Chapter 251

It is totally different from the square just passed by, with noisy streets, hawkers shouting for business, the smell of stinky tofu and barbecue colliding in the air, and the surrounding is filled with the smell of human fireworks.

It's best to say that it's the snack street, there are people coming and going nearby, Shen Wanyi followed Song Shichen, vaguely remembered the location of the shop, so he had to follow him.

The crowd is crowded, there is still a road in the middle, many vehicles are passing by, the town has no traffic lights, and when crossing the road, you have to look left and right to see if there are any vehicles.

Going around the crowd, you have to pay attention to the cars around you. In the blink of an eye, Song Shichen, who was still ahead just now, had long since disappeared. Shen Wanyi searched around, but couldn't find anyone.

Patronizing to find someone, Shen Wanyi didn't notice that a motorcycle was coming behind him, the distance was getting closer and closer, the naked eye could even see the distance.

Song Shichen pulled Shen Wanyi back quickly with sharp eyes and hands. The motorcycle passed by. She looked at the man next to her by mistake, shocked by his sudden appearance, and took a long time to react.

"Look at the car, don't look around." Song Shichen warned in a low voice, standing calmly on Shen Wanyi's right side, next to the road.

Shen Wan hesitated to speak, just about to say that she couldn't find anyone and didn't know where she went, when Song Shichen suddenly stuffed something into her palm, and looked down, it was a bottle of blue-packaged milk beer.

The canned milk beer has some water mist, forming small water droplets and dripping down, it is cool in the palm of the hand, obviously it has just been taken out of the vending machine not long ago.

She looked at Song Shichen in puzzlement. He also had a bottle in his hand, and he could see through her inner thoughts, but he didn't answer, "It's not far ahead, just walk a few more steps."

The two walked side by side for a while, and it was rare that the tranquility was not broken. The noise played a cheerful movement. This scene seemed to return to the time when they were in love.


Friday afternoon self-study class
The teacher went to a meeting, survived the class, and finally ushered in the long-awaited weekend. At first, it was just whispering, and then it became uncontrollable. The monitor had no choice but to keep his voice down, which seemed to have no effect.

Twenty minutes before school ended, Shen Wanyi finished writing the test paper, stuffed the weekend homework into her schoolbag, packed her things, looked around, and deliberately lowered her voice.

"Song Shichen, are you free this weekend?"

Recalling what Zhao Qiuyi once said to herself, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Song Shichen has always taken the initiative, and she will always be passive, and the relationship will not last long.

She also reflected on it herself, which is indeed the case. She has never understood emotional matters, and has no love experience, so she does not know how to get along.

"What?" Song Shichen turned off the phone, stuffed it in a drawer, raised his eyebrows lazily, and looked at the girl next to him who asked the question with interest.

It was rare to hear Shen Wanyi's question, so he was quite curious about what was going on, and couldn't help being a little surprised.

"Ask, it's fine if you don't have time."

Shen Wanyi glanced at him, as if feeling embarrassed to take the initiative for the first time, her voice became smaller and smaller, and in the end it became a soliloquy.

It was rare for Song Shichen to see Shen Wanyi's appearance like this, and he seemed to be teasing her, raised his jaw slightly, and said the conjecture in his heart, "You want to ask me out."

Being seen through so easily, Shen Wanyi's head exploded, her cheeks were slightly flushed, her heart was uneasy, and she answered in a low voice.

"The sun rises from the west today. It's rare for my deskmate to apply for a date. No matter how busy you are, you have to go. If you don't regret it for life, it will become a regret."

Hearing this, Shen Wanyi glared at her viciously, Song Shichen pursed her lips, and reached out to ruffle her hair, "Why don't you promise, you're so coquettish, not ashamed."

They made an appointment to meet in the park on Saturday morning, and Shen Wanyi arrived half an hour early. Before waiting for a few minutes, he saw a figure walking in this direction from a distance, and only recognized Song Shichen when he got closer.

The autumn breeze was blowing, the boy simply put on a black jacket, it was a little cold when he woke up, the zipper was pulled up, and he put his hands in his pockets. When he saw her, he was obviously surprised.

He stretched out his hand from his warm pocket, and stroked the girl's face that was blown cold by the wind. When he touched it, his slender fingertips paused, and his brows furrowed tightly.

Then he held her slender hand tightly, feeling pity in his heart, and couldn't help but blame, "Why are you here so early? You don't have to wait for a date, you feel better when you have a cold."

Song Shichen sat down next to Shen Wanyi, she blinked and defended herself, "You came early too, and you're still talking about me."

Not knowing who to learn from her unconvinced attitude, Song Shichen reached out and knocked the head of the person next to her, causing her to cry out in pain, and hurriedly protected her head to avoid being attacked a second time.

"It's not the same. If you dare to talk back, you are quite courageous. Let's go shopping."

Obviously she was the one who proposed a date, but now it's good, the initiative has returned to Song Shichen's hands.

Song Shichen seldom went shopping, the noisy market made people feel irritable and dazzled, but this time he was in a completely different state of mind, with her by his side.

For the first time, I felt that everything around me was very fresh, even the air was different from usual, and I felt much happier.

Shen Wan noticed that Song Shichen was shopping with great interest, it seemed that every store wanted to drag her to see, and she couldn't put it down for every novel thing, as if she had never shopped before.

The small stall in front sells a lot of weird things, Shen Wan turned away from customers and dragged Song Shichen away. He didn't know why, so he let him be dragged away.

There are many strange things on the stalls, masks of various types of Peking Opera, little roosters that crow when touched, and beads that quickly recover when crushed.

Shen Wanyi looked around, chose a cute bunny ears, and gestured in front of Song Shichen, "Like it?" He asked, but she smiled without saying a word.

Stretching out his hand to Song Shichen, he blinked innocently, and said in a playful tone, "I like it, I like to see you put it on even more."

Song Shichen frowned and looked at the lovely items in front of him, he couldn't think of the appearance that Shen Wanyi asked him to wear, and it was difficult to accept the reality.

He raised his eyes and glanced at her, pondered for a moment, then quickly shook his head and refused, "It's a beautiful idea, don't."

"You can figure it out." Shen Wanyi snorted coldly twice, she would not change her mind easily, and pretended to be stern, obviously sullen.

"Yo... I really have a bad temper, come on, I can bear it." Song Shichen showed a touch of tenderness that was not easy to reveal, and his clear eyebrows and eyes were stained with strands of smile.

Shen Wanyi didn't understand the meaning of the words, Song Shichen snatched the cute and cute rabbit ears from her hand, paid the money, and hurriedly pulled her away from the scene.

After walking for a while before stopping, Song Shichen put the rabbit ears on his head and made a straight face, with an expression of reluctance.

He glared at someone who was holding back his laughter, and said angrily, "Satisfied now, happy?"

Shen Wanyi was about to die laughing, because of someone's resentful gazes, she had to save some face for Song Shichen.

She tried her best not to smile too exaggeratedly, and lowered the corners of her lips that were crazily raised.

 Before going to bed last night, I found a novel on Tomato to read. It was an abuse novel. The heroine had her fingers severed by her ex-lover, her face was disfigured, and her daughter was killed by him. She didn’t get to the point of abuse, but wanted to laugh instead.

  The high temperature of 35 degrees for more than a month, it finally rained today, and it thundered at 6 o'clock in the morning www
(End of this chapter)

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