Sweet crazy!The cold lawyer Song married at an early age

Chapter 340 A simple classmate relationship

Chapter 340 A simple classmate relationship

Walking along the path, a man in a straw hat, probably in his forties or fifties, turned from the field to the path. He put down the farm tools in his hands, wiped off the contaminated mud, looked up at the hot weather, and wiped the Sweat.

But he saw the two people walking towards him. The man recognized Shen Wanyi with sharp eyes, and was obviously a little surprised. He smiled and said hello, "Is Ayi back?"

Shen Wanyi looked confused and finally remembered, "Uncle..."

"Hey, you have grown into a big girl before you know it. Are you planning to come back and stay for a while during the summer vacation?" The smile on the uncle's face became wider.

"Yeah." Shen Wanyi nodded, with a smile on his lips.

"It's okay to come back and stay for a while. Your grandma has been talking about when she will have a holiday all day long. Now she is really looking forward to it. My uncle is going home to cook. Come visit more often when he has time."

After exchanging a few casual words, the man carried the hoe and left in the opposite direction. His slightly hunched back gradually faded away and disappeared on the country road.

The two continued on their way, and after walking a few steps, Shen Wanyi hesitated to speak, then turned to the young man dragging his luggage behind him and said, "I'll take it."

Her eyes fell on the suitcase in his hand. After saying that, she reached out to take it, but the suitcase that was almost touched turned around and moved further away.

The young man raised his eyebrows carelessly, his dark eyes flickering, his burning eyes lingering on Shen Wanyi for a moment, the corners of his lips twitched slightly, and he sneered, "You think I can't lift it?"

Shen Wanyi shook his head, "It's a bit heavy, I'm sorry to let you take it." She didn't dare to say it. Another reason was that she was afraid of being seen and affected.

"Okay." Song Shichen dropped a word inexplicably, but still didn't let go of the handle of the suitcase. Shen Wanyi said, "..." What she said about feelings was all nonsense, and this man didn't listen at all.


After winding through several low tile-roofed houses, what comes into view is a large square courtyard. In front of the door are several bamboos blowing in the wind. The fence is covered with loofahs and bean pods. In the grass Dotted with countless starry wildflowers.

Under the shade of a tree, an orange cat slept with its round belly spread out on all fours, its small mouth slurping loudly, and its pink tongue sticking out from time to time to lick its paws.

Shen Wanyi pushed open the ajar wooden door and walked in. The awakened orange cat raised its head, narrowed its eyes, and meowed dissatisfiedly at her. It was so cute.

She bent down and squatted down, not feeling dirty at all, and stretched out her hands to rub the soft fur on the little guy. She was still a kitten when she left, but she had grown up before she knew it, and she no longer recognized her.

"Who is it?" Before I saw the person, I heard his voice first, and there was a sound of footsteps in the house. As the sound got closer and closer, a blurry figure gradually appeared in front of me.

"Grandma!" The two looked at each other, and Shen Wanyi trotted over and hugged the old man tightly, whose expression changed from shock to joy. It was still the familiar and warm embrace in his memory.

Her eyes inadvertently fell on the old man's gray hair. Her nose couldn't help but feel sore, and she couldn't bear to let go of her hand for a long time, just like she did when she was a child.

The old man patted her on the back, smiled widely, and said with tears of excitement in his eyes, "Hey, Wanwan is back. She has lost weight and hasn't eaten well. Are you tired from studying? You won't fight when you come back." Give grandma a call..."

Shen Wanyi chuckled twice and winked at her mischievously, "Tell me in advance, how can you call it a surprise? I miss grandma so much that I can't even dream of it..."

Grandma looked helpless and spoke in a doting tone, "How old are you? You're not serious at all. Is this your classmate?"

She was just too happy when she noticed a young man standing not far behind Shen Wanyi. He was holding a suitcase in his hand. The brim of his black hat covered his face, vaguely revealing his clean chin.

Shen Wanyi almost forgot that Song Shichen existed. She felt a little guilty and did not dare to look at the ignored person. She made up an excuse, "Yes, he came here... to travel and stay at our house for a few days." "

The old man didn't have the slightest suspicion, and greeted him cheerfully, "Hello, I'm Wanwan's classmate, come and sit down."

Shen Wanyi winked at Song Shichen, who raised a meaningful smile and said, "Okay." The two of them went to sit on a stone bench under the shade of a tree.

Grandma poured a cup of tea for Song Shichen. The air was filled with the fragrance of tea, which was refreshing. "It's a simple meal, I can't greet you, and there's nothing interesting in this place. Why would you want to travel?"

