When the first ray of sunshine in the morning passes through the cracks of the tiled house, the loud crow of the rooster signals the wake-up call.

Shen Wanyi lazily climbed out of bed, yawned, got up, brushed her teeth, and turned to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Grandma, who had just woken up, took a basket into the tile-roofed house to pick up eggs. The large, white eggs had a hint of warmth on them, obviously they had just been laid not long ago.

"I laid a lot of eggs. I'll make some fried eggs later." Grandma walked to the kitchen carrying the eggs in the basket.

"Okay!" The girl in the kitchen skillfully cut the onions with a knife, and a crisp sound fell on the chopping board. The hot water in the pot was boiling, and bubbles appeared one after another.

She put a handful of noodles in, stirred them with chopsticks, added chopped green onions, tomatoes and green vegetables, as well as a few fried eggs she had just beaten, and poured the seasoning into the bowl.

The simple breakfast was finished, and the hot bowls of noodles on the table exuded an enticing aroma.

Shen Wanyi took out the chopsticks from the kitchen and glanced at the door outside, feeling slightly worried.

Normally, Song Shichen should have appeared in the kitchen earlier than her. He was always active in working, but now, it was really strange that he hadn't seen anyone yet.

Grandma also noticed that someone was missing from the dining table, and couldn't help asking, "Hey, where is Xiao Song?"

"Maybe he hasn't gotten up yet..." Shen Wanyi answered, eating the noodles in the bowl absentmindedly. Staying in bed was not like his habit.

"It's rare for young people to get up early. It's better to sleep more." Grandma understood immediately and put another bowl of noodles in the pot to keep it warm.

After breakfast, Shen Wanyi cleaned up the dishes. The running water was icy cold, washing away the traces in the bowl, and then put the washed dishes away.

She wiped the water stains off her hands and looked up at the clock on the wall. Unknowingly, it was already past nine o'clock and Song Shichen still hadn't appeared.

It was really strange today. There was no one around early in the morning. Shen Wanyi couldn't help but mutter. She had just finished feeding the cat and was about to go back to the study to do her summer homework. Passing by the guest room where Song Shichen lived, she stopped walking forward and knocked on the closed wooden door with her fingers.

"KouKou..." Still didn't get any response, there was no sound in the room.

Shen Wanyi took a deep breath and called softly, "Song Shichen?" After calling several times, there was still no sound.

The more she thought about it, the more something was wrong. There must be some accident. She thought of various events in which she fainted and fell to the ground unresponsive.

She had no time to think and twisted the door handle. A crack suddenly appeared in the closed wooden door. As the crack gradually opened, the light from outside penetrated into the dim room.

Shen Wanyi finally adapted to the dim environment, looking for him in the room with worried eyes, "Are you there?"

She rarely came to this room, and she hadn't found the light switch yet. She wandered around the room, bumping against stools and tables, making harsh noises.

Finally, I found the switch. With a "pop..." sound, the lights on the ceiling turned on instantly, and bright lights illuminated the surrounding area.

The full view of the room came into view, with a neatly made quilt, a few simple luggage, and a few books placed in front of the wooden desk.

Open the curtains, and the sunlight outside the window shines on the floor. The curtains flutter in the wind, revealing a faint light and shadow, and there is a dense bamboo forest outside the window.

She searched the whole room and couldn't find it, so Shen Wanyi picked up her cell phone and called him.

(End of this chapter)

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