Chapter 257 Let her stay
Before getting close, Shen Wanyi could already smell the strong smell of alcohol, she couldn't help but frowned, patted the man's face, trying to wake him up, "Hey, Lu Yanhan."

Lu Yanhan, who just patted two pats and didn't respond, lay on his body for a while, hummed a few times uncomfortably, and suddenly got up and muttered, "Mmm...bring you some wine, keep drinking!"

"Master has plenty of money, and wine..." After finishing speaking, he struggled to get up from the sofa, his face was flushed, and he wobbled as if he was looking for something.

"Look, look, this guy's existence is to torment people, just throw him on the sofa, there is a filming tomorrow, I'm going to sleep first, and you don't care about him, wash up and sleep, good night."

Cheng Siyu came out of the bathroom after changing her clothes, clasped her hands together, clicked her tongue in dissatisfaction, kindly advised Shen Wanyi to leave Lu Yanhan alone, turned around and went back to the bedroom in a hurry.

Seeing that Lu Yanhan was half-drunk, staggering and still going, there was a huge disparity in strength between men and women, even if he was drunk, Shen Wanyi might not be able to move him.

How come I drank so much wine tonight, I’m afraid I’ll have to drink too much, drinking at a young age will damage my body, I’m in my 20s, my body is in my 40s, to put it bluntly, I’m going to die young one day.

She was not strong enough to drag Lu Yanhan to the room, and he vomited all over his body, it was dirty, and the smell was quite choking.

Now it was Shen Wanyi's turn to be in trouble, and she ignored him for a moment, "Hey..." She was thinking about how to deal with the trouble in front of her, and Lu Yanhan almost fell off the table due to unsteady steps.

Quickly pulling someone back who didn't know anything, he tried his best to drag him to the sofa, but he still yelled for wine.

Shen Wanyi was at a loss for words for a while, and answered angrily, "I'll get you some wine." Turning around, she went into the kitchen and made a glass of honey water for Lu Yanhan, and handed it to him, ""

Lu Yanhan, who was in the shape of a big character on the sofa, moved his ears, and when he heard the wine, he wanted to struggle to get up again. Regarding this, Shen Wanyi no longer had the strength to serve him, and finally compromised.

Lifting his head stiffly, "Brother, don't move around, let me feed you." This guy is really hard to serve.

After taking a few sips, Lu Yanhan tasted something wrong, immediately turned his face away, and pushed Shen Wanyi away, "It's not wine..."

Of course she knew it wasn't wine, she wanted to drink like this, it was a good idea, she should have listened to Cheng Siyu's words and let Lu Yanhan sleep in the living room for the night.

After some tossing, some honey water was sprinkled on Lu Yanhan's coat, but Shen Wanyi didn't want to ignore it, her eyes paused, and she accepted her order to help him take off the coat.

Honey is easy to attract ants, she doesn't want to see the living room full of ants crawling on the ground early tomorrow morning.

She raised Lu Yanhan's hand, and stretched out her hand to pull one sleeve of Lu Yanhan's sleeve. It took a lot of effort to take off one sleeve, and she was about to take off the other sleeve.

The movement was not big, obviously very cautious, the man who had closed his eyes suddenly opened his eyes, his tall eyes were a little blurred, he looked at Shen Wanyi steadily, his pupils reflected the figure of the person in front of him.

Staring at her for a long time, it seemed unbelievable, and said her name in an uncertain tone, "Shen Wanyi?"

Immediately shaking his head, he couldn't believe seeing her appear in front of his eyes, whether it was a dream or real, he stretched out his hand to touch Shen Wanyi's face.

The warm big palm stroked the woman's cheek, and the slender fingertips touched the corners of the eyes to the lips, and I really felt her warmth. It turned out that all this was not a dream, but a reality.

However, Shen Wanyi was caught off guard and was terrified. She immediately knocked off the hand that was suddenly extended, but without thinking too much, she pulled her lips, "Do you want the hand? If you don't want it, just chop it off."

I'm afraid he didn't think of her as Yingying Yanyan outside, after all, Lu Yanhan was a playboy who was good at eating, drinking and having fun outside, and he was not honest when he was drunk.

"Cruel-hearted woman, how dare you! You have no conscience at all!"

Lu Yanhan frowned fiercely, only Shen Wanyi dared to talk to him like this, who else would it be if it wasn't her!Touching for a second longer, I'm afraid I'll have to slap him twice.

"It's not enough for you to be ruthless. Look at yourself in the mirror. There is no difference between people and ghosts. They are no different from the tramps outside."

Shen Wanyi threw the coat she took off on the man, and asked him to take a good look. It seemed that she could recognize the man, and she opened up with confidence, and she was still a little sober.

But I don't have the time to take care of this big alcoholic, "Just sober up, clean up the mess by myself, goodbye."

Lu Yanhan immediately called her to stop, rubbed his dizzy head, and suppressed the heat in his heart, worried that Shen Wanyi would leave, so he quickly grabbed her hand.

"I haven't sobered up yet, Shen Wanyi, I don't have any loyalty at all, are you friends?!"

Obviously, the headache is severe now, as if it is about to be torn in two, and the mind is still not clear. At this moment, there is only one thought in my mind, let Shen Wanyi stay.

She was purely full of kindness, kindness caused trouble, and Bailianhua suffered from the disease again, and let him vomit half to death in the living room by himself.

Shen Wanyi was angry and happy, and glanced at him lightly, "Young Master Lu is right, I am a woman without conscience and loyalty, I shouldn't have cared about you in the first place, let me go."

He tightly locked the woman's slender wrist and tried his best to prevent her from leaving. The difference in strength between men and women made her turn red instantly. Shen Wanyi couldn't break free, so she had to call Lu Yanhan to let go.

Under the light, the eyes of the man on the sofa turned around, his eyes were slightly drunk, he looked like a pet discarded by the owner, and he said in an aggrieved tone, "Don't go..."

In the past, I used to see Lu Yanhan acting like a fool, without any serious appearance, but now he seems to be a different person, not like him at all, maybe he has a dual personality.

Poor and ridiculous, Shen Wanyi was curious, "Could you have lost your love, been dumped by some woman, or someone gave you a cuckold, tell me."

Men's drinking is nothing more than entertainment and women at work, and there is another kind of pure drinking. Obviously, Lu Yanhan will definitely not be the first type, it is probably a romantic history in a romantic place.

Lu Yanhan pursed his lips, did not answer, and slowly lowered his head, his whole body was extremely decadent, as if he had lost his energy to hold back at a certain moment, he was silent for a while, and said words with difficulty in his throat.

"Shen Wanyi, in your heart, I'm just an ignorant dude who has nothing to do except eat, drink and play. Answer me."

Shen Wanyi was stunned, Lu Yanhan's state was obviously not right, as if he was the culprit that made him unhappy, could it be that he drank too much and ruined his brain?

She was about to feel the temperature of his forehead with the back of her hand, but was blocked by Lu Yanhan, her scorching gaze made her nowhere to hide, "Are you alright?"

Looking at this posture, it seems that if you don't give an answer, don't even think about leaving, Shen Wanyi can only give a vague answer, "Yes and no."

Lu Yanhan gave her a look, "Isn't what you said just nonsense?"

 Lu Yanhan is about to leave~
(End of this chapter)

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