Song Shichen lowered his head and took a sip. The fragrance of the tea lingered for a long time. He followed Shen Wan's inventive explanation and said, "Meal and tea is also a delicious food. It can be done anywhere. If you have time, go out and see what's going on outside." world."

The old man who was sitting in the rocking chair and fanning himself nodded in agreement, "It's good. If you come here once in a while, just play for a few more days. It doesn't matter how long you stay, as long as you don't dislike it." "Okay, excuse me." The young man agreed readily and meaningfully. He glanced at Shen Wanyi and smiled with success.

Shen Wanyi was simply dumbfounded. Things were completely out of her expectation. She really let Song Shichen go around and persuade her grandma. She really had two skills. She usually underestimated him.

"What do you call him?" Grandma remembered that she still didn't know the other person's name, so Song Shichen said, "Just call me Xiao Song."

"Okay, okay, are Xiao Song and Wanwan classmates? Wanwan rarely brings people back home to live, and you are the first one." The old man looked at the two of them with a gossipy look, and seemed to be interested.

My granddaughter has always been introverted and quiet, and she can easily count her close friends. This is the first time she has brought a classmate back, and she is still a male classmate. It is difficult not to doubt that something is wrong.

Shen Wan's eyebrows skipped a beat, and she had a bad premonition. She was afraid that she might say something shocking, so she quickly explained, "We are classmates. Don't think too much. It's definitely a simple classmate relationship."

Grandma was amused by Shen Wanyi's reaction and shook the cattail leaf fan in her hand. "I haven't said anything yet. You kid is so anxious to explain. Grandma is not an unreasonable person. It's normal for young people to fall in love."

"No! Studying is the most important thing now. Don't think about other things. Why didn't you see your parents?" Shen Wan coughed twice, feeling guilty inexplicably, and silently changed the subject.

Grandma put down the cattail leaf fan, stood up and said, "I went to visit my friends in the next city. It will probably take a few weeks before I come back. It's almost noon in the blink of an eye. You two can chat slowly, and I'll go cook first."

"Let me help you!" Shen Wanyi was about to help the old man go in together, but she firmly refused, "No, you stay with Xiao Song." She turned and entered the kitchen.

The two of them were alone, and the atmosphere was inexplicably awkward. Shen Wanyi quietly raised her eyes to look at the person who had been silent for a long time. Unexpectedly, she was caught on the spot, and she subconsciously withdrew her gaze.

The young man suddenly raised his head to look at her, tapped the table with his fingertips again and again, and made a clear voice, "You want to see it in a fair and aboveboard manner, why don't you explain that we are just classmates?"

"What else can I say? I can't tell grandma that we are in love..." Shen Wanyi frowned and lowered his head to explain.

Although grandma is open-minded, now is an important stage of learning, which is related to the future, so it is better to wait until later to make it public.

Song Shichen spoke very slowly, with various complex emotions intertwined in his eyes, and looked at her quietly, "In your eyes, I am just shameless."

He stood there with an aggrieved tone, as if he was accusing Shen Wanyi of being irresponsible, not giving him a status, and maintaining the image of a scumbag.

"No, why do you think so..." Shen Wanyi took the initiative to hold his hand. Their palms were close to each other, and they were tightly intertwined through the gaps between their fingers. The other party still didn't react at all.

She is really a arrogant ghost. Shen Wanyi only dared to complain silently in her heart. She still managed to endure it and coaxed in a low voice, "Don't be angry. I promise, I will make it public next time I come back." He almost didn't raise his finger to swear.

The other party glanced at her and said that he could not read back. Then he shook Shen Wanyi's hand with an expressionless expression, "This is just this time, I won't do it next time. Keep your word."

Shen Wanyi smiled at him, "Of course. Come on, I'll take you around." She took his hand and walked outside.


Six dishes and one soup were placed on the table. The rich garlic-flavored pork ribs, the refreshing and tender crispy pork, these delicacies made people salivate.

"You're welcome, Xiao Song. You can eat whatever you want and treat it as your own home." Grandma brought the freshly soaked water and Song Shichen nodded, "Okay."

Shen Wanyi tasted a piece of pork ribs and was full of praise, "Grandma's cooking is still delicious as always, very good!"

"There are no rules." The old man glanced at the girl next to him who was showing off her rice, and scolded her in a doting tone.

She turned her head and smiled warmly at Song Shichen, "Don't mind, Xiao Song. This girl has been wild since she was a child, so come here to try this dish. It's a specialty of our hometown..." She pushed a dish in front of him, with some expectation in her eyes.

Song Shichen did not refuse and tasted it. "It's very good." Grandma said happily, "Eat more if you like it."

After a meal, it was rare to be satisfied. After putting away the dishes, the three of them enjoyed the shade under the shade of a tree, chatting together.

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