Chapter 229


There is not even a little scandal, which is really surprising, but it is normal for Song Shichen, after all, it is not strange at all.

There are at most two rumors. One is that Song Shichen is cold-tempered and has no interest in women. Moreover, there are many men in the law firm, and his sexual orientation has changed.

Another theory is that there is no woman around Song Shichen because there is someone in his heart. No matter what kind of theory is said, it has not been confirmed, it is just spread blindly.

It's better to ask yourself than to listen to rumors. I happen to be here now, and I can answer one or two questions.

As soon as the words fell, the people around couldn't help admiring the warrior, and he dared to ask him face to face. If Song Shichen didn't answer and suddenly turned cold, what would happen?

Holding his breath, he carefully looked at the man with normal expression, only to see that Song Shichen didn't show any expression, still calm and calm, as if he wasn't talking about him.

It took a while to answer, and Man Lisiao spat out two words, "No."

Seeing that he didn't show any signs of anger, he quickly breathed a sigh of relief and talked about some irrelevant issues.

The simple words fell into the ears of the two of them accurately, and Zhao Qiuyi winked at Shen Wanyi directly, clearly saying, did you see it, this is a good opportunity.

Shen Wanyi lowered her eyes slowly, quite surprised that Song Shichen admitted that he didn't seem to be short of women, most likely he didn't want to, not to mention there was Meng Qingran by his side.

"Song Lu has such a good condition, so why look for it? There are so many women lining up. I'm afraid it's because they don't want to look for it or for other reasons. They have a successful career, but they lack a happy family."

"Maybe there is someone in my heart, so I don't want to look for it. If I explain it this way, there is a beautiful woman hidden in my heart hahaha. Remember to inform our old classmates if you have good news."

"At that time, we must bring a larger share of money, and we will just try to have a good meal."

"Definitely." Song Shichen replied out of politeness, he seemed not very interested in this topic, and raised his jaw slightly.

The man shook the wine glass with his slender fingertips, and the liquid stirred up waves in the glass. In the dim light, the profile of his face was clearly defined.

When Song Shichen just answered that he didn't have a girlfriend, it was simply the welfare of an unmarried lady. It seemed like fireworks were blooming in his heart, and there must be something going on here.

"You just heard that Song Lu himself admitted that he doesn't have a girlfriend. It's shocking news. Let's just say, it's definitely good news tonight!"

"At the same time, it proves that we have a chance. This is a good opportunity to hold our thighs. If we stand next to the big tree of Song Lu, we don't have to worry about breaking our legs in the next life."

"Isn't it? It's a rare opportunity. Cherish it, hurry up, help me see if my hair is messy, and pay attention to my image, sisters."

They all tidied up their appearance, for fear of losing face in front of Song Shichen, they put on their best appearance and left a deep impression on him.

"Doctor Shen...Doctor Shen." Zhou Xiangyu softly called Shen Wanyi, who was absent-minded beside her. The woman's eyes were confused for a moment, and she looked at him in surprise and bewilderment.

Zhou Xiangyu had a bold guess. Even though Shen Wanyi concealed it well, no matter how calm she was, the movements and blinking times obviously betrayed her.

Although the major in the university is not psychology, I don't know much about it. I read a few extracurricular books in my spare time and learned about it by chance.

Zhou Xiangyu didn't mention it, and didn't want to expose it. He glanced at the mess on the table, "Do you want something to eat? I'll go out and get it."

There are almost leftovers on the table, and only a few whole fruits can be found in a pile of things. If you want to eat, you have to go out and get it yourself.

He happened to have something to go out, so he asked again, Zhao Qiuyi answered immediately, "I want grapes!" Turning his head and looking at Shen Wanyi.

"It's all right, don't choose, thank you." Shen Wanyi replied softly, and after receiving the answer, Zhou Xiangyu turned and went out.

As soon as Zhou Xiangyu went out, Zhao Qiuyi hurriedly moved her body to get next to Shen Wanyi, looked around to see if anyone was around, and deliberately lowered her voice, "Wanwan, Song Shichen or Zhou Xiangyu, who do you choose?"

Shen Wan didn't even think about it, and replied directly, "Choose neither, you think the vegetable market chooses vegetables."

Maybe she doesn't understand Zhao Qiuyi's meaning, she finds it funny to choose between the two, it's really like buying vegetables in a vegetable market, choosing from east to west, choosing the best one to take home.

Hearing this, Zhao Qiuyi smirked twice, and was poked on the head, curled her lips slightly dissatisfied, and quietly poked her head to look at Song Shichen who was not far away, with a sinister smile on her face.

"I'm you, choose Song Shichen directly. Frankly speaking, I'm a very spineless Yangou. You've talked to him and you know each other well. It's normal if you don't want to choose him. You should consider Zhou Xiangyu, after all, he has good qualifications."

He carefully analyzed the conditions of the two of them. Although Song Shichen was obviously superior to Zhou Xiangyu in some respects, it was mainly due to Shen Wanyi's intentions.

To be honest, I really don't understand what Shen Wanyi is thinking. There are two excellent big pearls in front of her, but she still doesn't do it. She probably won't do it until the day lily is cold and she becomes an old aunt.

Really complied with that sentence, the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuchs are in a hurry, it really breaks my heart.

Shen Wanyi raised her eyes and looked at her, "When will you be free enough to grab the job of a matchmaker? Read more books when you are full and have nothing to do. Don't daydream, it will easily damage your brain."

Hearing that there was no choice at all, Zhao Qiuyi felt very bored, it really was a rock that didn't make sense, a child couldn't be taught, let nature take its course, she didn't want to bother.


Opened up the chatter box and talked about some daily life, Song Shichen drank a few cups and didn't feel drunk, his dark eyes were clear, and his mind was extremely clear.

Hearing this, Zhao Qiuyi smirked twice, and was poked on the head, curled her lips slightly dissatisfied, and quietly poked her head to look at Song Shichen who was not far away, with a sinister smile on her face.

"I'm you, choose Song Shichen directly. Frankly speaking, I'm a very spineless Yangou. You've talked to him and you know each other well. It's normal if you don't want to choose him. You should consider Zhou Xiangyu, after all, he has good qualifications."

He carefully analyzed the conditions of the two of them. Although Song Shichen was obviously superior to Zhou Xiangyu in some respects, it was mainly due to Shen Wanyi's intentions.To be honest, I really don't understand what Shen Wanyi is thinking. There are two excellent big pearls in front of her, but she still doesn't do it. She probably won't do it until the day lily is cold and she becomes an old aunt.

Really complied with that sentence, the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuchs are in a hurry, it really breaks my heart.

Shen Wanyi raised her eyes and looked at her, "When will you be free enough to grab the job of a matchmaker? Read more books when you are full and have nothing to do. Don't daydream, it will easily damage your brain."

Hearing that there was no choice at all, Zhao Qiuyi felt very bored, it really was a rock that didn't make sense, a child couldn't be taught, let nature take its course, she didn't want to bother.


Open up the chatterbox and chat about some daily life, Song Shichen

(End of this chapter)

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