Chapter 262 The best decision
"Understood, I'll go now." Song Shichen nodded, and before leaving, he winked at Shen Wanyi, telling her not to worry, come back soon, and come out of the conference room with the man.

Walking through the long corridor and coming to a terrace, Chen Chong signaled the man to step back first, then turned his head and nodded to Song Shichen as a greeting, with a faint smile on his lips.

"What is the purpose of Lawyer Chen asking me to come here?" Song Shichen looked straight at Chen Chong, too lazy to beat around the bush, met his eyes, and spoke slowly.

Chen Chong's eyes raised a glint of admiration, "I just saw Song Lu's strength in court, and I have to admire it. Don't be nervous. Treat it like an ordinary colleague chatting. Dare I ask what is Song Lu's predicted winning rate?"

Although his reputation was not as good as Song Shichen's, he was well-known in the legal circle, and he had never been treated so rudely before, and Song Shichen was the first one.

Not annoyed, he lit a cigarette, put it to his mouth, and blew out smoke rings one after another in the air, looking into the distance.

Song Shichen replied in a low voice, "The winning ticket is in his hands." The four words were understated, and his tone was unshakable. He knew that he must win this case, and he was not worried at all.

The answer was as expected, Chen Chong lit a cigarette, "If our side proposes a settlement, what does Song Lv think?"

"Of course I don't want to. If I have nothing else to do, I'll go back first and see you in court." Song Shichen darkened his eyes, a flash of astonishment flashed across his face, and then his face remained normal, and he left without saying a word.

Tsk, I want to reconcile now, it's a beautiful idea, naturally I won't have this opportunity, there is no turning back.

Seeing the back of the man drifting away, Chen Chong couldn't help taking a deep breath of cigarettes, as if he could breathe out the sorrow in his heart. Sure enough, it was not easy to talk about reconciliation with Song Shichen.

The 15-minute adjournment passed quickly, and there must have been a discussion result, waiting for the final judgment.

Song Shichen was as calm as ever, Shen Wanyi was curious, he just went out for a trip, and when he came back, something was obviously wrong, the air pressure was a little lower than usual.

When the result was about to be announced, a man dressed in a suit and leather shoes walked in, holding a letter in his hand, and walked straight to the presiding judge's seat, leaning over, whispering in his ear.

Suddenly the presiding judge paused, waved the man down, and communicated with several people's jurors. After a while, he cleared his throat and opened his mouth. The voice was not too loud, and spread throughout the court.

"Before the announcement of the results, I would like to ask the defendant's lawyer a question, do you have an intimate relationship with the defendant?"

As soon as the words fell, the auditorium caused an uproar, and many incredulous eyes looked in the direction of Song Shichen and Shen Wanyi.

"Why did you say that?" Song Shichen was stunned, his dark eyes filled with a hint of confusion, he walked through the crowd and looked directly at the presiding judge above.

The voice of the presiding judge was not angry but powerful, "Someone sent a report letter, which said that you have an ulterior relationship with the defendant. There are photos to prove it. How to explain it?"

He held up the letter he had just received, displayed it in front of the public, and then had someone pass it in front of Song Shichen. He lowered his head and pinched the evidence in his hand, his expression stunned.

The photo was secretly photographed at some time, and it was about the classmate reunion, when Shen Wanyi was drunk, she suddenly kissed him on tiptoe, it was very clear, whether it was intentional or unintentional, it was photographed.

When the presiding judge said that there was an intimate relationship, Shen Wanyi's back froze, her heart was pounding, the sudden chill chilled her back, and she gradually broke out in a cold sweat.

She could see clearly from her angle that Song Shichen's complexion was not good at this time, he pinched the paper with his slender fingertips, and he didn't make any next move for a long time, so he couldn't help but start to worry.

If it was because of her, Song Shichen would be in trouble, and even work would be affected, the consequences would be disastrous.

Song Shichen stared intently at the content on the paper. A report letter came out of nowhere, saying word by word that he had an intimate relationship with Shen Wanyi, and the relationship was not simple.

There are pictures and evidence, guessing that the relationship between the two is unusual, that's why Song Shichen took over the case, please make sure to investigate thoroughly before drawing conclusions.

"Does the defendant have a lawyer?" The presiding judge asked Song Shichen step by step in an oppressive voice, clearly indicating the seriousness of the situation.

When everyone's eyes were on him, Song Shichen raised his eyelids, restrained his complicated expressions, and his cold voice reached everyone's ears, "No."

The judge stared at the man standing upright for a long time. He was neither humble nor overbearing, with firm eyes, clearly showing his attitude.

Then he turned around and asked Shen Wanyi who was in the dock, "Defendant, do you have any intimate relationship with the representative lawyer?"

"No." Shen Wanyi squeezed her sweaty palms, and replied to the appraising gaze of the presiding judge.

The two parties stated that there was no close relationship, but the report letter contained pictures and the truth, so it was difficult to convince the public. After deliberation, the final judgment was made.

The clerk announced the final result of the discussion, "Now there are two options. The first is to lose the case and the hospital and the person in charge will pay compensation. The second is to change the lawyer and try again in a month."

The situation is serious, and the law stipulates that lawyers should not have any relationship with the defendant, let alone this time, there are pictures and truth, and there is no trace of PS, so this judgment has to be made.

The decision was in Shen Wanyi's hands, suppressing the strong uneasiness in his heart, Song Shichen was also looking at her, and said slowly in a woman's crisp voice, "Change a lawyer."

This is the only choice, being responsible for the case is also the best decision for Song Shichen.

After discussing with the plaintiff there was no problem, it was decided that the case would be tried one month later, and they left the venue one by one, and the crowd dispersed.

Only Shen Wanyi and Song Shichen were left, and the atmosphere suddenly became delicate. She was just about to speak, but if she hadn't been photographed with Song Shichen because she was drunk, the incident would not have happened.

His heart felt as if he had been pricked by a needle, causing a sense of guilt, and he was deeply sorry for his behavior, which caused Song Shichen a lot of trouble.

Song Shichen hurried out to answer the phone, and some noisy voices came faintly, "Okay, I know, go now."

He hurriedly tidied up the documents scattered on the desktop, his expression became more and more serious, "I'm in a hurry, should I take you back?"

Shen Wan hesitated to speak, forced a smile, swallowed the bitterness on her lips, "No need, Song Lu, you go to work."

"Be careful on the road, I will solve the case, don't worry, have a good rest."

Although the matter was urgent, Song Shichen took a taxi, sent Shen Wanyi to the car, gave a few words of advice, and then turned and left.

Through the car window, Shen Wanyi looked at the back of the man who had resolutely left. She withdrew her gaze, lowered her eyes slowly, her palms were icy cold, which was still not as cold as her heart.

 These two chapters seem to be unsatisfactory. How to put it, I thought so, but it was not written like this. The turning point of the relationship between the hero and heroine.

  Good night.

(End of this chapter)

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