefly explained, and the game began.

Zhao Qiuyi just came back from the outside, and it was so quiet after going out for a while, when she suddenly saw a group of people on the sofa, she returned to her original seat.

"Wanwan, I just saw Song Shichen outside."

 I will really thank you for updating two books a day.

(End of this chapter)

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