Chapter 320 Parent-child Relationship

It was late at night, and the noisy city gradually became quiet. The moon hanging in the sky quietly hid in the clouds to rest, leaving only the twinkling stars in the sky.

There was a little light in the warm and comfortable bedroom, a faint night light was turned on on the table, and a stubborn voice came from the bedroom with the half-closed door, "I don't want to sleep, I want Dad, when will Dad come back..."

Little Song Zhiyi pushed the quilt off the bed, her face was full of anger, her pale pink mouth was pursed, and she was protesting dissatisfiedly, her eyes were teary, as if she was going to cry in the next second.

Seeing the people on the bed making a lot of noise, Shen Wanyi had a severe headache, she took a deep breath, "What's wrong with you, wait for your father to come back and tell him, I'll count to three, and if you don't go to sleep, I'll throw you at grandma's house for the night." Summer vacation, three..."

Facing her mommy's fierce expression, Song Zhiyi's little friend instantly faltered, quickly picked up the quilt, held back her tears, lay down obediently, blinked her big clear and bright eyes, "Good night, bad mommy."

The little guy silently covered himself with the quilt, only showing a small head, and closed his eyes. Not long after, there was a gentle breathing sound.

Shen Wanyi was angry and helpless, when the little guy fell asleep, she came out of the children's room at almost eleven o'clock, nestled on the bed and played with her mobile phone for a while, yawned a few times, couldn't hold back the drowsiness, and fell asleep in a daze.

After an unknown amount of time, a big warm palm rested on the waist of the person on the bed, took the cell phone that was still on in her hand and put it on the table, and carefully pulled that petite body into her arms.

Shen Wanyi's sleep was very light, her eyelids moved, Qing Lie's familiar breath lingered in her nose, her drowsiness dispelled a lot in an instant, "I'm back..."

"Well, did it wake you up? Go to sleep." Song Shichen lowered his head and kissed Shen Wanyi's cheek, kissing like a touch of water, without making any further moves. He closed his eyes slightly, and his lips still remained soft.

Shen Wanyi turned over and buried her head on Song Shichen's chest. Through a layer of clothes, she could hear his strong heartbeat, but she was so relieved.

"Do you know what's going on tonight?" Song Shichen took Shen Wanyi's hand, gently rubbed her fingertips with his fingertips, and interlocked with her fingers, thinking of a naughty little troublemaker in his mind.

Recalling the experience of bringing up the baby today, Shen Wanyi couldn't help complaining, "It's really torture. Your daughter cried and complained to her father. Her father is a good person, but I am a vicious stepmother. It's all because of you and spoiled her."

From Song Zhiyi's birth to the present, Song Shichen took care of everything big and small, so the little guy was even more clingy to his father, because Song Shichen had social engagements these days and came back very late, so Shen Wanyi had to let Shen Wanyi take care of him.

Song Shichen smiled, "My mistake, I will pay attention to it in the future, don't get angry and spoil your body, you can try to think from a different angle at night, just have the opportunity to participate in the growth of the child and promote parent-child relationship."

Just taking it for a day has already tortured her half to death. If she continues, I'm afraid she will age faster. She would rather go back to the hospital to work the night shift for a week than take care of the child for a day.

"Standing and talking doesn't hurt your back, so let's say goodbye, and you will be able to subdue this little witch. The relationship between the two of you is equal to Monkey King and Tathagata Buddha."

Shen Wanyi didn't retort angrily, but she remembered one thing. The group sent a notification to the kindergarten that there was a Children's Day event, asking parents and children to perform dances together.

She was distressed when she suddenly thought of something, her eyes flashed brightly, she blinked slyly, and bent her lips, "Darling, of course such a heavy responsibility should be entrusted to Song Lu, in the eyes of my daughter, father is omnipotent."

"It's a good idea, I haven't agreed yet." With a confident tone, Song Shichen was instantly laughed angrily, stretched out his hand and pulled Shen Wanyi's cheek, kneading it non-stop.

Shen Wanyi's cheeks were pinched and bulging, she slapped Song Shichen's hand away, fearing that her cheeks would continue to be pulled, she lowered her head and put the man's bony hand in her palm to play with, Song Shichen had no choice but to let her go.

His hands have always been beautiful, white and slender, with well-defined roots, as if exquisitely carved by an artist, so perfect that there is no trace of blemish.

Regardless of whether she agrees or disagrees, Shen Wanyi turned into a little fangirl, blowing rainbow farts crazily, and boasting was right, "There is no chance of rejection. I believe that with Song Lv's ingenuity, he only needs to learn a little bit."

Song Shichen raised his eyebrows, "What dance?" You know, it's rare to hear Shen Wanyi flattering praise, and now it's quite unexpected.

As soon as the words fell, he was obviously taken aback, and then he smiled with a deep meaning, "Don't be jealous then."

"Absolutely not!"


The dance performance was handed over to Song Shichen. It happened to be Shen Wanyi's turn to be on the night shift this month, and there was no rehearsal time for the two of them. When he asked Song Shichen how his practice was, he still refused to let go. No matter how hard he tried, there was no news at all. reveal.

One night, Shen Wanyi was about to make a surprise attack. She was really curious about what the two of them were keeping her from knowing. There was a burst of melodious music from the bedroom with the half-closed door, vaguely carrying their voices.

She stepped lightly to watch quietly, but before she got close, the door suddenly opened, Song Shichen came out from inside, looked at the obviously frightened person in front of her with interest, but pretended to be puzzled, "What's the matter?"

Being caught at the scene was so embarrassing that he wanted to dig a hole and bury himself. After all the calculations, Song Shichen would come out at this time. It was a mistake.

Shen Wanyi coughed twice, restrained her astonished expression, made up a random explanation, and said without changing her face, "It's okay, I just passed by."

"It's quite a coincidence. It doesn't feel like passing by. In fact, if you want to see it at night, you can just say it." Song Shichen ruthlessly exposed it, with a half-smile on his lips,
Being seen through at a glance, the expression on Shen Wanyi's face couldn't hold back for an instant, she pulled her lips, "I don't want to see it, goodbye." After leaving a word, she hurriedly left.

"Why did Mommy leave?" Song Zhiyi poked his head out from behind, his big clear and ignorant eyes looked at the direction where his mommy left, with a puzzled expression on his face.

Song Shichen picked up the little guy, pinched her flushed face, and said with a smile in his voice, "It's probably a duplicity."


Soon it was the day of the performance, and Song Shichen had just changed his clothes. The black suit was close-fitting, outlining the man's slender figure and thin waist, noble and cool.

His eyes were lowered, he raised his hand to button his cuffs, and when he heard Shen Wanyi's footsteps, his previously cold peach blossom eyes exuded a gentle atmosphere, and his dark pupils melted with a trace of warmth, which made people unable to resist Indulge in it.

Shen Wanyi handed the tie to Song Shichen, leaned against the closet and looked at the person in front of him, couldn't help teasing, "Song Lu is going to get married, right?"

"I think, it's a pity that Yingnian married early." Song Shichen shook the silver ring in his hand, his expression was full of regret, and he sighed intentionally or unintentionally.

 There is still half, make up as soon as possible

(End of this chapter)

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