Chapter 231

Dare to mention it in front of Song Shichen, there is a hole in the brain, isn't this bloody scar on the spot.

It doesn't matter if we broke up peacefully or not peacefully, if I bring up the past again, I'm afraid I will feel uncomfortable and feel a little nervous.

He was afraid that Song Shichen would suddenly turn his back on him and leave, and make a serious note, which would make everyone unhappy and break up, no one wanted to see the result.

Being called out in a daze, the past and the past rolled in his eyes, and many scrutinizing eyes looked at Shen Wanyi, clearly ready to eat melons.

Although she didn't intend to mention it, the moment she was called, Shen Wanyi's heart skipped a beat, and the strings in her mind subconsciously tensed, for fear that someone would mention the past.

The sudden chill chilled her a lot. If she knew that Song Shichen would appear, she wouldn't come even if she was killed. Now it's all right, ask for trouble.

Afraid of others mentioning it, afraid of recalling it, revealing the scars, showing the bloody wounds in front of the public, and even more afraid of Song Shichen's answer, a complex meaning spread in his heart.

Shen Wanyi was not far away from Song Shichen, half an arm's distance away, her back was tense, she blinked, trying not to think too much, lowered her eyes, her expression was normal.

The time of silence was too long, and realizing that the atmosphere was not right, someone finally came out to smooth things over, "Why bring up the past, spoil the fun, come, come, let a classmate save face, play a few rounds of truth or dare and never leave again Late."

It was obvious that he was telling Song Shichen that he meant what he said, and deliberately avoided the unpleasant topic just now, so as not to make everyone unhappy because of this matter.

"Don't shirk, everyone finally got together and had a good time playing." Squad leader Li Yang echoed, and after finally inviting you over, you must have a good time.

Everyone looked forward to him, Song Shichen pondered for a while, and finally answered, the glint in his eyes was unpredictable, he took out a tissue, and slowly wiped his slender fingertips.

Now that you have opened your mouth, adding one more person will make it more lively and the atmosphere will be more boiling. After briefly explaining the rules, we will start after we have a basic understanding.

The rules of the game are very simple, form a circle, place a pen on the table, turn the pen tip, and observe the person who is pointing in the direction of the pen, you can choose truth or adventure, and the direction of the pen cap is the person who is asking the question.

As long as it's not too much of a big adventure, I'm basically willing to have fun. Young people, the pursuit of excitement!

"Wanwan, do you want to play?" Zhao Qiuyi quietly approached Shen Wanyi and asked Shen Wanyi, it was only fun if everyone present participated together, I don't know what she thought.

Before Shen Wanyi could answer, the woman next to her said simply and rudely, "Is there even a need to ask, just play, it's not a big deal, don't worry about it, you have to participate."

As soon as the words fell, the words that Shen Wanyi wanted to refuse more and more stuck in his throat, not knowing whether to say it or not, when it comes to this, it is impossible not to participate.

The game started, and the person in the middle turned the pen, and the black signature pen spun several times on the smooth table, and just stopped under the eyes of everyone, with the tip of the pen pointing at the position of a man.

"Truth or Dare?" asked the woman pointed by the pen cap on the other side.

The man replied immediately, and blurted out, "Of course it's the truth. You people are too insidious to take big risks."

As if everything was expected, the woman raised her eyebrows and asked boldly, "What color are you wearing underwear today?"

You have to be able to play well, otherwise how can you have fun?

As soon as the words fell, there was a burst of booing from around, "This is too bold!" "This question is exciting, I love it!" "Exciting, I like it!"

Facing everyone's teasing eyes, a little surprised, the man answered generously, as if he didn't think there was anything wrong, "Blue."

The laughter was even louder now, and there were a few jokes from time to time. Someone suggested that the punishment for answering a question was too easy, so he proposed to drink two glasses of wine after answering, and the group agreed.

The game continued. The man who had just drawn turned the pen. The pen spun on the table for a few times, and finally stopped, pointing at an oblique position. It happened to be Xu Yanran, and the end of the pen cap was Li Yang, the monitor.

The friend next to her pushed Xu Yanran, and did not forget to remind her, "Yanran, you were actually drawn."

Li Yang smiled, and naturally recognized Xu Yanran. She was very well-dressed in high school and was chased by many boys, so she was deeply impressed.

After all, she is a girl, and she didn't want to make too many embarrassments, so she said slowly in a gentle voice, "The truth or the big risk?"

Xu Yanran raised her eyes to look at Li Yang, her red lips curled up slightly, and without thinking, she answered directly, with a lazy voice, "True truth."

"How many boyfriends have you talked about?" Li Yang asked.

"Two." Xu Yanran answered frankly, without needing to remind her, she immediately raised her hand and drank two glasses of wine.

As soon as the problem came out, the people around laughed and booed, "Yo yo yo, the squad leader is sympathetic to jade, the game is not exciting enough, and it is not fun at all."

The people around echoed, agreeing one after another, don't ask some irrelevant questions, come out to play in pursuit of excitement.

Added another rule, if you draw the truth, the next one must take a big risk, it is all truth, otherwise there is no play******Continue, Xu Yanran turned the pen, she raised her eyes and looked around , his eyes paused on Song Shichen, his fingertips were placed on the pen and spun around, and then stopped.

The direction pointed by the tip of the pen is Shen Wanyi, and the other end of the cap is an unfamiliar boy, Xu Yanran raises her eyebrows, the last one is the truth, this one is undoubtedly a big adventure.

Tsk, what a coincidence, she wanted to see how this woman would make a fool of herself and end up.Letting go doesn't mean not caring.

"Wow, you're so lucky, kid, this time it's okay, but you can't pity the fragrance and cherish the jade, just play for the excitement."

A lot of eyes were on Shen Wanyi and the man, because the decision rested with him, and the man was a little hesitant at this moment, and couldn't think of any big adventures.

Wanting to be exciting without going too far, I searched for ideas in my mind and finally came up with, "Go out and ask the first man you meet about the color of their underwear."

"Hey, hello, what's the difference between this question and the truthful words just now? After all, it's still a pity."

Li Yang came out to smooth things over, "After all, she's a girl, don't overdo it, this big adventure is not bad, it's quite exciting."

Since the squad leader spoke, both sides had nothing to say, and each took a step back. Zhao Qiuyi blinked and lowered her voice, "Wanwan, can you do it?"

Shen Wanyi raised her eyes, except that she just knew that the big adventure was this, her expression changed for a moment, and then she was as calm as ever, and slowly uttered two words, "Yes."

Compared to other challenging adventures, this one is indeed much simpler, at least I didn't do anything out of the ordinary, anyway, it's a game, just play, if you are serious, you will lose.

Seeing that the parties agree, of course they have no opinion.

(End of this chapter)

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