Chapter 233

Someone below echoed, "Yes, yes, we have never heard of it. We didn't have a chance in high school before, but now we have found an opportunity. Song Lv will show us a hand."

Not to mention singing, I haven't seen Song Shichen perform talent in three years of high school, and only vaguely remember a cultural evening, which is not strictly speaking a solo performance.

As soon as he heard that Song Shichen's big adventure was to sing, the unmarried lady was even more mad.

Shen Wanyi stood up, glanced around, and a strong
The pitch-black eyes were like magnets, quietly sucking Shen Wanyi in, and pointed straight to the depths of her heart, leaving her with nowhere to escape.

Mingming Song Shichen was chatting with others, the corners of his cold lips curled up, but Shen Wanyi clearly felt that he was looking in his direction.

The corners of the man's lips were raised, but there was no trace of a smile, instead, there was a gloomy meaning hidden in it, and his eyes flickered with an unpredictable light, but they were very indifferent.

Shen Wanyi quickly looked away, her expression was normal, without any emotion, she met everyone's eyes, and walked towards the door step by step, faster and faster, as if she was escaping from something.

After she left, there were whispers around, "Damn, she really dares to go, cow." "Why don't we go and have a look, it's more exciting to eat melons on the spot, let's go..."

Just do what you say, so follow out to watch the fun.


There were not many people outside the corridor of the private room. After waiting for a while, a man in a suit came into view. Shen Wanyi brewed and organized his words.

When the man passed in front of him, he suddenly stopped, with a moderate voice, "Sir, excuse me, can I ask a question?"

Only then did he realize that he was calling himself, the man stopped just right, the light in the bar was dim, and he could barely see a woman, he turned his head in surprise and raised his jaw slightly.

The voice is like a spring breeze, and there is no emotion, but it makes people feel extremely comfortable, "Miss, are you calling me?"

Shen Wanyi nodded, the man understood, he was surprised by the strange woman's question, and then asked, "Is there any question?"

Although she was already mentally prepared, when she asked, Shen Wanyi wanted to dig a hole to bury herself, so she bit the bullet and pressed it, "May I ask, what color are you wearing today?"

Asking a private question to a strange man is somewhat embarrassing, it takes a lot of courage, the atmosphere became so awkward that it became silent, as if the pause button was pressed.

As expected, the man's expression obviously flashed wrongly, but he was shocked but also surprised, unexpectedly it was this problem.

To be honest, he could tell at a glance that he was playing Truth or Dare, and he chose Dare, but he didn't expect this woman to be so bold as to ask him.

I have to say that I admired her courage. He looked at the expression on the woman's face through the dim light, without any flinching or shyness, as if he was asking a very common question.

There was more interest in his eyes, he bent down, deliberately exhaled into Shen Wanyi's ear, and smiled casually, "Black..."

The little beauty who came to the door for nothing, don't make fun of it, I'm sorry for this blatant question, inexplicably looking forward to seeing her shy side, she must be beautiful, too beautiful.

However, everything was unexpected, Shen Wanyi subconsciously took two steps back, nodded slightly, and replied politely, "Okay, thank you, I'm sorry for the trouble."

As if she had completed a task, without waiting for the man's response, Shen Wan smiled at him apologetically, then turned and went into the private room.

Seeing Shen Wanyi's back resolutely leaving, the man frowned and fell into deep thought. Compared with the usual vulgar fans, he was calm and terrifying, without any shyness.

He curled his lips in an interesting way, and smiled brightly. For the first time, he found that he was not attractive in front of a woman, and he couldn't arouse her any interest.

It's really different, tsk, this woman is interesting, so fun, there will be a period later.


Shen Wanyi returned to her seat, gave the answer to the question, and the person who had just gone out to watch the excitement reported the situation, and made an OK gesture, and she was indeed asked, which was a bit surprising.

As soon as she sat down, Zhao Qiuyi quickly pulled Shen Wanyi and looked her up and down. Seeing that she was safe and sound, she let go of her heart, "Finally came back, and no one beat her up."

Shen Wanyi nodded Zhao Qiuyi's head, "What is this head thinking all day long?"

"Ask a strange man this question, and you'll be blamed for being flattered." Zhao Qiuyi muttered, picking up a few grapes and eating them.

He opened his mouth while eating, and really couldn't figure it out, "I really admire you. You usually keep silent, but when it's critical, you make a big move. Tell me, is that man handsome?"

Suddenly thought of something, and immediately turned to ask Shen Wanyi, her nymphomaniac temperament has not changed at all, she would rather kill the wrong guy than let a handsome guy go.

Shen Wanyi thought for a while, "I didn't pay attention." Then she was immediately criticized by Zhao Qiuyi plausibly, "It's so useless, I didn't see what a person looks like, I wasted a good opportunity."

Indeed, if the man is average-looking, it's okay, just ask for directions, but if he's handsome, he'll be treated differently, completely differently.

Moreover, Zhao Qiuyi overlooked one point, Shen Wanyi is an emotional idiot who can't explain it, and a child cannot be taught.

The game continues, the last one was a big adventure, this time it is the truth, after the person pointed to answers the question, he drank a few cups and continued.

The pen on the table turned again, stopped after a few laps, and went in the direction it was pointing, unbiased, and it happened to point to Song Shichen.

Song Shichen, who was pointed at, paused for a moment, and it passed in a flash, without any panic. His eyes fell on the pen point facing him, and his expression did not change much.

He fell silent for a moment, because this time was a big adventure, and originally wanted to play something more exciting, but he didn't expect Song Shichen to be recruited, which was really unexpected.

You can't offend, you can't play too much, and you can't treat them face to face differently. The big adventure is indeed a little difficult, not ordinary difficult.

The people around gave the man winks, the decision was in his hands.So he figured it out, the man was at a loss, and couldn't think of any big adventures in his mind.

He thought about it but didn't think about it. One head has two big heads. He saw the big screen in front of him playing classical songs. This shouldn't be too much, so he came up with an idea.

The man looked at Song Shichen cautiously, and his voice became smaller and smaller, "Big adventure... why don't you ask Song Lu to sing a song, it should be fine, if not, let's change it."

After being silent for a long time, just thinking about someone saying that singing is not a big adventure, he stopped talking immediately, but don't forget that person is Song Shichen.

Li Yang spoke quickly to break the awkward atmosphere at the moment, "Singing is also good, speaking of it, we have never heard Song Lu sing before."

(End of this chapter)

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