Chapter 295 That Gold Medal
There is a golden gold medal hanging in the transparent crystal box. Although it has been a long time and the luster is a bit dim, due to the good maintenance, the words on it are still shining after being refracted by the light.

——Yuncheng No. 3000 Middle School Senior 1 Men's [-]m No.[-]

In a trance, through the light of the gold medal, one can vaguely see the original glory, the youth sweating on the sports field, the brows flying, and the high spirits that cannot be concealed.

Shen Wanyi's pupils shrank, and the complexities in his eyes were suppressed. He quickly looked away, subconsciously clenched the handle of the suitcase, and suppressed the emotional fluctuations, trying to keep his face as usual.

"The bedroom is on the second floor and the first room is on the right." Song Shichen glanced at the rather large suitcase, and asked the person who was standing there waiting for arrangement, "Can you move it?"

Before Shen Wanyi could answer, he already knew the answer in his heart. He would rather move upstairs slowly by himself than ask him to help.

"Let me come." Song Shichen took the suitcase from Shen Wanyi's hands, and carried it upstairs with ease regardless of whether he agreed or not.

Seeing the back of the man walking upstairs, Shen Wan hesitated to speak, but finally had to compromise and followed behind silently.

Pushing open the door, the whole bedroom comes into view. The white and black decoration is clean and neat. Only the small green plants on the window sill become the highlight of the bedroom. A touch of emerald green is particularly eye-catching in the black and white color scheme.

The European-style wardrobe against the wall was half-opened, and I could vaguely see a lot of men's black suits and white shirts hanging in the wardrobe, as well as some daily necessities. This was obviously not a guest room.

"Auntie has something to do at home, and the guest room hasn't been cleaned yet, so Dr. Shen was wronged to stay in my room first." Song Shichen saw what she wanted to ask at a glance, and explained it first.

Shen Wanyi is not stupid, she quickly thought of this, and subconsciously blurted out, "Then where do you sleep?"

Song Shichen suddenly felt a little bit teasing her, raised his eyebrows solemnly, answered it as a matter of course, and asked her, "Sleep here, otherwise where else would I go?"

"Sleep here too?!"

Shocked by the success of this natural sentence, Shen Wanyi's eyes were filled with disbelief, she looked at Song Shichen in a daze, her heart was like a sun-drenched dog, still unbelievable.

The guest room has not been tidied up, there is no other way, besides, this is Song Shichen's bedroom, it is normal for him to sleep here, he cannot be allowed to sleep in the living room.

Shen Wanyi frowned, her breathing stopped for a while, her expression was very serious, she didn't seem to be lying, "I can sleep in the living room."

If you continue to tease him, you will probably get angry, and you will have to pack your bags and leave in the next second, Song Shichen sneered, and explained to Shen Wanyi's confused expression impartially.

"I sleep on the sofa. Besides, I don't have the habit of letting ladies sleep in the living room, understand?" He pointed to the sofa not far from the big bed.

Shen Wan was upset, so she had no choice but to respond, "Oh..." Obviously she couldn't express herself clearly, but she couldn't understand.

"Pack up your things first. I have something to do in the study, so I need to ask for help." After leaving a sentence, Song Shichen turned around and went to the study next to him.

Shen Wanyi was the only one left in the huge bedroom, and the surrounding environment was filled with the coolness that belonged to him, lingering in his nose bit by bit, and couldn't shake it off.

The door was not closed, and I vaguely heard a man's deep voice coming from the study, speaking some technical terms that she didn't understand, the voice rang to her ears, and it was magnetic and pleasant.

"My suggestion is to appeal the ruling, explain the reasons for the appeal to the judge, submit evidence..."

Looking in the direction of the study room, the man on the chair took off his suit and leather shoes, and was wearing a simple white shirt with a few buttons loose at the collar. His sexy collarbone was exposed, and his Adam's apple rolled up and down when he spoke, which was alluring.

The long legs overlapped under the straight trousers, the light blurred his outline, the sleeves were rolled up, revealing half of the wrist, the slender and clean fingertips carelessly turned the pen in his hand, and from time to time he lowered his head to write and draw on the paper.

As if aware of her gaze, Song Shichen turned his head to look at the bedroom, their eyes collided unexpectedly, Shen Wanyi's heart trembled, she looked away in a panic, and buried her head in packing her things.

Taking out a change of clothes and daily necessities from the suitcase, Shen Wanyi got up to take a shower, most of the things in the bathroom were single items, black mouthwash cups, white towels, black and white as always.

After taking a shower, Song Shichen hadn't come back yet, Shen Wanyi wiped her hair, sat on the bed and fell into deep thought, checked the time on her phone, it was 11:45, and found a corner to lie down.

It was almost twelve o'clock, but she didn't feel sleepy at all. She covered herself with the quilt and curled up in a ball. She exposed her head to breathe, blinked her eyes, and gradually let go of her thoughts. The gold medal on the counter flashed in her mind, and she felt uncomfortable.

"Not asleep yet? Go to bed early." Song Shichen came out of the study and saw that the light in the bedroom was on. He went to the closet to get a change of clothes, and inadvertently swept over the person nestled in the corner of the bed.

Shen Wanyi turned her back to him, bit her lips silently, and made no response. Song Shichen found his clothes, turned off the light, turned on a small night light, and turned to go into the bathroom.

The environment in the bedroom suddenly became dark, only a small night light gave off a faint light, and the dark environment was ignited with a little bit of light, the surrounding was silent, and the sound of water from the bathroom could be heard in the ear.

The sound of the water was not loud, and it was especially loud in a quiet environment. Listening to the sound of flowing water, Shen Wanyi's heart became more and more confused, as if a heavy stone was pressing on it, making it hard to breathe.

The sound of the bathroom gradually became silent. Song Shichen came out, wiped his dripping hair with a towel, checked the phone information, took out the quilt and pillows, and lay down on the sofa.

The height of nearly 1.9 meters is bent on the sofa, with half of the legs exposed. Just the posture, it is not comfortable at first glance, and it may even cause stiff neck.

Relying on the faint light of the night light, Song Shichen turned his head to look at the motionless figure on the big bed, his empty heart was filled bit by bit, and the regrets from years ago were slowly realized.

"Why do you still keep that gold medal?"

A light word came from the bedroom. In the darkness, Shen Wanyi suppressed the trembling of her voice, suppressed the soreness in her eyes, and mustered up the courage to speak.

As soon as the voice fell, the bedroom returned to the silence just now, and there was an unusual atmosphere in the air, so quiet that one could hear the sound of one's own heartbeat.

There was no response for a long time, Shen Wanyi regretted the impulsiveness just now, there was a thin layer of window paper between them, no one wanted to take the initiative to tear it, but now she tore it with her own hands.

"Shen Wanyi."

"Not everyone can be as ruthless as you."

After a while, the answering voice came from the other end, falling into Shen Wanyi's ears word by word, throwing waves of rippling waves, she bit her lips tightly, her nose couldn't help turning sour.

In Song Shichen's eyes, she has always been a ruthless person.

(End of this chapter)

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