Chapter 268 A Big Storm
Song Shichen's eyes were slightly red, and he felt the feeling of regaining what was lost. His heart was like a surging sea. He lowered his eyebrows and said, "Wait until the matter is settled, soon."

Tucking back the quilt on Shen Wanyi's body, the afternoon passed quickly, and the afterglow of the setting sun cast a soft light on her body, making everything seem unreal.

If everything just now was a dream, he would rather indulge in the dream and never want to wake up.

Song Shichen used the thermometer to measure Shen Wanyi's temperature again. His body temperature was normal, and the high fever finally subsided. It was not in vain that the little fairy tortured him.

The phone on the desktop vibrated, indicating that there was a call coming. Just now, I was afraid that the call would make Shen Wanyi take a rest, so I set the phone to vibrate.

Song Shichen picked up the phone and got up, and only connected it on the balcony outside. A woman's crisp voice came along with the current, "Song Lu, are you feeling better tonight? Is the fever gone? Did you go to the hospital?"

Just connected, Cheng Siyu's series of bombings with [-] reasons was purely overwhelmed by worry, and he didn't give Song Shichen a chance to answer at all.

Song Shichen frowned slightly, and was a little stunned by the sudden noise. After Cheng Siyu finished speaking, he said in a cool voice, "I didn't go to the hospital. The high fever subsided, and my body temperature is normal."

Cheng Siyu's deep and magnetic voice reached Cheng Siyu's ears, and she instantly felt relieved. She was relieved to hear that Shen Wanyi was fine.

She always put emotions on her face, worried that Shen Wanyi, who had a high fever, was very preoccupied when shooting the announcement, was scolded by the photographer several times, barely passed the test, and finally made it to the end of get off work before calling.

"Thank you Song Lv for taking care of me. I'm sorry to trouble you. I'll be back now." Cheng Siyu hung up the phone quickly, obviously on the way back in a hurry.

Song Shichen retracted his mobile phone and walked in, his tender eyes fell on Shen Wanyi, he couldn't look away for a long time, and finally retracted his eyes, obviously reluctant.

Kissed the corner of her lips again, and left quickly, the sexy Adam's apple rolled up and down slightly, the voice rolled between the lips and teeth, biting her earlobe, "Wait for me."

He got up slowly, took the coat that was on the side, walked lightly to the door, looked deeply at the person on the bed, and finally closed the door.

"Crack..." The door opened, and Cheng Siyu rushed back from the outside, just in time to see Song Shichen coming out, the two looked at each other, and the scene was a bit awkward.

Facing the man's oppressive eyes, she nodded slightly as a greeting, blinked her beautiful eyes, and smiled embarrassingly, "Song Lu, thank you."

After getting no response for a while, Cheng Siyu quietly raised his head to look at Song Shichen. Although Song Shichen didn't do anything to him, he felt scared for some reason, his scalp was numb, and he felt uncomfortable.

That kind of feeling is especially like when I was alone with the head teacher when I was a child, the aura of not being angry but powerful was exactly the same, my heart was super shadowed, I didn't dare to take a breath, and I didn't dare to say anything.

"You're welcome. If you have other circumstances, remember to call. If you have to leave first, we will meet later." Song Shichen dropped a sentence, turned and left.

There are other circumstances that naturally refer to Shen Wanyi, so it is possible that there are other things that Song Shichen cares about so much.

Cheng Siyu withdrew his gaze, the big ice cube finally left, it looked good, but he was uncomfortable, so he didn't have to face it this time, he didn't know how Shen Wanyi could bear it.

She immediately slapped her head and came back to her senses in an instant. She almost forgot Shen Wanyi in the bedroom, woo woo woo, actually forgot my dear Wan Wan, she must confess!
He rushed to the bedroom at a fast speed, hurriedly got to Shen Wanyi's side, touched her forehead with the palm of his hand, and compared his temperature, it was obviously normal.

Out of the corner of Cheng Siyu's eyes, he glanced at the warm water on the table, and then looked towards the balcony. The towels hung on the hangers were fluttering in the wind. It seemed that Song Shichen really took care of them.

For a while, I couldn't think of a word called it, ah yes, it finally sounded, it was meticulous, caring for others better than myself.

A question suddenly popped up in Cheng Siyu's mind, is she selling Shen Wanyi to Song Shichen?
Only then did she realize the seriousness of the problem, and after thinking about it, her little heart couldn't help trembling, her body trembled, and she almost knelt down and confessed.

At that time, there was no way out, so I had to do this. Cheng Siyu prayed that he would not die a miserable death.


Nanseong No.1 Civilian Hospital
Song Shichen drove to the intensive care unit in a hurry. More than a dozen people were waiting outside the corridor. The familiar faces were obviously from the Song family.

Sharp-eyed people saw Song Shichen's hurried figure approaching, many eyes looked at him, there was a lot of whispering, and many gossip fell into Song Shaotang's ears, and he was instantly furious.

There was going to be a big storm next, but I didn't expect it to be so fast. With a "snap...", my face was instantly hit by gravity.

Song Shichen who rushed over was caught off guard by a slap, subconsciously turned to the side, the place where he was slapped turned red, and the fingerprints were clearly visible on it, it was shocking to see.

A trace of bright red blood spilled from the corner of his lips, he raised his fingertips to wipe it slightly, and his sharp eyes swept over Song Shaotang who slapped him.

Tsk, this is his father, what a joke.

Song Shaotang, who has always been gentle and refined, opened his eyes angrily, the veins on his forehead swelled and swelled with his breath, his face turned livid, and the anger accumulated in his body erupted like a volcano.

He saw Song Shichen's mocking expression in his eyes, his eyes were spouting fire, his fists were rattling, and his eyes were filled with uncontrollable anger.

One slap was not enough, they obviously wanted to slap him until he calmed down, Song Yinghuai and Chen Shuxian hurriedly pulled Song Shaotang back, no matter how strong one person was against the strength of two people, they couldn't break free.

"Nizi! Did you fucking think of me as your father? You ran away without saying a word, and it was your grandma lying in the intensive care unit! Are you human?!"

Chen Shuxian's eyes were filled with tears, her husband was on one side, and her son was on the other. The palms and backs of her hands were full of flesh. The slap just now was on her body, and it hurt her heart!

"Shaotang... Shaotang, if you want to hit me, hit me. It's all my fault. It's because I can't raise my children well. It's because I, as a mother, didn't educate well..."

The woman's shoulders couldn't help shaking, and then she burst into tears, begging Song Shaotang not to hit her, bent her legs, and was about to kneel down and beg him.

Song Shichen lifted Chen Shuxian up quickly with sharp eyes and hands, his expression was not angry but mighty, and his mocking voice reached the ears of everyone present.

"Tsk, what Minister Song said is wrong. If it weren't for my family, I wouldn't have made this trip in vain. Thank you, Minister Song, for slapping me completely. I finally understand what indifference is."

The one in the ward is my grandma who has protected her since she was a child. It is a lie to say that she doesn't care.

 The female lead is the unswerving choice of the male lead. Of course, Grandma Song is fine, but you can’t just hang up with a divine assist. Spoilers are over, and there is still a chapter to be written in the war of giants~
  Good night.

(End of this chapter)

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