Shen Wanyi didn't bother to answer, she just cleaned up the snack bags on the table by herself, Lu Yanhan stared at her closely, never letting go of any expression on her face, "You got scolded by your superior?"

He was fine just now, and he answered a phone call. On the surface, he looked the same as usual, but he clearly felt that Shen Wanyi was not in a good mood.

After not seeing each other for a while, he could no longer see what Shen Wanyi was thinking in his heart, but felt that the distance between them seemed to be getting farther and farther, and this feeling became stronger and stronger.

It was like the kite I was flying in my hand. It changed with time, and gradually I couldn’t grasp it. In the end, I just let the line get longer and longer, and flew to a place where he couldn’t see, and never came back.

"Give me some reaction. To tell you the truth, you don't look good now. Your face is longer than a donkey's. Little girl, give me a smile."

Lu Yanhan tried his best, but ended in failure. Shen Wanyi glanced at him lightly, and it was clearly written in his eyes are you an idiot.

Searching for ways to make people happy, Lu Yanhan suddenly thought of something, and pulled Shen Wanyi in front of her, just as she was about to speak.

Lu Yanhan pulled his ears with both hands, rolled his eyes, and let out a "hoo hoo" pig cry from his nose, opened his mouth wide, and lowered his voice, "I'm Zhu Bajie~ My little wife, can you please smile?"

After all, he sounded like a pig and let out a few pig squawks. The scene was funny for a while, with a "poof...", Shen Wanyi couldn't hold back, and laughed, with the corners of her lips raised.

She raised her lips and smiled slightly, the smile rippled on her cheeks and extended to the brows, and the smile was faintly visible at the corners of her lips. This scene fell in Lu Yanhan's eyes, and he couldn't forget it for a long time, and he was stunned for a moment.

Although the old image was shattered to the ground, he didn't care. He pulled the corners of his lips with his hands and made a face, "The little daughter-in-law is happy, and my old pig is also happy."

"Stupid or not? Pretending to be pretty." Shen Wanyi smiled and glared at the performing man, the smile on her lips was not willing to let go, she pretended to be too funny, and couldn't hold it back for a while.

"Look, it looks good when you smile. The little bitter gourd has turned into a small melon. It's a good deal. Come with me to a place." Lu Yanhan would seize the opportunity and make a request at this time.

It turned out that Shen Wanyi had planned it long ago, and Shen Wanyi cleaned up the trash she was carrying, clapped her hands, and asked casually, "Where are you going? I won't go to social gatherings and banquets."

"Don't worry, absolutely not, you will know when you go."

Seeing that Shen Wanyi was hesitating, Lu Yanhan raised his eyebrows, with a firm attitude, he did what he said, simply packed Shen Wanyi's things, and dragged her out.

He hurriedly stuffed the person into the co-pilot seat, then walked aside, started the car, and drove on the road.


On the road, all kinds of vehicles are constantly flowing, the streets are full of people, and the scenery and vehicles are constantly receding outside the car windows.

Shen Wanyi was sitting in the co-pilot, with the wind pouring in from the window, making her very comfortable. She squinted her eyes, turned her head to look at Lu Yanhan, and suddenly said, "Why do I feel that you are no different from a robber."

Lu Yanhan turned the steering wheel with one hand, focused his eyes on the front, and sneered, "Tsk... said I was a robber, and I will tie you up with a rope later."

"Crazy." Shen Wanyi turned her face away and looked at the passing traffic outside the car window. When the familiar street came into view, her gaze paused and she fell into silence for an instant.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll sell you to the deep mountains and old forests? I'm really not curious where you are going?"

When the traffic light at the intersection turned to red, Lu Yanhan braked to a stop, pulled off his tie with one hand, leaned lazily on the back of the chair, and let out hearty laughter from his throat.

"Whatever." Shen Wanyi answered angrily, with an expression of indifference and indifference.Lu Yanhan's eyes lit up immediately, "Tsk tsk, I can't tell you trust me so much, I'm really flattered."

"..." It's really thick-skinned to be unable to communicate with this person.

The ten-minute journey arrived quickly. After finding a good place to park, Shen Wanyi blinked and was stunned for a while, "This is the place you said you were going to come?!"

Right in front of me is a large playground crowded with people. Although it is not a holiday, there are still many people coming and going. At a glance, it is full of dark people, most of whom are parents with children.

Lu Yanhan's eyes fell on Shen Wanyi's shocked expression, his words were full of asking for credit, and his expression was somewhat proud, "Is it a surprise or a surprise?"

"It's quite a surprise." After being surprised, Shen Wanyi returned to her usual calmness, and after a brief glance at Lu Yanhan, she answered honestly.

I can't figure it out even if I scratch my head, if I can guess it, I'm afraid it's not a normal person, Lu Yanhan's operations are always unexpected.

Lu Yanhan rubbed Shen Wanyi's head, halfway under his hands, but Shen Wanyi's eyes quickly dodged his hand, and a half-serious smile still hung on his lips, "Go, let's have fun with you today."

"It can't be that you want to play, and then drag me into the water." Shen Wanyi didn't give any face, and directly exposed it, and Lu Yanhan corrected her, "Wrong, this is for the joy of both of us."

It was so hard to see her once, and I don't know when I will see her next time. Seeing that she is not in a good mood, the first thing in my mind is to make her happy.

I heard someone say before that the playground can make people forget their troubles for a while, and have fun, who the hell still thinks about those stupid things, and pulls Shen Wanyi over without thinking.

Lu Yanhan dragged Shen Wanyi to the ticket office to buy two tickets, without looking at them, and paid the deposit without blinking. Shen Wanyi was dumbfounded, and it was too late to stop her.

Before working during the summer vacation, she came here to work part-time at the amusement park. The consumption is not generally high, and the deposit alone is already over [-], and the activities inside are not much cheaper.

"Spending money indiscriminately, you will become poor sooner or later." Shen Wanyi couldn't hold back her words, Lu Yanhan looked at her with a hint of scrutiny, and slowly smiled, "Shen Ruan, your ambition is not small, and you still want to manage my money."

"..." Okay, she doesn't understand the world of the rich, and she is not on the same channel at all, so she is not worthy to speak.

"What do you want to play? I'll treat you today." When it comes to money, Lu Yanhan has always been generous, and in addition to being in a good mood today, he asked Shen Wanyi patiently.

Shen Wanyi paused for a few seconds, then answered frankly, "You like it." She rarely comes to amusement parks, so she really doesn't know what's fun.

"Okay, rely on me at critical moments, listen to me today, you can't refuse, go over there and have a look."

Lu Yanhan suddenly felt a sense of pride, and took Shen Wanyi to the crowded place on the other side.

After buying the ticket, Shen Wanyi froze in place, her eyes fell on the big water slope not far away, it was only visible to the naked eye, the water flow was fast, and big waves came from time to time, knocking down the plastic boats of tourists in the water.

It looks extremely exciting and exciting. It is precisely because it is exciting enough that many people line up to play.

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