He went around to the driving position and fastened his seat belt, but the car didn't start. Song Shichen gripped the phone tightly and pressed the call button. Not long after, the other side was quickly connected.

"Hello, sir?" Aunt Chen's voice came from the opposite side.

Her tone was unbelievable. She was obviously taken aback. This was the first time my husband called back from a business trip for so long. When she saw the note, she was in a circle, guessing that something was wrong, and she still made a mistake. up.

Song Shichen responded in a low voice, thinking about how to speak, "Well, how is your family doing recently?" Aunt Chen was puzzled, and answered slowly, "It's pretty good."

I couldn't help muttering in my heart, my husband seldom cares about family affairs, let alone a phone call, why did he suddenly ask so abnormally today, it's strange, could it be that the sun rises from the west today?
"Yes." Song Shichen replied, and the two fell into silence.

"Dingling..." A sudden ringing interrupted the moment of silence. Aunt Chen took out the mobile phone in her pocket, turned off the alarm clock, and glanced at the note on it [The small alarm clock reminds you that there are still 5 minutes before the soup cooking time.] minute】.

She suddenly thought of something, slapped her head suddenly, and realized in an instant that she had lived for nothing for decades, but she couldn't even see this.

Living to this age, I don't even have any eyesight. The husband didn't ask about the family situation, but asked how the wife was doing. It wasn't the sun rising from the west, it turned out that it was Xiao Biesheng who was newlyweds!
Aunt Chen's face quickly turned into a smile. Looking back on the past half a month, "My wife is also very good. She goes to and from get off work every day and eats breakfast on time."

Song Shichen didn't interrupt, but listened quietly to the news about Shen Wanyi, his frowning brows gradually softened, his recent fatigue was swept away, and a certain part of his heart was filled bit by bit.

"Some nights, I got up to drink water in the middle of the night, and saw that the light in the bedroom was on, and my wife didn't seem to be asleep..." Aunt Chen said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Song Shichen paused, remained silent for a long time, and said slowly, "Aunt Chen, I'm sorry to trouble you by making a cup of hot milk in the evening."

Aunt Chen quickly responded, "It's all right, no trouble." After chatting for a while, she hung up the phone.

She couldn't help sighing, unexpectedly, the cold and ruthless gentleman would also care about people's day, the world is impermanent, the iron tree will bloom, and everything will fall.


The afterglow of the evening hit the tiles on the hospital floor. Shen Wanyi had just finished checking the room. When she turned on her mobile phone, she saw the shift schedule sent by the group. It happened to be her turn to be on the night shift this week, starting tomorrow.

She packed her things and was ready to leave work. As soon as she stepped out of the hospital gate, it was already completely dark, and the street lights beside her had already been turned on.

Scattered people gathered in the square not far away. Looking around, a group of aunties dancing in the square were wearing brightly colored clothes, with sweet smiles on their faces. Accompanied by bursts of crisp laughter, the surrounding atmosphere gradually became lively stand up.

Shen Wanyi was walking on the lively street, shuttled among the bustling crowd, the halo from the top fell on her feet, and there was a bell-like laughter beside her ears, she couldn't help looking for her reputation.

The figure of a family of three came into view. The little girl was riding on her father's broad shoulders, holding a windmill in her hand. The wind blew by, and the small windmill whizzed by. The mother looked at the two of them and smiled, from the heart Happiness is coming.

50 word punch!

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