Chapter 286
As soon as Liu Weiwei left, she couldn't continue acting without the leading role, so the director had no choice but to suspend today's scene, asked the people present to keep what happened just now, turned around and left in a hurry.

After the staff packed up the things on the set and changed their clothes, it was rare for them to leave work early. Cheng Siyu felt at ease and forgot about the slaps Liu Weiwei slapped her. There was nothing more important than leaving get off work early.

Back in the RV, Xiaohui put the things away, but still couldn't figure it out, "What kind of enmity is there between Gu Jinglan and Liu Weiwei? They asked her not to come to Taiwan in person. I have to say, this operation is very relieved!"

Cheng Siyu blinked, she didn't expect this level, took a sip of the water in her hand, and said honestly, "I don't know, what kind of hatred does he have, anyway, someone taught Liu Weiwei a lesson."

As she was talking, a thought flashed through her mind, Gu Jinglan and Liu Weiwei had never known each other before, could it be that Gu Jinglan wanted to vent her anger on her?
As soon as the idea came out, even Cheng Siyu himself was stunned. He would rather believe that there is a pie in the sky than that Gu Jinglan will stand up for her, which is completely impossible.

He can't wait to see himself make a fool of himself!Cheng Siyu took a deep breath, shook his head, threw out unrealistic thoughts, and quickly changed the subject.


After packing up the things upstairs and coming down, Shen Wanyi checked several times to make sure nothing was missing, and looked up at the room's furnishings, there was no change from when she left.

In the blink of an eye for several years, the arrangement of things still remains the same, and there is no trace of dust on the table, which shows that someone cleans it carefully every day.

The floor-to-ceiling windows are half-opened, and the warm sunlight shines into the room through the glass windows. The breeze rushes in, blows the floral curtains next to it, and flips the dictionary placed on the table. The years are quiet and beautiful.

Shen Wanyi withdrew her gaze, walked to the door, took it gently, turned and went downstairs, Zhou Qingping was washing dishes in the kitchen, Shen Yuanwo was playing games on the sofa, Shen Wensong was watching the financial channel on TV.

This warm scene couldn't bear to be broken, Shen Wanyi carried her things, went to the door to change her shoes, turned around and left quietly.

After leaving the community, the suppressed emotions in her heart dissipated a lot. Shen Wanyi walked alone in the spacious street, walking very slowly step by step. People came and went, and it was very lively.

The weather is not very hot, and the surrounding scenery gradually has the taste of autumn. The tips of the emerald green leaves on the trees turn yellow, and the breeze blows, and the pieces fall to the ground, and the pedestrians walk by and make a clicking sound.

The phone in the bag rang, and a slow voice came from the opposite side, "Hello, is this Miss Shen?"

Shen Wan was confused for a few seconds, and quickly realized that she sat down on the wooden chair next to her, "It's me, Uncle Zhang, what's the matter?"

The university is in Nancheng, and the school does not force students to live on campus. For convenience, they simply rent a house outside, and Zhang Bo is the landlord there.

The old man's kind voice came, "Actually, there's nothing wrong with it. Just ask about the house. The contract expires in half a month. Do you want Miss Shen to continue renting?"

There are a lot of things going on recently, so I really forgot about it, Shen Wan thought for a while, and then replied, "Continue to rent, I'll go through the formalities in the afternoon."

The old man lives alone, has no children, and uses a mobile phone for the elderly. She can only make and answer calls, not to mention collecting and transferring money, so she always pays rent in cash, which is convenient for the elderly.

"Okay, okay." Uncle Zhang said a few times quickly, exchanged some pleasantries, and then hung up. Shen Wanyi took the bus twice, and then got on the subway. The journey alone took two hours.

After paying several months' rent from Zhang Bo's house, Shen Wanyi went straight upstairs, walked into the rental house that she hadn't returned for a long time, opened the windows for ventilation, and simply swept the house.

The four years of university include graduate studies and internships. The bits and pieces of life in this city are strange to familiar, and the past is rolling in my eyes.

To be honest, Shen Wanyi couldn't figure out why she had to renew the lease, not to mention spending an extra sum of money, and she didn't come back for a long time after renting.

Maybe it's because he thinks that one day he won't be able to hang out in Yuncheng, and he will find a place to settle down when he comes back to Nancheng.

A small place is enough, and to her, it is very satisfying.

The mobile phone on the desktop rang pleasantly. Shen Wanyi reached for it, glanced at the note, and slid to the connect button.

Lu Yanhan's familiar voice came from next to his ear, and it was not difficult to see that he was emotional at this moment, "Damn it! You didn't tell me when you came back, it's too dishonest!"

Shen Wanyi has long been used to Lu Yanhan being surprised and flickering. She frowned slightly, full of doubts, "How do you know?"

"Guess." Lu Yanhan snorted a few times arrogantly, but it was a trick, and the smile on his lips grew bigger and bigger.

Shen Wanyi already had the answer in her heart, "Uncle Zhang." Besides him, I really can't think of anyone else.

He was guessed two or three times, and then it was Lu Yanhan's turn to be stunned. He was obviously a little unbelievable, and it was meaningless to be guessed easily.

He shrugged his face, suddenly feeling bored, "Zhang Bo told you?"

A few months ago, Lu Yanhan came to look for Shen Wanyi, but he couldn't see anyone for a long time, and then he found out that he had returned to Yuncheng. At that time, he asked Uncle Zhang to pay attention to when she would come back, and inform him as soon as there was news.

"Intuition." Shen Wanyi told the truth, Lu Yanhan couldn't help complaining, "A woman's sixth sense is indeed right, so I don't tell you, I'll go find you now."

The voice of getting up from the chair was faintly heard on the mobile phone, Shen Wanyi reached out and pressed her painful temple, "It's a waste of time to come here, I'll just stay for a while and return to Yuncheng later."

This time I didn't plan to stay for a long time when I came back this time, it was a waste of time for Lu Yanhan to come here.

Lu Yanhan's footsteps stopped suddenly, and his brows frowned inadvertently, "In such a hurry, Shen Wanyi, you are in a hurry to reincarnate. Can't you stay a few more days and leave later?"

I haven't seen him for half a month. I don't know if he is thinner or what. During this period of time, he just wants to finish his work in a short time and spare as much time as possible to find this heartless woman!
Who knew that this woman's heart was harder than a rock, and she had just come back and was about to leave, so don't panic him, wishing she could fly in front of Shen Wanyi and give her a serious lesson.

Without waiting for Shen Wanyi's answer, Lu Yanhan made up his mind to come to her, hurriedly took his coat, and strode out, "Stay where you are." He drove away, and arrived in a short ten minutes' journey.

The moment he entered the door and saw the figure on the sofa, he subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, and the uneasy heart finally returned to his body, this woman was hard-spoken and soft-hearted.Fortunately, he didn't leave.

Shen Wanyi heard the sound, turned her head and saw Lu Yanhan standing at the door in a daze, she couldn't help pulling the corners of her lips, she thought it was just a joke, but she didn't want to really come.

"Hey, won't you invite me to sit in?"

The tense expression on Lu Yanhan's face loosened, he leaned lazily in front of the door, raised his hand to loosen his tie, reluctant to take his eyes off an indifferent person.

(End of this chapter)

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