Chapter 302 The throbbing heartbeat

The athletes paralleled on the starting line are ready to start, and the referee issued the start command, "Everyone, get ready!" With a loud gunshot, the athletes at the starting point rushed towards the track like an arrow off the string.

A lot of onlookers gathered around the side of the track, and they all gathered around the same side. After all, it was the first time I saw such a violent scene. The sound of cheering came from the playground, cheering for the players. The whole scene was extremely lively.

After only running half a lap, the distance between the players on the field gradually widened. They could not be fast or slow, but could only maintain a steady speed. In order to store energy, the final burst of strength during the sprint was compared to endurance.

Looking in the direction of the track from a distance, through the bustling crowd, I could barely see a figure leading, and a long distance away, following several players intermittently. When I saw the appearance of that person clearly, I was shocked.

"Oh my god, the one who runs first is Song Shichen!"

"Fuck, it's really true, and it's a big distance from the athletes behind, leading the first place, amazing."

The students on the side of the track talked a lot, and more and more people came to watch the race. The volunteers next to them had to come out to maintain order. After the first lap, the runners behind started chasing each other and surpassing others.

After a few laps, the athletes who were competing on the field gradually struggled, and had to grit their teeth and persevere, flushing, panting, and chasing forward, not to be outdone.

After a few laps, Song Shichen, who was leading the first place, slowed down, his forehead was covered with dense sweat, and his breathing became heavier. He frowned, and his footsteps were not as light as before. It's that noisy.

"It's rare to fight a few times in life, when you don't fight at this time—"

"Song Shichen, class two and four, I'm crazy for you, crazy for you, banging against the wall for you, burning for you, shouting for you, heartbeating and crazy for you, Song Shichen is the best! Come on!"

As soon as the voice fell, the clear voice was heard through the school's loudspeaker throughout the playground. Although I have heard many cheering articles, this is the only one that is impressive. The content of the expression is bold. I am curious which crazy little fan read it of.

Shen Wanyi held the microphone, frowned and finished reading the words on the paper. At first, it was quite normal, but the style of painting gradually went astray. Facing the eyes of the radio station looking at the melons, in the end, she could only support the pot cover and bite the bullet Go up.

The atmosphere was inexplicably subtle. The radio station queuing up to read the manuscript pressed the pause button at that moment, as if shocked by the refueling script just now, the collective eyes looked at the quiet girl in disbelief, and had to admire her courage.

There was almost a crow flying in the silent air, Shen Wanyi pulled her lips, squeezed the paper in her hand, walked out of the radio station, and looked at the running crowd.

Song Shichen on the runway frowned when he heard the unique refueling script, and couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

He took a deep breath, adjusted his posture, took big steps, accelerated his running speed, and the corners of his lips could not help but rise. It is entirely conceivable that Shen Wanyi was biting the bullet to read this manuscript, frowning tightly, wishing to dig a hole to kill herself. buried.

Chen Yizhou, who was following closely behind, managed to catch up with great difficulty. He was panting tiredly. He was only 50 meters away from catching up with Song Shichen. Unexpectedly, watching him run forward like chicken blood, separated by more than half a circle. I want to scold my mother directly.

Seeing that there was still half a lap to go, the players behind caught up one after another, and the ready-to-go black horse went all the way forward. At the last distance of more than ten meters, a player in red overtook them all the way and followed Song Shichen closely. Getting closer and closer, even for a while.

The hearts of the onlookers were tightly held by this exciting competition, and the field suddenly boiled, and the shouts became higher and higher, and a voice came out of nowhere in the crowd, "Come on, Song Shichen!"

"come on!"

"Quick, quick, a few steps away!"

At the moment of sprinting, amidst the enthusiastic cheers, the referee pressed the stopwatch, Song Shichen lived up to expectations and took No.1, and there was thunderous applause all around.

"It's amazing, I have been leading all the time, and I can still get No.1 in the end."

"It's amazing, what is it called? If you don't make a sound, it's a blockbuster!"

Song Shichen had just finished running, bent down, put his hands on his knees, his face was slightly pale, and he lowered his head to pant. The head teacher who was waiting at the finish line hurried over, "Would you like some glucose? Come, come, help him to rest on the sidelines." .”

"No need, I can do it." Song Shichen breathed steadily, and seeing his firm attitude, the head teacher gave up, told him to take a good rest, and turned to take care of the other athletes.

Chen Yizhou took a bottle of water, wiped his sweat with a towel, and couldn't help sighing, "I dare you to store up your strength and only explode at the last moment."

"To each other." Song Shichen replied, suddenly saw a figure in the crowd, his eyes paused, "Let's go first." After throwing down two words, he got up and walked in another direction.

In the fierce competition just now, the people who watched the whole process were discussing, the words of exclamation and praise spread to their ears, the hot sweat on the court, the unconcealable high spirits, and the simple sprint caused the audience to be noisy.

The young man who is running is the most touching, as if passing through those years and rushing towards the bright future, he radiates a unique and warm light.

He was so dazzling that people couldn't take their eyes off him, just standing there, he was the focus of the audience, and the cicadas rang in his ears, followed by his throbbing heartbeat.

Standing in the crowd, Shen Wanyi slowly looked back, and was about to leave quietly, when a familiar voice came from behind, with a slightly hoarse voice, looking at her with burning eyes, "Where are you going?"

Shen Wanyi paused, staring blankly at the person who was a head taller than him in front of him, Song Shichen frowned, spread his hands towards her, and coughed a few times, "Water."

"Student, I have it here." A girl next to her heard that Song Shichen wanted water, raised the water in her hand, handed it to him, and smiled shyly.

Song Shichen directly declined, the girl had no choice but to leave disappointed, Shen Wanyi watched the whole process from the sidelines, her head was obviously a little dazed, how could she refuse when there was water in front of her.

"Water." Song Shichen pursed his lips and fixed his eyes on a certain dazed person. Seeing that he was coughing uncomfortably, Shen Wanyi had no choice but to take out a bottle of water from the water prepared for the athletes and hand it to him.

The black broken hair on the forehead of the young man was slightly messy, and the eyebrows were clear and handsome. He unscrewed the bottle cap two or three times and brought it to his lips. Drew down the neck, there is a different kind of sexy.

"Why didn't you pick her up?"

 Once I stopped updating, I forgot what was written before, and I had to read it again. Because of the epidemic, I was on holiday on the 13th, and I have been home for two days.

  Good news: holiday, bad news: update on January 1.

(End of this chapter)

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