Chapter 246 No Love Experience
Every time I would only bring out grandma to scare her, nothing else but this trick, hit the snake seven inches, I have to say, successfully caught her weakness.

It's too much, count him as ruthless!He cursed and greeted Gu Jinglan in his heart.

Cheng Siyu would not give up easily, so he said weakly, "Uncle, can you not go?"

One moment she had a little hope for Gu Jinglan, but the next moment it was broken, and there was no feeling at all.

"What do you think?" Gu Jinglan asked Cheng Siyu directly. Through the mobile phone, he could already feel the danger approaching, and the answer was obviously refusal.

Really there is no empathy to say, this threatening tone, I don't know that I think it is an employee of his company.

Cheng Siyu had no choice but to compromise in the end, and negotiated terms with the devil. He was already alive, so he hung up the phone in a hurry, and after a while, the phone received the location of the blind date.

Simply tidy up, wrap yourself tightly, put on a mask and sunglasses, and quickly take a taxi to the agreed place, which is a restaurant.

According to the room number sent by Gu Jinglan, walking towards the second floor, Cheng Siyu took a deep breath, even though there was an abyss ahead, he had to open the door and enter.

The huge and bright indoor environment is in front of you. Different from the usual restaurants, it is obviously a private room. The fresh and elegant environment is very expensive.

Cheng Siyu looked back silently, and saw the man sitting in front of the dining table. His tall figure was outlined in a black suit, and his long legs overlapped underneath. The light softened his outline.
He looked down at his mobile phone, as if he was dealing with work matters. He tapped on the keyboard with his slender fingertips. When he heard the sound of the door opening, he frowned slightly, and raised his eyes to look at the person at the door.

His eyes were deep, without a trace of emotion, like probing and sizing up, Cheng Siyu reacted, his heart skipped a beat, and then he said twice, "Good morning, uncle."

The man glanced lightly at the smiling man, wrapping himself tightly every time he came out, and this time was no exception.

Black leisurely sportswear, a black peaked cap pressed on the head, shoulder-length curly hair scattered aside, half of the face is hidden in the mask, and a pair of large sunglasses.

"Sit." Gu Jinglan slowly withdrew his gaze, raised his jaw, and signaled Cheng Siyu to sit down next to him.

Cheng Siyu had an uneasy premonition that his life was important, so he decisively chose a seat far away, cherishing life and staying away from old men!
Gu Jinglan's eyes paused, he didn't say anything, and continued to focus on his work. The time suddenly became very quiet, and there seemed to be an awkward atmosphere floating around.

The enemy doesn't move, I don't move, but it's really embarrassing, Cheng Siyu hesitates to speak, so he can only lower his head and play with his mobile phone, trying to minimize his sense of existence.

"How's work going?" In the huge and quiet space, Gu Jinglan spoke, and Cheng Siyu, who was immersed in the phone, was taken aback by surprise.

If it doesn't make a sound, it's over, it's a blockbuster, and it's caught off guard.

After Cheng Siyu calmed down her frightened heart, she pulled her lips and quickly forced a smile, "It's good, thank you for your concern, Uncle."

It's good not to make a sound, but if you make a sound, you will be startled. If you don't have good psychological endurance, you may be very scared this time. Sure enough, it is not shallow.

"Kuukou..." There was a regular knock on the door outside, and after getting the answer, a pale yellow figure came into view.

Looking at the reputation, the woman is slender, and she is wearing a goose-yellow dress. Her complexion is fair, her eyes are as clear as autumn water, her face is dignified and beautiful, and it is difficult to conceal her elegance in her gestures.

With a slight smile on his lips, he nodded slightly, and greeted the two people present. When his eyes fell on Gu Jinglan, he was faintly shy.

Wang Yingying walked up to Gu Jinglan, and extended her slender hand gracefully, "Hi Mr. Gu, I'm Wang Yingying, nice to meet you."

Gu Jinglan nodded, slightly raised her eyelids, and bowed her head in response, "Miss Wang, please sit down. I think the purpose of coming today is very clear. I don't like to beat around the bush. Let's get to know each other and start as friends."

There is a lot of news on the Internet, and you can find it with a random search, and Gu Jinglan is unwilling to spend more time introducing herself.

She was well prepared before coming here, perhaps from the first time she met Gu Jinglan, she couldn't take her eyes off for an instant, Wang Yingying had never seen such a perfect man.

She was strongly attracted, and she looked away for a long time. The so-called love at first sight is also the same. After a glimpse, she has already made a promise.

That day, she followed her father to Cheng Zhai to talk about cooperation. She couldn't understand the business affairs and was bored, so she went out for a walk in the yard, and a car passed by, and she glanced at it inadvertently.

The man in the back seat put his arms up and leaned against the car window, closed his eyes slightly, his long eyelashes drooping, his handsome and handsome profile showed some breathtaking amazement, he felt the outside gaze, his lips were drawn into a straight line, and slowly Open your eyes.

The eyes of the two met unexpectedly in the air, and she was caught off guard by Gu Jinglan's sharp gaze, like a blade gleaming with cold light, cold and ruthless, without any waves or ripples, and could not see any other emotions.

Looking at each other for a moment, Wang Yingying's heart beat violently like a deer, and the man exuded a strong sense of alienation all over his body. Being stared at by him for a long time, one couldn't help but feel chills in one's heart.

She was spoiled and raised since she was a child, fearless of the sky and the earth, as the apple of the eye of the family, she can get the wind and the rain if she wants it, and she will get it if she wants it.

For the first time, the heart that had been silent for a long time felt a strong beating, and the position of the apex of the heart seemed to flow through waves of warm current, instantly filled with soft feelings.

A strong feeling surged in my heart, and I decided that it was him, it could only be him, and I must be him in this life.

In the eyes of outsiders, he must be stupid, so stupid that there is no cure, and he can be so determined at a simple glance.

However, she, Wang Yingying, has never missed what she wants. As long as she wants it, she can get it, and so does he.

After I got home and asked my father, I found out that his name is Gu Jinglan, the adopted son of the Cheng family, known to everyone in the business world, known for being cruel, ruthless and selfless.

After a lot of stalking, my father finally agreed to go to Cheng's house to be a matchmaker, and finally won the chance to meet him.

"I work as a translator for diplomats, and I am proficient in multiple languages. I work in a state-owned enterprise, and I like to dance and travel around..."

Before she finished speaking, Wang Yingying quickly raised her head to look at the aloof man next to her, suddenly thought of something, and silently added, "I have no love experience."

As soon as the voice fell, there was an instant silence, and the air was once again awkward. Cheng Siyu, who was originally a little transparent in the corner, couldn't help but raised his head, inexplicably wondering what Gu Jinglan's reaction was.

This blind date seems to be a bit of a spectacle, and it's not like a blind date, it's like a frank and lenient confession.

 Two days to update and one day to rest. Today’s update is because the book friends finally broke through a thousand, so happy~ I didn’t know what happened when I woke up, and I didn’t take a screenshot~
  At this rate, it seems unlikely that it will end at the end of August www
(End of this chapter)

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