Chapter 270 Selfishness
"I'm afraid it will be more troublesome if you come here." Song Shichen raised his eyelids, rubbed his swollen temples, his eyes couldn't conceal the fatigue, and his eyes fell on the intensive care unit in front of him.

Song Yinghuai's answer was as expected, and he smiled, "If my sister Qingran heard it, I would be so sad, my eyes are full of tears, women are troublesome creatures, don't be entangled."

He took out the lighter in his pocket and fiddled with it. The silver lighter was turning flexibly on his fingertips, and his thumb slowly rubbed the English letters on it.

There was a sound of "啪...", and a small cluster of bright flames burst out in an instant, and was shaken by the wind on the window sill, and gradually turned to one side. He was probably bored and put it away.

There was a sound of high-heeled shoes stepping on the ground in the corridor, crisp and clear, from far to near, the third floor of the hospital was the VIP ward, and there was an abrupt sound in the quiet environment.

Seeing a black figure slowly approaching, Song Yinghuai gave a meaningful smile, raised his eyebrows, and raised his hand to Meng Qingran who was rushing over, "Said Cao Cao Cao Cao is here, she is here."

Meng Qingran's eyes lit up, and she walked quickly, only seeing the slender figure in her eyes, she was full of joy, and smiled, "Senior Brother, Brother Yinghuai."

Her eyes fluttered, her eyes were clear, and she looked at Song Shichen unbiasedly with worried eyes. Seeing that he was safe and sound, her uneasy heart finally returned to her body.

As soon as she heard about Grandma Song's accident, Meng Qingran immediately rushed to the hospital, only to find out that Song Shichen had just left not long ago, she didn't know where she was going, and the law firm didn't see anyone.

Meng Qingran was really worried, her eyebrows fluttered uneasily, fearing that something would happen to Song Shichen, she was restless, worried that it would be so uncomfortable to be alone.

There was a hint of playfulness in Song Yinghuai's eyes, and he said in a playful tone, "Sister Qingran is afraid that the drunkard's intentions are not drinking, and her eyes are on someone. When the third child comes back, she can be relieved. Girls can't hide their thoughts." live."

He didn't show any mercy, and he didn't show any face. He answered that he helped Meng Qingran take down Song Shichen, and he didn't forget a bit.

Passionate like fire, cold like ice, the two personalities complement each other perfectly, if you don't take the initiative, you will never get a chance, you have to fight for your own happiness, and he doesn't mind helping the leader.

The corners of Meng Qingran's lips were raised slightly, and the two shallow dimples were stained with shyness, and she said coquettishly: "Brother Yinghuai knows how to make fun of me, so why not be reserved, I am worried about senior brother."

The floating eyes fell on the silent man next to him intentionally or unintentionally. After a long time, she didn't see Song Shichen speak aloud, so she finally couldn't hold back her mouth.

He quickly moved to Song Shichen's side, not forgetting that he didn't like others approaching, silently kept a distance, puffed his cheeks, and suppressed the strangeness in his heart.

The woman's slender eyelashes trembled slightly, and her voice was sweet, "Brother... where have you been? I can't find anyone anywhere, and I don't return calls and messages. I suddenly disappeared, which makes people very worried."

The woman's exquisite and beautiful makeup was tinged with worry. It was obvious that Song Shichen could not be found all afternoon, and she was very anxious.

The pupils like autumn water are filled with the man's tough side face, staring at him for a long time, afraid that he will suddenly disappear in the blink of an eye
Song Shichen raised his jaw, and slowly uttered two words in a cold voice, "I have something to do." He frowned slightly, apparently deeply displeased with Meng Qingran's long-winded words.

He has never liked others to intervene in his private affairs, and it is an unshakable matter of principle to distinguish between public and private.

"Oh...then don't ask." Meng Qingran raised her head to look at him, and sighed softly. Even though she understood Song Shichen's cold temper, she couldn't help but feel disappointed in her eyes.

She has always thought that she is different from others in Song Shichen's heart, different from others, pampering her again and again, not punishing her mistakes, at least she is special.

She keeps saying that she regards herself as a junior, so she doesn't want to be Song Shichen's junior. What's so good about a junior, it's meaningless to grab a lot of them.

Meng Qingran has a secret that has been hidden in her heart for a long time, that is, becoming Song Shichen's wife, Mrs. Song, who is just and proper, can accompany him, share troubles, fight side by side, and be content.


When she saw Song Shichen for the first time, she couldn't help being attracted to him. That day she happened to pass by her father's classroom and sneaked into the back seat.

It just so happened that there was no class in the afternoon, so I wandered around the school boringly, killing time, being bored in every way, wandering around, and finally had to come to my father.

Meng Qingran wore fluffy braids, her petite body pushed back, her facial features were delicate and soft, and she swept across the crowded crowd in front of her with all kinds of boredom.

On the podium, Professor Meng had just finished his lecture and was about to ask someone to answer the question. He simply scanned it down, and everyone put their heads down and picked up their pens, as if saying don't call me, please let me go.

He sighed deeply, looked down at the list of grades in his hand, his eyes fell on the name of the top law major, and answered by name, "Student, please answer this question, what if the court makes a wrong case?"

"First, if there is evidence showing that the judgment was wrong and the judgment has not come into effect, it can be directly appealed to the higher court.

Second, if there is evidence showing that the judgment was wrong, but the judgment becomes effective and within six months after it becomes effective, you can apply to the higher court for retrial.

Third, if there is evidence to show that the judgment was wrong, but six months after the judgment takes effect, then the only option is to apply to the people's procuratorate at the same level for a protest.

Fourth, the above are the three statutory procedures and methods, which can directly report the situation to the office of the president of the court, allowing the court to correct and examine itself. "

The person whose name was called stood up slowly, with a slender back standing straight, and a cold and deep voice slowly sounded in the auditorium, answering every word very clearly.

"Okay, okay, great." Professor Meng gave him appreciative glances, and took the lead in applauding, and the crowd below immediately burst into thunderous applause.

At first, Meng Qingran didn't listen carefully, she kept resting her chin in a daze, but when the cold voice sounded next to her ears, she didn't understand a single word of those technical terms.

For some reason, that magnetic, deep, cello-like voice was particularly pleasant to read, and the voice was clear to the ear, and even her fidgety temperament was inexplicably attracted to her.

It turned out that the law major was not as boring as imagined, and an unknown seed was quietly planted in Meng Qingran's heart.

After he finished speaking, Meng Qingran couldn't hold back her smile, couldn't help clapping her hands, her expression was soft, her eyes fell on the thin figure for a long time, and she couldn't take her eyes off.

The scorching heat in the girl's eyes seemed to stare a hole in his back until the end of get out of class, watching him turn and leave.

After inquiring, I found out that his name was Song Shichen.

(End of this chapter)

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