Not long after, Lu Yanhan came back with two bags of things. His expression was not good. He took a breath and said, "I'm convinced. You have to go all the way to buy something. It's not an ordinary remote place. Tsk tsk..."

He took out two hot items from the bag, unwrapped them and handed them to Shen Wanyi, "I bought oden and eat them while they're hot."

The fragrant smell of food wafted in the air. It was freshly baked from the pot and still piping hot. Shen Wanyi did not take it and looked at his doubtful eyes quietly.

Seeing that she was motionless, Lu Yanhan frowned and said, "What's wrong? You feel uncomfortable or you still don't like eating. Just say something and I'll buy whatever you want to eat."

Shen Wanyi shook his head, put the oden aside, spread it out and said, "Did you encounter any difficulties?" Although it was a question, his tone was affirmative.

She had just accidentally discovered the cigarette box that had been opened frequently. She already knew the answer. I guess Lu Yanhan would not say it. He liked to handle everything alone.

Yes, they were both the same kind of people. She knew it very early on. Although he was usually not serious, he actually kept many things in his heart.

It is often overlooked that he is also an ordinary person, who can also cry, laugh, and feel pain. Over the years, he has countless friends, but how many can be considered friends?

Lu Yanhan was amused by Shen Wanyi's serious look. He tugged at the corners of his lips and resisted the idea of ​​hitting her on the head, "What are you thinking about? Even if there is nothing, don't you still believe in my ability? Fool."

Shen Wanyi directly took out the cigarette case from her pocket, pulled out a cigarette from it, and held it in her hand unskilledly. When she met Lu Yanhan's stunned gaze, she smiled at him and said, "Do you want me to demonstrate it to you?"

After saying that, she wanted to light the cigarette in her hand. When the flame was almost close, Lu Yanhan snatched the lighter and grabbed her hand with an expression of disbelief, "Shen Wanyi, you are crazy!! "

This was the first time he spoke to Shen Wanyi in such a serious tone. When he saw the cigarette in her hand about to light it, he felt extremely panicked.

"Yes, I am crazy. We are competing to see who is crazier." Shen Wanyi didn't care. She was as calm as ever. She picked up the lighter that Lu Yanhan had knocked off the ground and put it back in his hand.

The decision was left to Lu Yanhan. Whether he wanted to confess or continue the competition, the answer was all in his hands. He could definitely compete with Lun Feng, but the opponent was Shen Wanyi. He couldn't afford to lose and didn't dare to bet.

Lu Yanhan frowned helplessly and sighed,

"After I returned to the company, I learned that the old man had been in poor health in recent years. Since taking over, many major shareholders have disagreed. As you know, I have never been in this business. It is difficult to learn. I don't have much time anymore. If we continue, we will not only fail to convince the public, but will also cause a large number of employees to resign.”

Shen Wanyi listened quietly. She didn't know it would be so serious. After all, she didn't understand business matters and couldn't give any advice. She only knew that Lu Yanhan's current path was very difficult.

"The old man's suggestion is a business marriage. Introducing large companies to take shares in a short time will firstly stabilize the company's situation and secondly resolve my marriage. This is the best way." As expected, according to Lu Yanhan's temperament, it is natural that he will not Ken, even ten cows can't get him back with his stubborn temper, let alone marrying someone he doesn't like.

Marriage is a major event in life, but marriage is for the benefit of two families. A marriage without love will not be happy.

How many loves have become victims of business marriages.

Not caring about anything else, Shen Wanyi was more concerned about Lu Yanhan's thoughts, "What do you think?" The current situation was a dilemma.

Lu Yanhan raised the corners of his lips like a wry smile, "What else can you think of? When we meet each other, Shen Wanyi, what's your expression? I look like I need sympathy?!"

He shouldn't have been so soft-hearted and told Shen Wanyi, look at her expression, it was nothing but sympathy, he didn't need her pity!

"It's not like that, it looks like it deserves a beating." Shen Wanyi shook his head and spoke seriously.


"Shen Tongtun's name is indeed true!"

Lu Yanhan glared at her angrily, his eyes clearly saying that I was very unhappy!

He stared at her, his expression vaguely tinged with sarcasm, "At the last moment, happiness is nothing. Living is the truth. Do you want me to enter into a business marriage?"

The woman was silent for a while, her eyes were a little deep, she met Lu Yanhan's gaze, and she spoke softly, "I hope you are an ordinary person." The sound reached her ears, but it plucked the heartstrings like that.

Yes, she only hopes that Lu Yanhan can be an ordinary person, free from the constraints of his family, living freely, doing what he wants to do, living a peaceful and happy life, and getting what he wants.

Lu Yanhan's throat tightened and he couldn't say a word. Sure enough, Shen Wanyi understood him best. He had spent countless nights thinking about how great it would be if he were an ordinary person.

It is his ideal to travel far away to pursue love and freedom. Unfortunately, he cannot help himself. In front of the family business, fuck his ideal! (End of chapter)

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