Chapter 293 It's True

The shadowless lights on the operating table were shining brightly, and the auxiliary nurses followed the steps and prepared the tools in an orderly manner, including tweezers, scalpels, and gauze, which should be used a lot.

Shen Wanyi tightened the medical gloves on her hands, her eyes fell on the patients on the operating table, through the masks, she nodded to everyone who was ready, "The operation has begun."

The anesthesiologist found anesthetics from the bottles and cans on the iron plate, sucked in the empty syringe, and the liquid inside slowly flowed into the syringe.

The tube is tied tightly to the patient's arm, where the blood vessels are particularly prominent. An injection of anesthesia is injected into the blood vessel. As the drug moves through the blood vessel, the patient on the bed slowly falls asleep.

Brain surgery is a risky process. The brain is the most important part of the human body. Once a little careless, it will cause life-long damage to the patient.

Throughout the thrilling process, the people present did not dare to relax, they were busy walking around the operating room, and the sound of medical tools colliding could be heard from time to time.

Under the bright and dazzling lighting, the expression on the woman's face is covered, her clear eyes are serious and focused, her delicate brows are furrowed from time to time, she is calm and calm, and she moves skillfully with her hands.

The operation lasted almost three hours, and the red light in the operating room went out. After the postoperative observation, the patient was transferred back to the general ward, and the operation was finally over.

Shen Wanyi came out of the operating room, took off the mask and medical gloves, threw them into the medical waste trash can, turned around and went back to the dressing room to change clothes and come out.

There are steamed buns bought from a passing stall on the table, and they are completely cold now. Fortunately, it is not winter, and they are cold and hard, making it even harder to eat.

Shen Wanyi took a cup of hot water and took a few bites of the cold steamed stuffed bun. She ate very slowly and finished it with the hot water.

He was so busy that he couldn't care about anything else, and now he finally had time to look at his phone, only to see Song Shichen's reply at two o'clock in the morning yesterday, his eyes fell on the address he sent, after thinking about it, he finally replied briefly.

[I can handle it. 】

There was a knock on the door, and a nurse came in and put the document on the table, "Dr. Shen, here is a document to look at. If there is no problem, please pass it to the database."

Shen Wanyi put down the work in hand, after a brief browsing, confirmed that there was no problem, got up and went to the database on the fourth floor to submit the documents.

Just after coming down from the stairs, I vaguely heard a voice from the corridor, "Xiaowan!"

At first Shen Wan thought it was an auditory hallucination, but the voice became clearer and clearer. Turning around, she saw Grandma Song standing not far from the corridor with a cane, her expression was slightly surprised.

Grandma Song hurriedly waved to Shen Wanyi who was standing there. She walked over quickly and carefully helped the old man to sit down. She couldn't help wondering, "Why did Grandma come out alone, where is the nurse?"

"I felt bored after lying down for a long time. I came out for a walk. The doctor also told me to exercise moderately. I was just about to visit you. It's fate. Grandma has something to talk to you about."

Grandma Song cut straight to the point, her inquiring eyes fell on her, Shen Wanyi's eyes paused, if she guessed right, she wanted to ask about Song Shichen.

It is not good for each other to pierce that layer of window paper, so as not to make too many mistakes, she raised her lips, "Grandma can speak directly if you have something to say."

"When Shichen brought you to see me that day, to be honest, I was really happy. After getting excited, I thought about it seriously, Xiaowan, now it's just the two of us, watching grandma tell the truth, is it really a good show to be together? "

Jiang is still old and hot, and has seen countless people. After all, she has experienced a lot of things. Grandma Song is also suspicious of the previous good show in the ward.

There was a complicated meaning in Shen Wanyi's eyes, and it disappeared in a flash, her expression was calm and calm, without any waves in her eyes, "Didn't grandma ask him?"

He was naturally referring to Song Shichen. This show was planned by Song Shichen. She was just an extra who was brought in. The script was in his hands, and she had no right to intervene.

Speaking of this, Grandma Song thought of her disappointing grandson, and couldn't help but snort a few times, "It's the same as not saying it. It was hard for someone to bring him back. Now he is questioning whether it is true or not. Is it possible that he will be a bachelor for the rest of his life?" .”

It was very in line with Song Shichen's usual way of speaking. No wonder Grandma Song wanted to ask herself, if she had an ambiguous answer, it would be better not to answer it.

Throwing questions to her, this old fox is really good, Shen Wanyi secretly scolded Song Shichen several times in her heart, she felt like a big fish in water, someone killed her, and she had to help fill the hole.

Reason overwhelmed the urge to tell the truth, Shen Wanyi's mind flashed the contract that was no different from the prostitution contract, hesitated for a while and then asked, "What do you think, grandma?"

"It's the first time that brat brings someone back. I understand his temperament. He would rather be a bachelor than give up. It seems true. Although you were intimate that day, judging from your reaction, it seems fake. Now I am dubious. I'm afraid Can’t wait for that day.”

As soon as the words were finished, the old man on the bench suddenly sighed, his eyes were empty, and a touch of sadness flashed in his eyes. He had spent most of his life worrying about his children and grandchildren.

The biggest wish now is to see Song Shichen, this unworthy grandson, get married and start a career.

It was such a simple wish, but it dragged on year after year. This year, she knew that her health was getting worse and worse, so she pressed her harder. Unexpectedly, Song Shichen actually brought someone back.

Birth, old age, sickness and death are just the norm. People are always insignificant in life and death. After working in the hospital for a long time, I have no such concept of life and death.

When a living person talks about death, at that moment, people have the illusion of leaving at any time.

Shen Wanyi didn't like it. The fate she had with Grandma Song was purely accidental. A white lie could make Grandma Song have no regrets. She began to understand Song Shichen's purpose for acting in this scene.

On the bench in the corridor, the woman was wearing a white coat, the warm light cast a faint radiance, the outline gradually softened, the expression on her face was extremely serious, her always calm eyes were firm, her voice was gentle, and her words were clear.

"Grandma, we are real."

Yes, they are true, true many years ago.

The surroundings seemed to fall into silence at that moment, the bustling outside, the birds on the trees were chirping, but Shen Wanyi could clearly hear the sound of her heart beating fast.

Grandma Song's eyes lit up, her initial shock turned into ecstasy, she grasped Shen Wanyi with trembling hands, her voice was obviously unbelievable, "Good boy, did you lie to grandma?"

Happy to happy, she kept her eyes fixed on the person next to her, as if she wanted to see some flaws in her subtle expression.

Shen Wanyi shook her head, Grandma Song breathed a sigh of relief, finally looking forward to this day, her eyes felt a little hot.

"I also believe the lie. No matter what, grandma hopes that you are well and can go on."

 I wish myself a happy birthday, happiness is not only today, today's wind is sweet, this year's birthday wish is finished~
  Phew... drifting away~
(End of this chapter)

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