Chapter 300

Shen Wanyi was walking on the crowded playground, the sun was shining softly on her body, blurring her outline, her brows and eyes gradually became hazy, as if the excitement around her had nothing to do with her, she was more like an inconspicuous passerby.

Originally it was heading towards the class headquarters, but after thinking about it, she changed the direction, away from the hustle and bustle of the inner playground, and found a quiet corner to stay in. Few people come to the remote place, so she is happy to be at ease.

Under the shaded trees, unknown birds were chirping on the branches, playing a melodious music in a chaotic manner. The girl on the stone bench slightly bent her lips with a relaxed expression, enjoying this unique tranquility.


On the other side, Song Shichen ran back to the base camp as fast as he could, before he could calm down, he turned around and looked around quickly, and faces came into view, but he couldn't find Shen Wanyi's figure.

He searched around but found no one, his frowning brows were beating violently, and he suddenly had a bad feeling. Facing the empty base camp, his head was buzzing, all the expectations seemed to disappear at this moment, and his enthusiasm was splashed. A basin of cold water.

It was the first time that someone quietly released pigeons, Song Shichen's face was not good-looking, his eyes were terribly deep, and he went through the crowd and continued to search in the crowded direction.

The man jumped in the distance, and Zhao Qiuyi yelled cheers for his boyfriend on the field, "Gouzigouzi, you are the best, come on!" The people on the field made a perfect jump, got a good result, and won the cheers of the people present .

Turning her head inadvertently, a familiar figure quickly appeared in front of her eyes. Zhao Qiuyi stared blankly, feeling puzzled, and muttered, "It's strange, how did Song Shichen appear here?"

The man's 3000-meter race is about to start, but it's not normal for him to appear here. It's hard to abstain temporarily. As soon as the idea came out, she was shocked.

Maybe he was daring at the moment and was dazzled by doubts, but Zhao Qiuyi accidentally called that figure to stop, and ran towards him, "Song Shichen, where are you going?!"

A hurried voice came from behind, Song Shichen turned around and looked at Zhao Qiuyi in front of him, his gaze stayed on her for a moment, "What's the matter?"

Zhao Qiuyi has long been used to the calm tone, she shook her head, and as a classmate, kindly reminded, "The men's 3000 meters are about to start, you don't want to go..."

He was interrupted by Song Shichen before he finished speaking, and the first thing he said was not about the game, but a question that had nothing to do with the game, "Did you see where Shen Wan's intentions are?"

"Huh?!" Zhao Qiuyi obviously didn't react, and she couldn't figure it out. She couldn't keep up with her brain circuit or her IQ was not enough. Why did she feel that the two of them were not on the same channel.

She regained her composure and recalled the question just now. Although she didn't know why Song Shichen asked Shen Wanyi, she couldn't resist the strong momentum, and finally answered honestly, "I was with her just now, and I'm probably back at the base camp now."

Today, when the sun came out from the west, Song Shichen took the initiative to talk to her, but the content of the chat was actually asking where Shen Wanyi was going. She really wanted to know what happened.

"She's not in the base camp." Song Shichen glanced at Zhao Qiuyi, who was full of doubts. Now it was Zhao Qiuyi's turn to be surprised. She blinked in confusion, and stammered, "Is it...? I don't know where she is going?"

"Thank you." Song Shichen looked thoughtful, and after leaving the polite words, he turned and left, and disappeared into the crowd hurriedly. He probably knew where Shen Wanyi was.

Zhao Qiuyi was left alone in a mess in the wind, with a hundred thousand reasons running around in her mind. What was she doing? It seemed that she was the only one kept in the dark. Can't tell.


At first, Song Shichen was not very sure, he was not very sure, the method of elimination narrowed the scope of his search, and according to his understanding of Shen Wanyi, he would never go to a lively place.

Unsurprisingly, when Song Shichen saw that familiar figure under the tree, his pupils shrank, and his deep eyes fixed on her, his eyes were as cold as ice, and he ran fast all the way, afraid of disappearing suddenly in a blink of an eye.

The young man's slightly pursed lips revealed an air of indifference, his dark brown eyes showed no emotion at all, his face was gloomy and terrifying, suppressing his anger, he gritted his teeth and said, "Shen Wanyi!!!"

The voice was full of anger and roar, all of which showed that he was very angry now. Shen Wanyi was caught off guard and was taken aback. He gasped, and his eyes widened in panic, terrified.

At this moment, there is only one thought in my mind, run!
With some courage, Shen Wanyi got up as fast as she could, and ran away, faster than usual in the physical test. You know, the consequences of being caught by Song Shichen would be disastrous.

"Dare to run?!" Song Shichen watched Shen Wanyi slip away in front of his eyes, completely enraged, his face was extremely pale, anger kept rubbing upwards, his brows and eyes were completely cold.

After a few moments of effort, Song Shichen caught up with Shen Wanyi who had just run away. He held on to the struggling man tightly, suppressed his anger, and sneered on his lips. His words were full of sarcasm, "Run as fast as you can." Quickly, go ahead."


Shen Wanyi struggled to break free from the shackles that prevented her from moving, met the young man's piercing eyes with a stubborn expression, and ran in circles. She was indeed no match for Song Shichen, this was a fact.

I heard it, but there was no sign of letting go, the boy narrowed his eyes dangerously, and raised his jaw, feeling like he was going to settle accounts after autumn.

"Tsk, you have the courage to run, why didn't you prepare yourself for being caught up by me, learn your lesson, why let me dove? Reason."

Shen Wanyi was frightened by his sinister expression, and couldn't help but take a few steps back. She had been with Song Shichen for a long time, and it was the first time she saw him so angry, with such a terrifying expression, as if she wanted to tear herself in two.

It was indeed her fault that she did something wrong. Shen Wanyi lowered her eyes and said with a sincere attitude, "I'm sorry..."

Unknowingly, Song Shichen was angered again, and his expression became more and more ugly. Now he wished to strangle the puzzled person in front of him, and tightened her slender wrist with all his strength, "Do I want you to apologize? Reason."

Shen Wanyi didn't bother to struggle, she raised her head slightly, facing that intense and burning gaze, she pursed her lips, hesitated to speak, and said muffledly, "I don't want to go."

The voice became smaller and smaller, and in the end it was almost inaudible, but Song Shichen was not satisfied with the answer, "I promised at the beginning, but I regretted it temporarily, Shen Wanyi, are you playing with me?!"

"No, I really don't want to go..." Shen Wanyi shook her head, from the beginning to the end, she never thought of playing tricks on him.

Song Shichen followed closely and asked, like a heavy stone, which made her feel so heavy that she couldn't breathe.

(End of this chapter)

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