Chapter 304 Reward an Object

Time stood still for a few seconds. To Shen Wanyi, it was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky. His eyes burst into disbelief, his face gradually turned pale, his ears buzzed, and his mind went blank, "Why?"

She gasped, bit her lips tightly, and gave a bleak smile, but the tightly clenched wrist underneath was extremely dazzling.

"Don't you want to know?" Song Shichen pulled the girl behind him, the corners of his lips curled up nicely, and the smile in his eyes was very obvious.

The two people in front and back had their own thoughts, Shen Wan hesitated to speak, wanted to say something, but couldn't speak, "Hey..." She was so fascinated by her thoughts that she didn't notice when Song Shichen stopped and went straight to him. Hitting his back, he couldn't help crying out in pain.

Hearing the sound behind him, Song Shichen turned around, chuckled twice, "Aren't you looking at the road?" His eyes fell on Shen Wanyi's flushed nose, his expression was obviously at a loss, and he stared at him in a daze.

The flush from being hit was particularly conspicuous on his face, and the smile on Song Shichen's lips faded a lot, "It hurts?" Shen Wanyi shook her head, wondering why she stopped suddenly.

She turned her head to look at the surrounding environment, her expression changed subtly, wasn't it the place where Song Shichen was hiding just now, why did she come back here again?
Before he could open his mouth to ask, Song Shichen answered one step ahead, casually swept around, the breeze blew over the trees next to him, a few leaves fell to the ground, and he looked at her intentionally or unintentionally. "Remembering the first time someone released pigeons, I revisited my old place."

Shen Wanyi "..."

Frankly speaking, Song Shichen is definitely the most vengeful person she has ever met. He really can't forget it. He carved it on his forehead with his hands so as not to mention it from time to time.

Under the luxuriant beech trees, the scent of sweet-scented osmanthus in the distance lingers in the nostrils, and the surroundings are so peaceful. The sun shines through the leaves and reflects the fine light and shadow on the ground, like a well-proportioned paper-cut painting.

"I said there is a partner?"

The young man's voice was low and a little lazy. In the silent environment, it slowly fell into Shen Wanyi's ears. She felt a thump in her heart, and her calm eyes caused ripples.

Although Song Shichen didn't respond positively, he didn't deny it either. It was ambiguous, and there was no way of knowing the truth. The rumors spread in the class, one spread to ten, ten spread to hundreds, and people naturally believed it.

Song Shichen raised his eyebrows and looked at the silent person in front of him, reached out his hand in front of her and snapped his fingers, "Speak." Shen Wanyi shook her head, wondering if there was anything she shouldn't ask about.

"Meet my partner?"

Although full of doubts, Shen Wanyi still shook her head, unable to figure out what kind of medicine was sold in his gourd.

After denying the answer twice and shaking his head, Song Shichen was instantly laughed angrily, and knocked her forehead punitively.

"Since you didn't admit it, and you haven't seen it, are you so sure I have a partner? Shen Wanyi, if the pig sees you, you have to bow down."

Shen Wanyi covered the place where she was beaten, and quickly took a few steps back, her expression was unclear, so her eyes like a pool of spring water were clean and clear, but they were full of confusion, staring blankly at him.

"I want to know if I have a partner, why don't you ask me in person? I'm curious, how did you become dumb at the critical moment?"

The boy's eyes were dark, his tall peach eyes were very pretty, his thin lips were slightly raised, with a vague smile, he walked towards Shen Wanyi step by step.

The distance was getting closer and closer, the tall figure enveloped her whole body, extremely oppressive, and the eyes of the two met at the right time.

Because of the proximity, Shen Wanyi's scorching gaze made Shen Wanyi feel uncomfortable, she restrained her expression, and quickly looked away, "I don't want to know, and I'm not interested in knowing."

Song Shichen raised a meaningful smile and stared straight at her, "Then what do you care about? It's because my deskmate is interested in my affairs and wants to know more about it."

His eyes were passionate, like a branding iron, like a flame, hot and honest, deeply sucking the person in front of him into his eyes.

Shen Wanyi blurted out the answer as quickly as possible, without any sloppiness, and her voice was firm, "No..."

Song Shichen bent his lips, as if he had expected it, and was not surprised at all. If he really admitted it, he would doubt whether Shen Wanyi in front of him had been dropped.

"Just say it once, listen carefully. I don't have a partner, little deskmate. Are you satisfied with this answer? I didn't listen to serious things, but I listened to a lot of nonsense."

The dark and deep eyes reflected Shen Wanyi's changed expression, from the calmness at the beginning to the astonishment, to the disbelief when she finally learned the truth, her heart trembled, and it took a while before she responded, "Oh."

Whether Song Shichen has a partner, she is not interested in knowing, she didn't want to come at the beginning, she just didn't want to be misunderstood by his partner, now there is nothing to misunderstand.

After exhausting his efforts to explain, it took him a long time to get an unimportant sentence. Song Shichen frowned fiercely, obviously dissatisfied with this answer. She did have the ability to make him very angry, "I won the competition."

There is pride in the eyebrows, the tone is full of pride, like a child eager to be praised, the smile on the lips is flamboyant and wanton, people can't move their eyes, and if they don't pay attention, they will fall into it.

That smile fell into Shen Wanyi's eyes, she was in a daze, her brows couldn't help beating, her eyes were as clear as water, her expression was calm and calm, she smiled sincerely, "Congratulations."

Song Shichen spread his hand towards her, "Is there any reward for winning?" The slender and clean fingertips were shrouded in a faint light under the sun, and Shen Wanyi was dazed, not slowing down, "What reward?"

Directly asked her a difficult question, are you sure you are not embarrassing her?Taking a step back, the school sports meeting is over, and the school will give out awards uniformly, so it's not her turn to award.

"No?" Hearing this, Song Shichen narrowed his eyes dangerously.

Instead of telling lies, it is better to confess directly, Shen Wanyi honestly shook her head, and replied softly, "There is a gold medal as a reward."

He clicked his tongue twice, narrowed his eyes lazily, raised the corners of his lips, stared straight at the bewildered little girl in front of him, lowered his head to her ear, and his hot breath spread around his fair neck. It was hot and itchy.

"Perhaps, you can reward me with a partner, firstly, to substantiate the groundless rumors, avoid unnecessary troubles, and secondly, to experience the taste of love, okay?"

His voice has always been nice, with a slightly higher pitch at the end, with an indescribable charm hidden in his voice, which can't help but make people's ears tingle.

Shen Wanyi "..."

It is not enough to be a free labor force, and now you have to expand your business capabilities to become a matchmaker. Isn't this purely a big injustice.

She took on this troublesome task only if she was mentally ill. She pulled her lips far-fetchedly, "Maybe it won't work."

It stands to reason that the most indispensable thing around Song Shichen is peach blossoms, Gogou fingers, so many girls are scrambling to get ahead, how could there be no lack of a partner.

"It's very simple, as long as you think about it, there is nothing wrong with it."

 I have time but I can't write it. This chapter has been written for two days, and the next chapter is over.

  1:55, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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