Sweet crazy!The cold lawyer Song married at an early age

Chapter 249 Open Your Eyes and Talk About Blindness

Chapter 249

I can't communicate with this person at all, if I stay any longer, I'm afraid my head will explode, Cheng Siyu got up from her seat, walked around Gu Jinglan and left quickly, closing the door with a "pop...".

Gu Jinglan was the only one left in the huge private room. He squinted his eyes contentedly. He wasn't unhappy at all. On the contrary, he was in a pretty good mood. It was just a waste of a good table of food.

He took out a cigarette from his pocket, took out one, held it between his slender fingers, and rang the lighter. When the flame ignited, he leaned forward to light it, and took a deep puff.

The man's outline was blurred by the smoke, and he happily exhaled a few smoke rings, snuffed out the smoke, looked around, got up and left.


After drinking the hangover tea, Shen Wanyi finally didn't feel dizzy, so she simply cleaned up and went to work in the hospital.

There is no surgery scheduled today, and it happened to be her turn to be on duty. The group said that the medical education department was short of manpower, and many interns came. It was nothing important, and they helped me to bring them around to familiarize myself with the environment.

It just so happened that today was not a busy day, so Shen Wanyi was arranged to take a few interns to the hospital to have a look around.

The Medical and Education Department has gathered a lot of interns who have been here for the past few days. Some of them looked at the surrounding environment curiously, and some were uneasy. They didn't know what would happen next, and they were full of expectations for everything here.

"Everyone line up and be quiet. Don't disturb the rest of the patients. In the morning, you should familiarize yourself with the environment first, and then make arrangements in the afternoon. If you read the name, remember which doctor you are following."

After the person in charge of the medical education department finished explaining, the leading doctors each held a small plate with a serial number on it for easy identification.

"No. 1, Lin Dongmei, Liang Chunying, Chen Xiaohan."

As soon as the words fell, several people in the crowd poked their heads out, looking for the person they wanted to follow.

"Here." Chen Pingping raised the sign in her hand, signaling them to look over, a trace of impatience flashed in her eyes, and then disappeared in a flash.

Originally, I was free today and wanted to fish in the department, but I didn't expect to be arranged to lead the interns to familiarize themselves with the environment, so it's strange not to be angry.

The superiors had to obey the arrangements, full of grievances and no place to vent, full of food and nothing to do, not just a few interns, as for mobilizing teachers and mobilizing people.

There is no time for a good rest, and no one is convinced, it really is a bunch of troublesome spirits.

The person whose name was called finally found the location of No. 1, and walked around the crowd to come behind Chen Pingping.

The person in charge continued to read the names from the list on the paper, "No. 2, Li Xueqin, Liang Wenzhen, He Zhenhui."

Shen Wanyi raised the card in her hand, and several people who were looking for the organization immediately came behind them.

Among them, there was a particularly lively boy with a self-acquainted temper, who chatted with the other two girls.

He Zhenhui struck up a conversation with a smile, "Two sisters, it's a pleasure to meet you. We will work in the same hospital from now on. We will have a long time in Japan."

As the saying goes, you don't hit a smiling person with your hand. Besides, He Zhenhui is pretty good-looking, tall, thin and fair, which just adds a lot to his impression points.

The two girls couldn't help laughing, Li Xueqin pretended to have a straight face, and was the first to speak, "It sounds nice, you are very glib."

"Thank you for the compliment, the two sisters, please teach me more in the future. By the way, the sister who leads us is pretty good-looking, and I don't know if we can get along well."

He Zhenhui smirked twice, and his gaze fell on Shen Wanyi, inexplicably attracted by her tranquil demeanor, and he couldn't move his eyes away for a moment.

She stood quietly aside, not looking at her mobile phone, not talking to others, as if the noise around her had nothing to do with her.

Just do what you say, He Zhenhui is quite courageous, rushed to the front, deliberately lowered his voice, "Sister doctor, you will be the one to show us later."

It's purely out of topic, asking questions knowingly, just for striking up a conversation.

"En." Shen Wanyi replied in a low voice, glanced at the watch on her wrist, and raised her eyelids to look at He Zhenhui.

He Zhenhui's eyes lit up, his voice was sweet, and the key was that he was willing to talk to him, and he felt as if he had been beaten for a moment, "Oh, my sister has been a doctor in the hospital for several years, which department is it?"

The two girls behind hurriedly pulled someone back who didn't know how to live or die. He was young and vigorous, and this kid was quite courageous. He just wanted to offend someone.

"Yo, it seems that some people are pretending to be arrogant again, and giving the interns a face, it's not a small face."

Chen Pingping took everything that happened just now into her eyes, she was surprised to see Shen Wanyi, and then curled the corners of her mouth, mocking secretly, intentionally or unintentionally.

It's really a narrow road to Yuanjia, but I didn't expect to meet Shen Wanyi, the nemesis, who didn't read the almanac when I went out today, so I thought I was unlucky!

Shen Wanyi turned her head, saw Chen Pingping's mocking face, and instantly understood that she had a quarrel in the hospital last time, and she was just picking faults, and she wasn't someone to mess with.

She carelessly hooked the corners of her lips, "Dr. Chen's words are wrong. There is something wrong with his eyesight. Please make an appointment with the ophthalmology department in advance."

"You..." Chen Pingping was about to speak, but she was staring at melons from nearby. It was unseemly to quarrel. She suppressed the anger in her heart and finally let it go.

The conflict between the two is not difficult to see, He Zhenhui immediately went to Shen Wanyi's side to inquire about the situation, "Sister Doctor..."

Shen Wanyi glanced over lightly, and whispered, "Speak less, do more." He Zhenhui nodded quickly, and shut his mouth obediently.

After telling some precautions, each of them went to familiarize themselves with the environment of the hospital with the leader, and went to different places in batches.

On the second floor, Shen Wanyi took the three of them around to get to know the location of each department, "This is internal medicine..."

After a brief introduction, He Zhenhui suddenly asked, "Sister Doctor, what department are you from?"

Liang Wenzhen couldn't help teasing, "Don't tell him, this kid will sneak there to play when he has time, and his wishful thinking is really sounding."

His mind was seen through, He Zhenhui glared at Liang Wenzhen, motioned her not to talk too much, coughed twice, and maintained her image, "That's right, I'm new here, so I need someone to take care of me."

"Open your eyes and talk nonsense!" Li Xueqin quickly agreed, exposing He Zhenhui's true colors.

Shen Wanyi smiled and raised her eyebrows, "Brain surgery, why, you want to come to me for a brain check, you have to welcome me well."

The two girls were instantly amused, Liang Wenzhen suppressed the laugh, "He needs to check his brain."

"Do you two understand what respect is?" He Zhenhui turned his head and reprimanded them, facing Shen Wanyi, he changed another face in an instant, "Sister doctor, I'm actually very interested in brain surgery..."

Li Xueqin clicked tut twice, really couldn't see it, "Yo, I remember you said that just now, one thing on the outside, another thing on the back, a man's mouth, a deceitful ghost."

"You..." He Zhenhui was about to retort, but Shen Wanyi stopped him in time, "Don't make trouble, after visiting these places, it's almost time to get off work."

The three of them had a rare tacit understanding and did not make a sound. They walked around for a long time and finally walked all over the place.

 To tell you the truth, I also forgot who Chen Pingping is, Guidance→Chapter 52, anyway, there was a festival, and I was caught saying bad things about the heroine.

  I have to write about the hospital, don't be ridiculous, it's really random, it's a big head to think about.

(End of this chapter)

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